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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Troop dreadnoughts, c'moooooon.

Someone should have slips bust out his dread head List lol.


My best guess is something that represents the fractured nature of the hands and there loss of tech. Maybe a modified pride of the legion, with everyone having furious charge because their angry?

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Someone say Dreadhead?'


While it would make a lot of Sense for IH and Sallies to get this RoW, I really hope Dreadhead, if its in is a generic. That way we get ALL the Dreadheads and can start a new club to Rival Team Breacher and the MDRC.

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I got a little Ferrus curious so had a reread of the rules for the Iron Xth...


Hot Damn! Head of the Gorgon and Ferrus Manus seems so Damn powerful. Tanks and dudes no longer die pretty much.


Are there any stand out units that really mesh well with the IH? Is Ferrus as good as he looks?

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Ferris is a beast quite shooty and tough In cc. Contemptors and any tank av13 +

work really well with Ferrus and the row


Castrman makes tanks better any wide cheaply with the tank he's in getting tank hunter. IMO he's under coated for what he does put him in sicaran for one of the best tanks unit in the game


Autek mor is a tough as nails cc predator who can give preferred enemy infantry the squad he's in and one other

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Ok I'm literally in Warhammer World this weekend and looking to blow some money on an Iron Hands army.


Iv already purchased from a friend 30 marines, 10 Gorgans, Sicarian, Deredeo and a Scorpius?


What should I buy?


I'm thinking Ferrus, Spartan, Leviathan and a Vindicator?


What you guys think?


Although I really do want some Mechanicum in it

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Vehicels: Av13 or Higher or they are just pitiful excuses for actual Machine of War.


Troops: Those with the least amount of Flesh for it is weak





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I got a little Ferrus curious so had a reread of the rules for the Iron Xth...


Hot Damn! Head of the Gorgon and Ferrus Manus seems so Damn powerful. Tanks and dudes no longer die pretty much.


Are there any stand out units that really mesh well with the IH? Is Ferrus as good as he looks?

In my humble opinion, Iron Hands have the best mariage of rules and fluff of all legions.


When I field a Head of the Gorgon list with lots of high armour boxes, I can feeeel that it is the triumph of the machine and logic over the weakness of flesh! Other silly legions want to parade their troops on fancy formations. We crush them underfoot coming out of our Landraiders.

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I got a little Ferrus curious so had a reread of the rules for the Iron Xth...


Hot Damn! Head of the Gorgon and Ferrus Manus seems so Damn powerful. Tanks and dudes no longer die pretty much.


Are there any stand out units that really mesh well with the IH? Is Ferrus as good as he looks?

In my humble opinion, Iron Hands have the best mariage of rules and fluff of all legions.


When I field a Head of the Gorgon list with lots of high armour boxes, I can feeeel that it is the triumph of the machine and logic over the weakness of flesh! Other silly legions want to parade their troops on fancy formations. We crush them underfoot coming out of our Landraiders.



I wholeheartedly agree! The rules to fluff translation is so spot on and also a bonus of being effective in game. The only slight turn off is another mainly black army of space marines (with red thrown in, exactly like my 40k BA) so I'm not fully sold yet (AL and IW are strong contenders).


I'm very intrigued by the Meduson character and shattered legion rules, hopefully some full baller army of IH/Sa/RG will be possible soon.


Only minor downside is that Ferrus is obviously dead, so not usable in some games :(

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ok, I have Indulged myself with this...

+++ Ferrum (2500pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2490pts) ++

+ HQ (80pts) +

Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (80pts)

+ Troops (810pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (405pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Land Raider Proteus [Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

Legion Tactical Squad (405pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Land Raider Proteus [Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

+ Elites (295pts) +

Legio Cybernetica Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple (295pts)
····Castellax [Darkfire Cannon]
····Castellax [Darkfire Cannon]
····Castellax [Multi-melta OR Mauler Bolter]

+ Heavy Support (695pts) +

Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (300pts)
[blessed Autosimulacra]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (405pts)
····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [X: Iron Hands]

+ Lord of War (610pts) +

Ferrus Manus (610pts)
····Legion Command Squad [2x Combat Shield, 2x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Melta Bombs, 2x Power Weapon]
····Master of the Legion [The Head of the Gorgon]

Orth goes in the achillies carrying ferrus and his command squad. Drive at something nasty. Leviathan becomes unkillable with IWND and simulacra, as do the LRs. Troops can start on board or outflank as needed to capture objectives.

Castellax walk up the board and act as the second wave, may keep mauler bolters on then though...

Leviathan's main job is to land and take out enemy heavy weapons.

Its a silly list, but I think it could work well, also fluffy.

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Could be a lot of laughs!!

But could also die hard to some lucky explodes.

How to get troops around in Iron Hands is a bit of a conundrum.


I mean, I could just use blobs if not and open up the points to something else, like maybe a Sicaran or Deredeo for air support.... But I think without 3 LR it starts to fall apart.


A proper bodyguard might be nice for Ferrus but I want to use the Alpha for the sheet number busting power it provides with Orth's BS 5 and with Ferrus being V.Bulky I only have 3 paces in it - so the Command squad it is!




Also just realised with the RoW all the vehicles get Autosimulacra for free. So I just saved 40 points. Two darkfire lances in the Castellax!


.........But I also see the Mechanicum red book updates Castellax to 105pts - so, are they 85 or 105 when used in a Legion Astartes list?

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