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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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3K Orth List


Orth = 80

Damocles = 100

Vigilator, Power Sword/Axe (as preferred), Grav Gauntlet = 140pts


Breacher Squad, 15, Meltabombs, 3 Graviton Guns, Power Fist, Vox, Vexilla = 445

Assault Marines, 10, Meltabombs, 3 Power Axes = 330

Assault Marines, 10, Meltabombs, 3 Power Axes = 330

Assault Marines, 10, Meltabombs, 3 Power Axes = 330


Caestus, Missile Launcher = 315

Caestus, Missile Launcher = 315

Caestus, Missile Launcher = 315


Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher = 300


Could swap the Praetor launcher to 5 nr Graviton Speeders (325). Alternatively, find 70pts and put in a Typhon with Armoured Ceramite.


Doesn't fall foul of the Rigid Tactics rule, because Orth is infantry, as is the Vigilator, and Breacher. 3:3. GF crap rules writing!


Vigilator and Breachers Scout, placing the Vox just right so that the Damocles and Praetor can shoot accurately, while the Breachers place 3 Grav Blasts a turn, and the Vigilator can place 3 Grav Haywire autohits during overwatch (GF Dreadnought's). 


Damocles brings in the 3 Caestus turn 2, which hover, support the T5* Assault Marines. The assault marines go for the juicies. Caestus then start shooting or ramming as per necessary.


Praetor is a Super Heavy Scorpius for those not in the know. It's a bit rough, in that there's no AP2 on it, but you've 3 Caestus bombing around. Go for First turn if you can. 

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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So I played my first game with what I had, and I got accused of being "cheesy" and "that guy" by my Night lord opponent (even though he won) and I kinda wanted to share my list with you guys to see if it was that bad


Head of the gorgan

Orth in a Lascannon sicaran

Preator in terminator armor with a chainfist along with 4 chosen (all with power fists) in a land raider proteus


Contemptor with khrese assault cannon


Tactical squad in a rhino, serg had arti-armor and heavy chainsword

Tactical squad in a rhino, serg had arti-armor and heavy chainsword


x2 Javelin speeders


Predator executioner with power of the machine spirit

Vindicator with power of the machine spirit




So I literally everything in a tank with only two scouring units in my whole army. My opponent only set up 2 units before infiltrating the rest, so with my first turn my Executioner managed to kill one squad with my preator mopping the rest up, while my javelins rained death on another terror squad. His terminators and outflankers came in and wrecked two tanks (executioner and land raider) before my next turn, and then my chosen wiped out his vet tact squad while my units focused fired on his terminators. Last two turns I lost my sicaran, my contemptor and one unit of tactical marines before the game ended with sevetar on his objective and no units on mine (had to clear off the objec-secured termies) so he won by two points


Anyways, thats my first one on one game with Iron hands and I like how the tanks work with Power of the Machine spirit. They can move 12 and still fire giving me a huge advantage with maneuverability. My sicaran and preator squads also surprised me, though I may replace the contemptor with a tactical support squad or something to give me one more scoring unit.

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Night Lords Terror Assault lists (which he seems to have run) struggle against tank heavy forces. Generally the 3 terror squads run up the points and then everyone takes sevetar cuz he's cool and then take termis to use his special rule...adds up to not a lot of anti tank points.


Some things don't really add up or need more of an explanation though. How did your praetor manage to mop up on turn 1 out of the proteus, did he just deploy 18" away from it?


What outflanked that could kill your vehicles? for that matter how your proteus die too? Armoured ceramite should make them immune to everything terminators can take except chain fists.


I don't understand the objective part, did he get warlord and line breaker? Terminators also don't have objective secured; Implacable advance makes them score like troops do, but they can still be denied. Objective secured only exists in 40k

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Night Lords Terror Assault lists (which he seems to have run) struggle against tank heavy forces. Generally the 3 terror squads run up the points and then everyone takes sevetar cuz he's cool and then take termis to use his special rule...adds up to not a lot of anti tank points.


Some things don't really add up or need more of an explanation though. How did your praetor manage to mop up on turn 1 out of the proteus, did he just deploy 18" away from it?


What outflanked that could kill your vehicles? for that matter how your proteus die too? Armoured ceramite should make them immune to everything terminators can take except chain fists.


I don't understand the objective part, did he get warlord and line breaker? Terminators also don't have objective secured; Implacable advance makes them score like troops do, but they can still be denied. Objective secured only exists in 40k

sorry, rushed off to see star wars before writing this. So in order: 


Yes pretty much exactly what he brought: terror squads and terminators


Yea, he deployed 18 inches away pretty much everywhere so all I did was just move forward and pointed my preator at the last three Terror squad members before going back into my land raider the next turn.


The outflanking unit was  a legion veteran squad with three meltas... I didn't take ceramite armor on my land raider so it blew up easily. I fixed that error for my next game! 


Lets see for objectives it was emperor's crusade so one in each deployment zone. He ran his terminators onto mine after they deep struck and wrecked my crap, and I wasn't able to get close enough when the game ended, while sevetar and his friend in his back field was on his, so it was 1 to 3 victory points to him. 


But, other than that all he had left was 4 models on the table while I still had a bunch of my things.


Anyways I'm thinking of replacing my contemptor (who only got shot to hell in my last game) to a support squad of either 8 marines with cavilers to sit in a ruin, or a squad of 6 in a rhino to keep up my theme of heavy armor.

Edited by Tiger9gamer
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Not a cheesy list man - it's actually quite thematic! :) Would have made your opponent panic upon seeing it, I imagine. Unlucky losing the objective game.


Don't make any drastic changes to the list until you've played 2-3 games with it. Making adjustments is all good, but make sure you're sure before you drop anything.

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What was your vindicator doing?

I play terror, that list would've made me pee my proverbials! But in a way that would've made me say "right, I've gotta think about this" as opposed to what he said.

Vindicator hid in some ruins for the first two turns before the terminators came down to play, then came out to start blowing them up (well, as best as I could with a 4++ invuln.) and was one of the reasons why he said it was cheesy!



@ Cailum And I don't plan on it, but alas he is one of the only 30k players in my area and he is usually busy >.< hopefully I can get more games in with other legions! I'm not planning on making to many changes, but I do think I may finagle the points to bring Armored Ceramite on the Land Raider. Also, may think about a deep striking flamestorming dread in a pod rather than the contemptor... I don't know about that though.

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your list about as fluffy as it can get. It's not your problem if he can't handle armour.



Yea I was thinking the same thing, I think he was just being a little whiny about it personally. But he is the only other 30k player in my area for now. And he also thinks dreadnoughts are all the iron hands do?

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Direct him to this site, and he might be able to pick up some tips.



I think I might do that! 


also I just had an evil idea... Master of signal with 3 quad motors and legion baskilisks in the back field to open fire.  Does orth count as the only other consul in a Gorgon list?

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Orth isn't a Consul, so with Head of the Gorgon you can take him, a Praetor and a Consul of your choice (as you get 3 HQ slots in the Age of Darkness Detachment). :)
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Orth isn't a Consul, so with Head of the Gorgon you can take him, a Praetor and a Consul of your choice (as you get 3 HQ slots in the Age of Darkness Detachment). :smile.:

oh awesome! That is badass! I think if I may do that once I get two more thunderfire cannons. It would be powerful as hell and destructive! Buuuut I don't know if I will use the frag shells all at once because holy carp that would be 12 of them and way to much book keeping.

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Merry Christmas Guys,


I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere before, but I couldn't find it.


I've been looking at my Iron Hands and thinking "I might get some Gorgons".


But I just can't find a reason to take them over regular Terminators. They cost more, all have axes (except the Hammer Bearer, obviously) and get the blind rule thing.


Am I missing something, or is that it? not that special. Not extra tough or killey. Just sparkly?


I want to like them, but can't justify the extra points because the models look cool.


Any advice on a special way to use them?





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From 1d4chan:


"Costing only 5 pts more than a normal Legion Terminator squad, while being as tactically flexible and gaining better wargear options, Blind, FNP 5+ and a Hammer, along with the -1S from shooting attacks all Iron Hands get, this squad is pure cheese"


And really that is all true.


Relentless Grav Guns, FNP and such is all awesome.

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I3 and lack of power swords can make them less flexible, but t4.5 FNP means that one of the common terminator counters of meltapreds or meltaguns are at a loss. Ultimately, if you are paying the extra points for FNP, then you want to use it. If you are facing Medusa, or Knights Errant, then their S9 AP2 or better weaponry makes a mincemeat of them, especially with the lower Invulnerable.


With CC also being more more prevalent these days than it was initially back in book 2, most people are toting power fists to one shot IC's so you can bottom dollar that they will be coming that way.


They are a good unit however.

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