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I have just put together my first squad of noise marines.


*EDIT* images posted.

I am now working on the next lot of squads. Will revisit this one and employ the tips given in this thread. Reading "Fulgrim" also now and will eventually write a bit of fluff in support of the army I am putting together. This is fun!

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Heh thanks.


The blasters are composed of bolters for the main body, reversed and cut cut down berzerker plasma pistols, vehicle sprue gargoyle heads, backpack vents in place of the ammo feeds and .046 guitar strings.


The green stuff is inserted into the mouths of of the gargoyles and vents marked with a blade.


The blastmaster in the image above has dark eldar parts on the body of a flamer unit.

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If you host the pictures here for all to see you'll get more feedback on your excellent marines. Great work all round though I'd line the deep pink bits with blue for more pop! Looking forward to more of your work.

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Needs more guitar strings... Kidding! Please don't.


That's a well done pink you've got going on there, but I'm not so sure I dig the leopard print greaves. It doesn't clash enough with the other colors (which you want as a noise marine, no?), in my inexpert opinion. A brighter, more pastel shade of orange might do the trick.

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