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Warzone Pandorax up for preorder


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A warzone expansion for apocalypse detailing Abaddon's invasion of the Pandorax system, with chaos marines and daemons squaring off against imperial guard, dark angels, and grey knights. I'll be picking it up, I'm a sucker for anything abaddon related, aw well as for apocalypse stuff in general, even if I never get to play games that big and my painted army barely tops 500 points at the moment. I'm particularly interested in seeing the new Plaguereaper rules, since I bought my old conversion back from the friend I sold it to.


Did anyone here pick up the collectors edition of the apocalypse box, which included an early release of this book, who could give more insight into what exactly is in there, in terms of fluff, formations, etc?

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Now, now. Let's not play the 'build up hopes as high as we can so that we can react as dramatically as possible when they're dashed' game, this time. tongue.png

I mean, it's an apocalypse warzone. Nothing in it is viable for regular 40k, anyway.

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Now, now. Let's not play the 'build up hopes as high as we can so that we can react as dramatically as possible when they're dashed' game, this time. tongue.png

I mean, it's an apocalypse warzone. Nothing in it is viable for regular 40k, anyway.

Gotcha. But playing a fluffy CSM list is always an apocalyptic experience.

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The formations are supposed to be these ones:



The Chosen of Abaddon: 3-5 Lords or Sorcerers, 1 Chosen or Terminators unit for each Chaos Lord or Sorceror
Each Lord or Sorceror gets a boon, and Abaddon radiates fearless around him.

Deamon Engine Pack: 3-5 Forgefiends/Maulerfiends
Preferred Enemy, Can use a Warpsmith's WS and BS

Great Brass Scorpion of Khorne (superheavy walker)
Demolisher Cannon, Hellmaw Cannon, and Scorpion Cannon

The Hounds of Huron: 1 Lord, 5+ Biker Squads
Can charge after turbo boosting

Khorne Tower of Skulls (superheavy vehicle)
Balemaw Cannon, Doomfire Cannon, Skullreaper Cannon, Skullshreddar

Maelstrom of Gore: Lord or Kharne, 8 Khorne Berserker units
Gives fleet and move through cover and adds to charge moves

Plaguereaper of Nurgle (superheavy vehicle)
Pus Cannon, Demolisher Cannon, Heavy bolter, Lascannon

Trinity of Blood: 3 Khorne Lord of Skulls
Rage, Wounds in the World

Daemonic Forgehost: 3-5 Soul Grinders
Guided Deepstrike, Can charge after deepstriking.

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Stuff on Abaddon and the Black Legion always gets me interested. And I'm even more interested in understanding how a force that matches the might of the Legions gets turned off by a few astartes and a bunch of humans.

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I don't think pandorax was a black crusade? Correct me if I'm wong, but I didn't think the whole legion was there, just the big man taking a handful of his personal troops out on a quick errand.


Could be wrong, though, I know very little about pandorax.

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Don't know much myself. It would be a good answer to my question, even though I have the feeling the scale of the Black Legion is often not really understood by everyone at GW. Just go back to the Eye of Terror order of battle, it's pretty funny to realize that the Black Legion alone is more numerous than the combination of all the loyalist chapters that came to the cadian gate.

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Many things should be in the codex , Rid , many things. Fluff wise I enjoy all the catachan stuff . am a nid/chaos player at heart , but catachans are just awesome . Their fluff is like watching the 9th company all over again. demonic dudes cutting 4 meters of adamantium ? pfff here let me wear genestealer poo for 6 months or choke power armored dude while naked with my bare hands .

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Also the Tower and Scorpion has all the new Deamon Engines rules, Deamonforge, IWND, Deamon.


They also got a point drops and the Tower is BS 4 if i remember correctly, and its still has its Reknit Form rule, for each 10 unsaved wounds made by the Tower , it gain 1 HP back.


Hounds of Huron formation, is now 1 Bike Lord and 5 Bike squads, they have acute sens and Flak march, and the Lightning strike rule is now, Lord and all bikes in a 12" can assault even after turboboosting, no more dangerous terrain test and once per game, you can do this multiple times.</p>


The Rune of the Blood God rule has changed to inflict a Peril of the Warp to any Psyker that targets the vehicule with Psy powers, even if the Psy Test failed, the psyker also take in is face a Terrors of the Warp result on a double 1.


Mealstrom of Gore; Khârn and/or a Khorne LOrd + 8 Units of 8 Zerkers, units in a 18" radius of the Lord/Khârn, gets Fleet, move throught covers and +3" to assault ranges.


Plaguereaper is more a Nurgle Baneblade, it lost its special selfblow rule of the Pus tanks.

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