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New B&C forum member here. 20 years ago I picked up a 2nd ed copy of 40k and been collecting ever since. Over the years have collectd 2nd ed orks, 3rd ed salamanders, 3rd / 4th tallarn imperial guard (gave 5th a miss) and recently got back to marines after the release of 6th ed sm codex and the return of traits. I'D always been a fan of the fluff of the Raven Guard and have devised a 1750 list as the theme I like seem to have finally become workable with this codex.

While looking for conversion ideas I discovered the epic shadow force dagomir thread and the no less epic B&C community . As if my return to 6ed 40k wasnt dnough I recently read Prince of Crows and confess to having serious mancrush on Sevatar. Im now looking at a post - Thramas 30k NL battlegroup as the next project :-)


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Ah, I see you found SCC's fabulous Raven Guard, then. They are indeed awesome - they are the yardstick (or mine at least) in painting black armour. And the characterisation of each model. Wonderful. The only person I've seen do better is 1000heathens (I seriously recommend looking up his various threads, from Marines Malevolent to the Astral Claws).


Welcome to B&C, brother, feel free to ask any questions you may have. :)

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Thanks for the welcome :-)

Preparing a post on the army so far - whilst I havent pushed the characterization so far as STC I must admit I got inspired enough to 'characterise' all sergeants and 'corporals' in the force - be it Brother Sergeant Tragan, freshly returned from its duties in the Deathwatch, now leading the devastator squad to new heights of accuracy and destruction against the hated xenos, or Veteran Sergeant Instructor 'Flare' Volun and his trademark dual plasma pistols, there's quite a few stories that just came up whilst kitbashing the force together and I ended up quite far off the original list sometime just through following inspiration. Gamewise they may not be the most cost effective of characters but the personality they bring to their units in turn makes them unique and much more enjoyable to field :-)

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