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Conn Eremon

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I thought the title of Battle-Captain was given by the Emperor but Garro wasn't the original. That's just what the 7th Great company captain was called. The 'character' was one I had planned and just stuck Garro in there. Doesn't need to be him if the fall is too great.
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I'm going to reread Flight of the Eisenstein, I realised I haven't reread since the first time years ago.  At the moment I'm planning one of two things for Garro.


1) He joins the Vorlaren Haap (or the 'Lost') and becomes bitter and twisted at his failure (or thinking about it maybe he leads them against the Infernal Guard when they fall, a la Narek?)


2) He becomes part of the slow downfall of the Legion, advancing and becoming a leading light. But falls with the rest of them and by the time it becomes clear his side is against the Emperor it's too late and he's lost the rest of them. Khârn-ish?

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Hmmm...is Ace using the Brotherhood of the Phoenix for his Emperor's Children?


Any and all things phoenix-y are free for the using.happy.png

Phoenixes would incinerate themselves and then rise from the ashes of their own unmaking, which seems like the idea you're going for with Garro and his men.

I'd have suggested it myself but Wade's beaten me to it.laugh.png

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I'm going to reread Flight of the Eisenstein, I realised I haven't reread since the first time years ago. At the moment I'm planning one of two things for Garro.


1) He joins the Vorlaren Haap (or the 'Lost') and becomes bitter and twisted at his failure (or thinking about it maybe he leads them against the Infernal Guard when they fall, a la Narek?)


2) He becomes part of the slow downfall of the Legion, advancing and becoming a leading light. But falls with the rest of them and by the time it becomes clear his side is against the Emperor it's too late and he's lost the rest of them. Khârn-ish?

Canon Mortarion had a soft soft spot in his, as yet uncarved, heart for Garro. Hence Garro's place in the fleet, not on Isstvanian soil. Maybe Melek does too. So when Garro fails the test, Melek makes an exemption. Puts him in command of this ostracized group. But keeps making Garro go through it again and again. Maybe some of the Legion resent this favor, maybe Garro resents the new order.


I would like to avoid another Khârn. We have the opportunity to make a "special character" that is different than their canon counterpoint. A new kind of Khornate. We have a Betrayer, who cares not from where the blood flows. In the GH, we had the Flesh Tearer, a savage, feral warrior who cares only that the blood flows unceasingly. Let's try something else. What tends to follow the saying? Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne.


Let the galaxy burn.


I agree that the name phoenix might have too positive a connotation. But I think they meant the idea around the theme than the name itself.

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I'm going to reread Flight of the Eisenstein, I realised I haven't reread since the first time years ago. At the moment I'm planning one of two things for Garro.


1) He joins the Vorlaren Haap (or the 'Lost') and becomes bitter and twisted at his failure (or thinking about it maybe he leads them against the Infernal Guard when they fall, a la Narek?)


2) He becomes part of the slow downfall of the Legion, advancing and becoming a leading light. But falls with the rest of them and by the time it becomes clear his side is against the Emperor it's too late and he's lost the rest of them. Khârn-ish?

Canon Mortarion had a soft soft spot in his, as yet uncarved, heart for Garro. Hence Garro's place in the fleet, not on Isstvanian soil. Maybe Melek does too. So when Garro fails the test, Melek makes an exemption. Puts him in command of this ostracized group. But keeps making Garro go through it again and again. Maybe some of the Legion resent this favor, maybe Garro resents the new order.


I would like to avoid another Khârn. We have the opportunity to make a "special character" that is different than their canon counterpoint. A new kind of Khornate. We have a Betrayer, who cares not from where the blood flows. In the GH, we had the Flesh Tearer, a savage, feral warrior who cares only that the blood flows unceasingly. Let's try something else. What tends to follow the saying? Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne.


Let the galaxy burn.


I agree that the name phoenix might have too positive a connotation. But I think they meant the idea around the theme than the name itself.



Perhaps Chimera, Basilisk or Wyvern then? A creature that, despite everything, survives no matter what...?
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Going back to the older Peklenc, he was said to speak to and command Basilisks.


So Garro, impressed Melek but failed to make the step to the 8th and so was sent to the Lost. But he was put in command because of Melek's favour. Perhaps he co-ordinates them and turns them from effectively cannon fodder into a strike team. They're sent in first to eliminate the command structure. He tries the Rite a few times and becomes known as the Basilisk due to his appearance following the searing burns across his head, no hair and scaly, scarred skin.

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Also, I've had some thoughts for chaplains. These guys run the Promethean rites (and I have little idea what this would actually be). Since the general armour would be nearly black, I would have them in dark red armour (dried blood colour) with a brass skull helmet. So these guys symbolise blood, fire and fury.
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Also, I've had some thoughts for chaplains. These guys run the Promethean rites (and I have little idea what this would actually be). Since the general armour would be nearly black, I would have them in dark red armour (dried blood colour) with a brass skull helmet. So these guys symbolise blood, fire and fury.

Heh, self-fulfilling prophecy much?

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Not if they have a specialized scheme like most apothecaries, librarians and techmarines. You got enough bits lying around to make a generic tactical? Even if it's 40k rather than 30k bits, you can say it is the Successor that shares the name and colors as the Legion.
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After figuring out how the Imperial Hounds would hit the tabletop, I've been contemplating my other guys.


The Sons of Barabbas post fall would be a power armored horde that outnumbers most Astartes force, draw heavily on godly powers, and have a variety of characters that can buff their allies.


You might want to brace for this....


Grumpy Old Men Nurgle Worshipping Sisters of Battle.


It isn't....quite as insane as it sounds. After Prospero, the XIII perfect a process of cheaply manufacturing Astartes. This new breed is inferior to those gene forged the old way one to one, but they can be made in bulk and thrown into the grinder much faster, and quanity has a quality all its own. Not to mention that all of them can draw on the power of the Warp to strengthen themselves.


However, they too are afflicted with the accelerated aging that seems inextricably linked to the Barabbas gene seed after their torturous voyage to the Onyx Prince's world.


A note on Legion beliefs:

Barabbas and his sons remain as resolutely atheist as any Imperial iterator, even after their corruption.


According to Roboute, during their journey he and his men were afflicted by various spectrums of Warp energy, with disastrous effects.


However, by working with the Legions Librarius and Apocetharies, he discovered that exposure to one type of Warp energy would lessen the degree one was effected by the other types.


Additional research revealed that while three of the main wavelengths drove subjects to irrational emotional extremes, the fourth seemed stable, almost organized in its progression.


And so he inoculated his forces with this seemingly benign variant of Warp energy, lest they be consumed by the others.


Even after his daemonic ascension, Barabbas holds an unorthodox view of the Chaos, claiming the powers superstitous fools name Nurgle, Tzeencht, Khorne, and Slaanesh are in truth no more sentient deities than forces like gravity, light, and heat are.

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Another thing about the Thirteenth is their view that the forces they employ are benign and ultimately natural.


For instance, you or I might look at a Nurgle touched word and screech "So death! Much decay! Such horror!"


Not so, says the philosophical Son of Barabbas. Look closer. Look at all the new life sprouting

where you see only ruination. The worms feeding on the bodies of the slain, the mold ccovering those dead trees, the bacteria swarming in the stagnant rivers.


Yes, none of this life is very wholesome or pretty, but it endures. It survives and thrives, just as humanity must learn to do in a hostile, uncaring galaxy.


This particular facet of their beliefs is epitomized by the Chaos Champion Ezekyle, sometimes known as "The Gardener".


Ezekyle rarely enters the Eye of Terror, spending his creating pocket empires in the name of his Legion, organizing industrial and logistical support for his Primarch's grand assaults on the Imperium.


It is an open secret that he seethes with hatred and resentment of Roboute, the result of seeing the kingdoms he nurtured thrown away in seemingly pointless wars.


The Daemon Primarch is aware of this, but remains too pragmatic to sacrifice a valuable subordinate for such petty purposes.


Let Ezekyle hate. As long as he musters his forces when Barabbas calls, it is of no concern.


Ezekyle of the Sons of Barabbas


Alt verse Abaddon the Despoiler


Looks like: Saruman the White as portrayed by Christopher Lee in power armor


On the tabletop counts as:

Saint Celestine

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Interesting use of the SoB rules (I have no idea what they are but they way you describe it sounds cool).


I've been thinking about the Infernal Guard and squad markings/writing.  I was thinking of trying some cuneiform writing, representing the wedge brands used on Nocturne. So squads would be all branded the same, with markings replicated on the armour.  Going to try it on a couple of tactical guys I think.

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Interesting use of the SoB rules (I have no idea what they are but they way you describe it sounds cool).


I've been thinking about the Infernal Guard and squad markings/writing.  I was thinking of trying some cuneiform writing, representing the wedge brands used on Nocturne. So squads would be all branded the same, with markings replicated on the armour.  Going to try it on a couple of tactical guys I think.

Maybe go for something that looks similar to the standard inscription of Asurnasirpal? that could look very nice just done on a shoulder pad, but that may be more of an angel thing due to Colchis.

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Interesting use of the SoB rules (I have no idea what they are but they way you describe it sounds cool).


I've been thinking about the Infernal Guard and squad markings/writing.  I was thinking of trying some cuneiform writing, representing the wedge brands used on Nocturne. So squads would be all branded the same, with markings replicated on the armour.  Going to try it on a couple of tactical guys I think.

Maybe go for something that looks similar to the standard inscription of Asurnasirpal? that could look very nice just done on a shoulder pad, but that may be more of an angel thing due to Colchis.

Also, are people okay with me using structural elements from the Descent of Ishtar in "The Stand of Anubis Ensarhaddon"?

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Crack on Ridcully (does it mean Anubis gets nekid?)


Regarding the cuneiform, it's a bit boring looking at it. It seems to be too simple or too complicated. Ideally I'd use something simple but clear like the Scandinavian ones. We'll see. I am going back to the squad markings (tactical arrows, etc) made in red lines.

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