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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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All these fancy support groups for Breachers and Volkites, and yet the true King of Battlefield needs no self help left wing liberal airy fairy kumbayah nonsense.


Grav is King!

To be fair all those groups are really just about supporting the Medusan Immortals who are super breachers with Volkites.....who can also take Grav!


I'm sad I haven't seen (and can't yet afford) a twin Grav Leviathan done up for the Irom Hands.

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As an iron hand, I have love for anything tough as nails, ridiculously techy even if it's unstable.


So I own everthing that bares AV 13 or more, a laser of any kind or grav. Don't care how good it is, you got to slay heretics with style.


I am currently eyeing the Falchion ;)

Edited by Wolf_Pack
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Grav and siege claw answers all problems. Except Daemon Lords, but that's like trying to stop a tidal wave with a cup.

But that is what Mister (quite literally) Iron Hand, Ferrus Manus himself is for correct? :biggrin.:

I wouldn't know, mine is always busy kneecapping Knights left and right.

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When I was in WW last weekend I picked up a Spartan, some Gorgons, and Ferrus himself.


And then I went back an hour later and got a Grav and Claw Leviathan ;)


Got a laser destroyer on order too.


Will post up my list soon

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Ok so this is a first list aiming at 3k.



Legion Centurion

-Praevian Consul

-Artificer Armour

-Melta Bombs


Master of Cybernetica

- 2x Dark Fire Cannon Castellax


Castrmen Orth



Tactical Squad


-x9 Astartes

-Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs


Tactical Squad


-x9 Astartes

-Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs


Tactical Support Squad


-x5 Graviton Guns

-Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs



Legion Contemptor Dreadnought

-x2 Close Combat Weapons

-x2 Graviton Guns

-Blessed Autosimulacra


Gorgon Terminator Squad

-x4 Gorgon Terminators + Hammerbearer


-Graviton Gun

-Cyber Familiar


-Legion Spartan Assault Tank

-Flare Shield

-Blessed Autosimulacra


Legion Rapier Weapon Battery

-x3 Laser Destroyer Array


Heavy Support

-Legion Vindicator

-Pintle Mounted Twin Linked Bolter

-Laser Destroyer Array

-Blessed Autosimulacra

-Auxilary Drive


Legion Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

-GavFlux Bombard

-Siege Claw

-Blessed Autosimulacra


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

-Blessed Autosimulacra


Lords Of War

-Ferrus Manus


So this is my first list really with the Iron Hands using what I have and what I can get hold of.


I would like the Leviathan in a Drop Pod but oh well. And my only thoughts are lack of Anti Infantry


Any C+C?

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I'd pick up a Bolter on the Praevian and if you can find the points elsewhere, a pair of Flamers. A pair of Preferred Enemy Flamers are lovely to cause wounds.


Grav Support Squad ideally needs something like a Vigilator to Scout them forwards. I prefer a Breacher squad for that job, because 20 Marines with significant ranged AA capabilities than, and (if you play with hidden lists) possibly meltabombs, as well as resilience against chargers (haha, FU WE's), and especially IH (shooting, T5), they are rather intimidating. Surr, a Typhon will wipe them off the face of the board, but that squad cam even threaten Typhons.


They are expensive, however. A Grav Support Squad however is expensive, and can't get a first turn strike without a Vigilator to scout 12" in a Rhino, and even if they do, only 2 can fire out, meaning that they work best in pairs, but at 85pts for a Vigi, and 260 for a Grav Squad and Rhino, as well as Consul limitations (boo), it is a no go IMHO. You need something to force the enemy to.come to you; usually a trio of medusa or Wuad Mortars, but then it comes to the question of 'why not take more Grav Rapiers anyway?'


The Spartan is very expensive. For not much more than the cost of a Spartan you could take a Phobos with AC and a Dreadclaw for Ferrus.


The best suggestion that comes to mind is the removal of the Praevian. While it is a lovely centrepiece and rather powerful, it is something that is not really necessary, and you have a LOT of expensive models;

Leviathan, Ferrus, Spartan, Grav Temptor, and then the 2 Castellax, it is you have around 1600pts tipped into those.


Plus, add on the Venator

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Add what on the Venator do you think?


I would be open to dropping the Praevian but what would you suggest to replace it?


Point taken about the Grav Support but I think I will try and make it work and see it on the field before I write it off.

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Wip on phone, sorry, hit post too early


Sorry, was going to mention how much AT you actually had, between the Venator and Orth+Vindi, plus Rapiers, and Gorgonators, and the Praevian, Grav Support, Ferrus, Leviathan (assuming you use the HR that all the Grav weapons gain the haywire rule), and Contemptor, and in a pinch Spartan. There isn't so much duality to cover a spot if one option is destroyed in that you just flat out Nope vehicles.


The problem with the AT weapons is that shy of the Grav Bombard, they bave no real ability to hit infantry. Even grav, despite its utility cannot hit infantry effectively, especially if they play defensive. The damage from grav comes from slowing units while hitting them with a medusa. If they don't move, well the anti infantry ability of a Grav is gone, because otherwise it is effectively a S3 weapon making it harder to get your guys in CC if that is a thing. The reason why Typhons, Melta Preds amd Medusa are so well thought of is because they are Primarily infantry Anti infantry, with the ability to hit vehicles too. Combined with being slowed by a Grav Cannon, and you are quids in.


As to the Praevian, he brings you, what 380pts if you don't take him?


You have maxed your Heavy Support and Lords of War, meaning that your anti infantry has to come from Elites, FA and Troops. Troops is a no go. Too expensive and not killy enough. Elites, you have a single slot, and by far the best anti infantry is Quad Mortars, who can help with anti tank, depending on your reading of the Shatter Shells being accessible (without going too far into it, my reasons are written about enough on here, I don't, and our gaming group rules as such). You have Lasrapiers, but they are among the least reliable AT IMHO, or other stuff does it better); swapping them for a second set of Quad Mortars gives you 24 Barrage S5 Blast Templates a turn. This will set you back, what 195pts? Leaves you another 195; a Biker Squad can pack fast moving relentless scouting TL Plasma and some power weapons or meltabombs, or you can take your Leviathan/Dreadnought with Volkite and put it in a Dreadpod, and a Dreadclaw for Ferrus and get him into an assault. Although the Legion Dread won't get Ferrus's benefits, it is 50pts cheaper.


Remember Ferrus can 2 Shot BS5 Graviton or Plasma when he comes down as well.

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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Yeah Anti Infantry was a thought I had after and I think it's because my meta is so balanced that I just thought 'tanks!' And didn't think 'lads!'


So maybe the quad mortars is a great idea to be fair. I could drop the rapier laser destroyers.


And although I want to be able to comfortably have an armour advantage in the game by having superior armour and a lot of anti tank, I don't want to murder my local gamers armour so hard that the game is then boring.


Come Throne of Skulls in July I can murderate lol.


But yeah the Praevian is a nice bundle but is ALOT of points really

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