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Alternate Heresy Community Project

Conn Eremon

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I actually tend to think of the markings on the Angels as more Kartvelian, like modern day Georgian script (the country, not the state), rather than the cuneiform markings common to canon Word Bearers.


Ever since I found out Colchis was a real thing, I thought it appropriate.


Otherwise, I had been leaning towards ancient hebraic script. But, it's rather Tolkienesque in appearance, and picturing it in my head makes me feel like I am making Lord of the Marines. Not that having Gandalf, Saruman and Sauron like characters would t be awesome.

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If you mean armour torn asunder and burnt alive by warpflame after the warmaster has ripped a fist crackling in power of the immaterieum up from his knee to his throaht, then yes he will be nekid :P
I'm thinking more of how Anubis strips the blessings from Corax's brothers to be from him :P

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Continuing my quest to get all my Legions on the tabletop (in theory):


As an aside, we might not want to go overboard with this (Cormac: "Okay, it's time to pick Legion rules for the Order of Swords and their Primarch...WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVERYBODY ALREADY GRABBED EVERYTHING BUT ANGRON AND THE WORLD EATERS?") but I do feel that contemplating how the Death Guard rules would be used to represent the Hounds helped me add some meat on that Legion's bones.


So now we turn from the reluctant hero to the necessary tyrant, the Primarch protecting you from yourself....Roboute Barabbas and his Sons. Post fall, they're twisted doppelgangers of the Adeptus Sororitas, but prior to that?


Who hit the tabletop with the rules of Konrad Curze and the Night Lords.


What's that? How can the backstabbing liars of the VIII and their mad father be the model for the Logistics Legion? I'll explain later. :p

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(Cormac: "Okay, it's time to pick Legion rules for the Order of Swords and their Primarch...WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVERYBODY ALREADY GRABBED EVERYTHING BUT ANGRON AND THE WORLD EATERS?")

Challenge accepted.

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Sorry, folks. I just realized I posted those for the World Eaters with no changes. I think that is against the rules (Being a non-player, I tend to ignore that kind of thing), so I am removing the post.


When I have time later, I will edit it back in with such details missing. Or message a mod with how much I can get away with.

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Ha ha, awesome! My turn now. (I don't have access to Massacre, so this is going to be a rough approximation/paraphrasing).


Roboute's Rules: A Master Plan for Warfare, created by a genius to be executed by idiots


Never waste ammunition when you can finish the job with a blade.

All Sons of Barabbas gain a bonus to wound when they assault a unit they outnumber.


No one ever won a battle by dying for his ideals. Instead, strive to make the enemy die for theirs.

All Sons of Barabbas models may fall back instead of being pinned, and all models may fall back an additional 1'.


What you can't see will kill you.

All Sons of Barabbas models have Night Vision.


Whenever possible, iniate combat only on your own terms, on your own ground.


All Sons of Barabbas models have a +6 cover save on Turn 1.


The highest form of command is when troops obey the will of their leader as readily as the duelist's body obeys him.


If the Warlord is slain, all Sons of Barabbas must take a leadership test at penalty.


Roboute Barabbas, Primarch of the Sons of Barabbas





For he had another weapon, one that would lay the fortress low far sooner than simple starvation. Despair.


All models with the (Sons of Barabbas) rule gain Fear. All models who already posess the Fear rule have it enhanced.


And wherever the shadow fell, men's hearts grey faint, and they shuddered, and some cast their weapons away and crawled on their bellies like worms.


Whenever Barabbas destroys a unit, all enemies within a certain radius must take a leadership test.




The Tyrant's Mantle

Blah blah, Primarch armor, hammer of Wrath, stuff.


The Blades of Barabbas

It is said that when Barabbas was presented with an ornate powersword by the Priesthood of Mars, he handed it back and instead requested they forge him this pair of simple machetes, identical in nearly all ways to those wielded by his Legionaries.


The Cullers

One of the more esoteric practices of the XIII Legion is that each Astartes carries a number of sharpened metal rods into battle with him, to be thrown javenlike at targets that are neither far enough away or heavily armored to justify the expenditure of bolt rounds, which cannot be retrieved for reuse by servitors and Legion serfs when the battle has ended.


Astartes strength, especially boosted by power armor, can cause a surprising amount of havoc with these makeshift throwing spears.


But none of the Legion can match the accuracy or power of their autocratic gene sire.

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Part way through FotE, Garro said he was a line marine when Mortarion was found. I think Melek was found earlier than Mortarion so I quite like the idea he failed the elite initiation (like his Equerry failed the Death Guard initiation). He then turns the 'Lost' into an coherent fighting force rather than just a Forlorn Hope. First in 'suicide' squads, like the Dirty Dozen. Recon and seekers, in early, hit the HQ and do s much damage before the main force arrive.

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I researched it myself and it does appear that another officer received the 'Battle-Captain' title, that Garro inherited.


Do you intend to keep that? Will, for instance, the officer in charge of the 7th Circle be called the Battle-Captain, or is Adra'Melek going to undo that honor upon his discovery? Technically, as the only difference in our universe is where Primarchs end up, the Emperor still bequeaths it to a Dusk Raider officer, and I assume it is of the 7th Company considering it is shifted over to the 7th Great Company, itself a Death Guard creation not existing before Mortarion's discovery.


If Garro turns a force that has been tossed aside as so much refuse into a capable, effective, resourceful and ingenious fighting force that provides a tangible advantage to the greater Legion in practice, then I can certainly see Melek warming up to the burned Garro in spite of his failures.


Heh. And now I'm imagining Balrog-esque Adra'Melek Daemon Primarch chuckling, the sound like campfire wood cracking in the heat, and saying "I'm just getting warmed up." before going Super Saiyan with fire hair.


Don't really do it. Just a funny image.


Drat, I'm out of time to repost the Orders of the Sword stuff. I'll get back to it tonight.

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More on the Sons of Barabbas:


Legion Special Character Nicodemus



Twin Chain Falchions

A throwback to the industrial cutters that were the original inspiration for the standard issue chainblade, these brutish weapons lack even the modium of grace the swords and axes based off them posses.


What they do have is an almost unparalleled cutting ability, and a rugged design that according to anecdotes can be repaired by swift kicks or a large hammer.


"In my experience, it is more efficient to be capable of making a killing strike with either hand."



Icons of Barbarus

Derived from the lore of the now extinct necromancers of Barbarus, these runes and artifacts cast sickening palls of terror and despair on those who gaze on them.


"Distasteful things, I agree. Some would say making use of them is dishonorable, and I do not fault them for that judgment. But personally, I believe honor is a thin blanket against the chill of the grave."


Special Rules:

Master of Ambush

Sorcerous Iniate*

One Stroke, One Kill**

Lord of the Grenadiers**


*Repressed Psyker

**Talent for Murder

***Lord of the Atramentar


If you haven't guessed, he counts as Sevatar.

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Very nice. I completely forgot about fixing the Orders' of the Sword rules and re-posting it.


I got caught up with looking at adding my own DIYs to the Project, as Successors and Warbands. Having their progenitor's canon home world remain the same, so the Imperial Dragons, an Imperial Fists' successor, are now the Black Dragons, a White Scar warband. Because Inwit, Dorn's canon home world, is here Lasartine Bron's home world.

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Has anyone heard from noctus cormix?


I wanted to pick his brain about the traits our two Nuceria derived Legions might have, from Betrayer and After De'Shea,

we've got:


Bionics, gladiatorial contests, shield walls, high ranks preferred to go to war on skimmer discs and considered it shameful to have their feet touch the dirt, a mention of something called "chaer-dogs" that seem to be warbeasts, and some hints of World War One trench warfare in Betrayer, although that might be stepping on the XX Legion's toes.


Also, his input on just how the kickoff of the Coup goes down would be helpful since a lot of that is Corax.

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Random thought for anyone willing to answer: Should the Laer Campaign still be carried out by the Emperor's Children, or instead the Iron Hoplites?


Basically, should it be the Legion with the same Primarch as canon, or the Legion from the same Homeworld as canon?

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I think both possibilities have their merits. Both could be perfect examples to highlight the differences between canon and fanon. How much different would Fulgrim have been if Medusa had changed him? Well, look at how he handles Laer.  What difference would it have made if it hadn't been Fulgrim at Laer? Well, look at how the Chemosian Perturabo handles the campaign.


I think for both circumstances, I would support a weakened campaign on the Imperial side. Though outstanding Legions in their own right, not in any way actually inferior to the canon IIIrd, I think it would be awesome to see either of these possibilities actually take longer to take Laer. A lot of what defined that campaign in canon was to highlight Fulgrim's supposed superiority and to showboat how close he and his Legion are to the ideal of perfection. And despite certain authors' less than awesome portrayals of the lustful Primarch (Really, Wraight? A gay joke? Hohoho, look at what Fulgrim does with his warriors *facepalm*), he actually is pretty close to that ideal. He out-Guilliman's Guilliman, for instance.


But as for which one we go with, I'm with Thunor in that I'm cool with either. But it might be worth shelving for now until we have an author to take over the Hypaspistai. That right there would be something to bring up initially so that he or she could more easily get involved with the Project.

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Did the Minotaurs already take Laer? If so, sorry, I forgot. If you point it out to me, I'll add it to the timeline of events. It does sound familiar, but that might just be my mind playing tricks on me.


Or did you mean that the Minotaurs (or technically anyone) could take the Laer campaign? You are correct, it doesn't need to be related to the III Legion or the Chemosian Legion.

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The latter.


That is to say, after seeing Thunor and Ace discussing it, I was hit with the idea of Ferrus using these adaptive xenos beasts as training exercises that bleed for each successive generation of Minotaur iniates, testing the usefulness of each new batch of augmentations and implants and compating them to those that came before.


As I said, I want the Minotaurs xenos hate to be somewhat off kilter compared to the "clean genocidal fury" of the other guys, and them dragging out a war, leaving the laer juuuust enough they can rebuild and blood the next batch of recruits seems appropriate.

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I've got a vague idea for a Campaign in which Leman jokingly boasts a Real Primarch with a Real Legion could topple the [iNSERT XENO RACE HERE] in a month to Fulgrim.

Fulgrim, always looking to prove himself, goes on to do exactly that at heavy cost to his Legion and possibly getting beat up badly himself in the process.

Afterwards, Leman is taken aback that Fulgrim was A] dumb/crazy enough to go after the [XENO RACE] without backup and B] actually managed the conquest in a month, even though Roboute and/or Angron had planned to wear them out and crush them slowly over a year or so to minimize the risk.

The Laer would be the obvious things to do that with, but I can easily make up another enemy since they're also a good opportunity for the Minotaurs to showcase their excessive hatred. thumbsup.gif

Having Fulgrim fight something other than the Laer also solves any Daemon Weapon issues that might otherwise occur.laugh.png

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As I see it, the way Ferrus and his Legion are about xenos...okay. There's a guy, you hate him, you take a shotgun and blow his head off, that's all kinds of messed up.


There's a guy, you hate him, you abduct him, chain him up in your basement and spend three weeks lopping bits and pieces off with a meat cleaver. Ohhhh boy.


The latter is the Minotaurs approach to aliens. It's not enough that they die...they must suffer, be degraded and humiliated, and then we evaluate the battle reports, modify our next recruits accordingly, and head off to do it all again.



Murder works too, I was actually

thinking of how Lucius wanted to chain the megarachnids up in the sparring cages when I thought of the Minotaurs approach to xenos.

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