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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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So i'm reaching an impasse on what to do with the ten remaining marines I got from ebay from Betrayal. I already made a 20 man tactical squad (and dont need any more tacticals at all between 30k and 40k) and already made a choom squad for support. some ideas I have had is either to split them half and half, making 5 into another tactical support squad with all Flamers and making the other 5 into a heavy support squad with converted autocannons or missile launchers. Either way it's more support choices for my tank list.


The other idea is to turn them into veterans I guess but I kinda do not want to do that yet, as I don't know if I will ever use them then.

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So i'm reaching an impasse on what to do with the ten remaining marines I got from ebay from Betrayal. I already made a 20 man tactical squad (and dont need any more tacticals at all between 30k and 40k) and already made a choom squad for support. some ideas I have had is either to split them half and half, making 5 into another tactical support squad with all Flamers and making the other 5 into a heavy support squad with converted autocannons or missile launchers. Either way it's more support choices for my tank list.


The other idea is to turn them into veterans I guess but I kinda do not want to do that yet, as I don't know if I will ever use them then.


Sniper vets are pretty ace, as you can be more aggressive due to the -1S from enemy shooting!

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So i'm reaching an impasse on what to do with the ten remaining marines I got from ebay from Betrayal. I already made a 20 man tactical squad (and dont need any more tacticals at all between 30k and 40k) and already made a choom squad for support. some ideas I have had is either to split them half and half, making 5 into another tactical support squad with all Flamers and making the other 5 into a heavy support squad with converted autocannons or missile launchers. Either way it's more support choices for my tank list.


The other idea is to turn them into veterans I guess but I kinda do not want to do that yet, as I don't know if I will ever use them then.


Sniper vets are pretty ace, as you can be more aggressive due to the -1S from enemy shooting!


True, but I have my 40k marines for that (double heresy I know) so I don't want to make more of those unfortunately. but I may consider it... Also I have my regular tacticals to do that with.

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I'm try to get some form of reliable at in the fast slot. I looking at 3 grav speeders coz they seem cheap. Rules wise the lightning seem good but not a huge fan of the model(alternates model ideas welcome) same with the jetbikes

Dark angel nephilim makes a good one with some armour plates and such.


Jetbikes there are a lot of alternates on the Internet, that probably work out cheaper than the FW ones.


A dreadcalw for seekers (I forget if they can take them naturally) is a good shout, load up on Melta (as it seems you want anti tank) and use your inbuilt resilience to survive and then unload special ammo into things.


Or even go for a grav support squad?

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Grav support seem to be a area denial more than a tank hunter. Seekers in a claw seems like a good option and I like the model

The problem is, it's really not. If you put the unit out front, it won't last long enough to do any denying. If you put it in the line, you have you sacrifice something to stop whatever you want to shoot at from getting to them.


Even in a scenario were your opponent doesn't long range weapons and wants to rush you here's how it goes: You can start a transport outside the 18 inches, move 6, unload 6, and spray to death the unit with whatever flavour of rapid fire weapon you have. If the unit were cheap, I would say they could function ok in that regard. But it really isn't

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Welp, we lost one of our tricks in the faq- goodbye relentless grav sqauds inside drop pods.

Tricks are 3rd on the weakness chart, behind flesh and using cover.
You just described my night lords!


The iron tenth seem to be in a pretty good place IMO with the new FAQ. Have any of you tried out running a praevian yet? Being essentially T 8 seems pretty sweet to me.

Edited by ThatOneMarshal
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I have, and it's cartoonishly funny. Wraithlords are annoying to shoot to death for a lot of people, now imagine running multiple ones, with better guns. That's what you're getting.

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