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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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I would like some advice on a list I'm building for my next year project. It's not supposed to be super gamey but I don't want to lose by default.


+++ Head of the gorgon (1998pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Praetor [Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Volkite Serpenta]
····Iron Father [servo-arm]
····Legion Command Squad [Land Raider Phobos, 2x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Legion Standard Bearer, Power Fist, 2x Power Weapon, 2x Volkite Charger]
····Master of the Legion [The Head of the Gorgon]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Squad [Land Raider Phobos, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Power Fist]
+ Elites +
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Twin-linked Lascannons]
Legion Terminator Squad [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Pair of Lightning Claws, 2x Power Fist, 3x Volkite Charger]
····Land Raider Phobos [Frag Assault Launchers]
····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Power Fist, Volkite Charger]
+ Heavy Support +
Legion Vindicator [Laser Destroyer Array]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [X: Iron Hands]
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
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Unless your second Tac squad has a transport, I'd drop the fist from the sarge. Put a Vexilla on if possible!


Also, instead of normal terms go Gorgon, they're better and about the same points with access to Grav Guns!


You could also drop the phobos on the Tacs, make the Terminator transport a spartan then have a chunk of points for making the contemptor a Deredeo (better than a mortis imo) or another heavy support choice.


That said though I like the triple AV14 wall - it's very cool :)

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The Land Raider seems like a rather expensive way to get 4 models into an assault. Is melta still well used locally? If so, might want to consider the Armoured Ceramite. As a rule of thumb, I tend to take Ceramite on all AV14 all around vehicles and Super Heavies, as despite the expense, it can be a massive pain to think that you're saving points only to have a Veteran Squad running a pair of melta's one shot it first turn thanks to not taking Ceramite. On anything less well armoured, I often don't spend points on it. Not only does that mean I can effectively attempt to influence direct my opponents battle plans (melta will go for non shielded, lighter armoured stuff), but it means that I'm saving points on something that even despite not getting the additional penetration, is still a S8 AP1 weapon with 33% chance to penetrate per shot. Super Heavies are about the other exception, to this rule - they too get it.


I'm not too sold on the bare naked Tactical Squads. Not only do you lose your bonus to Toughness against shooting when in an assault, but if tooled for an assault, you're still only providing 20-30 WS4 S4 attacks - assuming none are lost. A couple of Power fists adds somewhat to the damage, but that's a lot of points to get a very mediocre unit into an assault.


I'm not sold on the use of the HotG - Blessed Autosimulacra for free is nice, but, you're an assault list, giving up Stubborn, +1 Toughness vs Shooting, all for the ability to potentially Outflank with your unit. Admittedly, there are no penalties to the list being taken (you don't use Fast Attack anyway, and don't have a Consul), so it's essentially a free outflank and possibly 1 or 2/battle regenning a single HP across all of your vehicles. That said, you have no reserves manipulation (rerolls or +1's), leaving you susceptible to -1's from the likes of Skorr or Coils of the Hydra, and outflank merely reduces your ability to assault by not only a single turn (turn 2 assaults possible from turn 1), but if a refused flank, leaving you on the other side of the board due to not having Acute Senses - meaning that it could be as long as turn 4 before you get anywhere near. 


That said, 3 Land Raiders is a meaty little force, 6 Lascannons, a Vindi TD, and a Kheres with some Power Weapons and Fists in support is alright.

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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Downgrade the tactical landraider to a rhino, buy a secomd rhino for the other tactical, and add in either a contemptor or sicaran. Tactivals in rhinos make great objective grabbers especially coming out of reserves.


Worse case, downgrade it to a proteus to afford a rhino for the other squad.


Combi weapons are much more useful than chargera on terminators, since they usually only fire once before getting stuck in.


Swap the power fists for chainfists on the termies. Power fists are the epitome of useless unless take en masse, they fail pretty hard against Contemptors and knight.


Definitely take Gorgons over legion terminators.

Edited by Wolf_Pack
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Thanks for the advice. I have a couple of rhino's somewhere. A sicaran was already on order (with a deredeo). I also have a fire raptor undercoated as we speak. The idea was for the tactical with landraider to outflank and then camp on an objective. 

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Thanks for the advice. I have a couple of rhino's somewhere. A sicaran was already on order (with a deredeo). I also have a fire raptor undercoated as we speak. The idea was for the tactical with landraider to outflank and then camp on an objective. 


While this is a valid tactic, the issue that arises from running land raider heavy lists is firepower. 260+ points for 2 lascannons and a multi-melta just doesn't pack enough of a punch. It's also very expensive when the unit it's driving around doesn't have the ability to clean up units coming up to it. So if you have too many land raiders and not enough fire power, you might end up in a situation where you just can't deal with infantry very well - and then the enemy gets close enough to melta bomb you off the objective.

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See no reason why he couldn't be. And I wouldn't bother with him in a Scorpius. Anti-vehicle is a secondary and pretty mediocre capability of it, and the extra BS doesn't make as big a difference with a barrage.

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Orth brings most to tanks who greatly benefit from the BS increase, and maximize the tank hunter benefit.


Those are usually low volume of shots tanks with non twin linked weapons. Venators, Cerberus, and due to it's rending capabilities, the glorious sicaran battle tank.

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Putting him in the Scorpius was to give it bs5 as bs5 barrage would be quite evil.


I'm also quite tempted by orth in a Achilles alpha

While it is an increase in accuracy, it's minimal. 1/3rd of the time the BS is wasted (direct hit) and you have to roll sufficiantly high but not too high either for the -5 to matter. Tank hunter on S8 AP3 is a waste in a high AV environment

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There really needs to be some kind of graviton tank, even if it's just for us.


A fun xenos/ anything-less-than-a-terminator mincer is a unit of 2-3 flamestorm predators outflanking with HotG. Doesn't apply to Orth, but it's still worth a consider. Even makes Necrons weep.

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If it's filthy xenos you okay against, heed the sanctity of the Volkites. They will purge the heathens with the righteous conflagrating fury of the omnissiah[/quote


Yep the holy choom is with us



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