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scratchbuilt tanks?


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A former member of my game club used to build 40K tanks from styrofoam, cardboard and/or paper. At first glance you couldn't tell they weren't the official models — the owner of a game store who insists only official GW models are used in 40K games in the store allegedly commended him on fielding a tank-heavy Imperial Guard army entirely of official models, to which he replied, "Pick one up" smile.png

As for the actual construction: you could either start with plans you might be able to find online and print them out to assemble them, or measure up line drawings in books like the Imperial Armour volumes and make your own drawings of the parts you need. Then cut them from thin card with a sharp hobby knife and a steel ruler, and assemble them with any glue that works on paper. It's going to be quite fiddly, though, and I doubt your first model(s) will come out the way you have in mind, but practice makes perfect.

If you are looking for a cheap way to represent a Rhino without the aggravation of scratch-building, might I suggest:




The size is very, very close to that of a Rhino and with a few 40K bitz added to them, fit right in. 

A former member of my game club used to build 40K tanks from styrofoam, cardboard and/or paper. At first glance you couldn't tell they weren't the official models — the owner of a game store who insists only official GW models are used in 40K games in the store allegedly commended him on fielding a tank-heavy Imperial Guard army entirely of official models, to which he replied, "Pick one up" smile.png

As for the actual construction: you could either start with plans you might be able to find online and print them out to assemble them, or measure up line drawings in books like the Imperial Armour volumes and make your own drawings of the parts you need. Then cut them from thin card with a sharp hobby knife and a steel ruler, and assemble them with any glue that works on paper. It's going to be quite fiddly, though, and I doubt your first model(s) will come out the way you have in mind, but practice makes perfect.

That sounds like it takes a lot of skill and time to pull off. I mean making a suitable model is one thing, but something that almost looks the exact same, to the point someone who works with GW models for a living can't tell them apart, now that is something.

Oh, you could fairly easily tell they weren't the real thing if you took a closer look at them, but you'd nbe hard-pressed to at first glance. He's definitely a fairly skilled modeller, but I think what he'd done was download and print out paper model templates, assembled them around a styrofoam core for strength, and then painted them like the rest of his army.

There used to be a blog that was called something like "scratch build 40k" or "40k for cheap", something like that. On his blog, he talked about and provided plans for just what you are talking about. At the time I was looking at the Caestus.


I think if you google it, you could find what you are a looking for.


I will say this upfront, they didn't look difficult, but they also weren't "fold this paper three times and you have a rhino".


Found one:



Used to be?  I update at least twice a month!


Ok, that's not really impressive, but school has kept me busy and those tutorials are really time consuming!  I did make some Land Raiders since then (though not as tutorials).


Anyways, hope you like the tutorial and I'm hoping soon I can do some for the Space Marine fliers.  Those will probably take a long time for me to finish, though!


Used to be?  I update at least twice a month!


Used to be, as in "I haven't been to that site in ages and it might not still be there, but..." :)


It was not intended to take away from your continuing efforts, only admit that I wasn't current with your continuing efforts.




This website contains papercraft plans to a lot of warhammer vehicles. i've used to to build a couple of scratchbuilds so far. when downloading, make sure to select the "mediafire" files.


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