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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Seeing the above discussion on Grav Support squads makes me wonder if anyone has instead tried a Techmarine with Grav Servitors instead? Seems slightly cheaper and the Techmarine has extra benefits in an armour heavy list too


Grav support still fails regardless of what you do with them, the range and movement restrictions are just too prohibitive. Unless servitors are relentless, the same problem will arise.

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Seeing the above discussion on Grav Support squads makes me wonder if anyone has instead tried a Techmarine with Grav Servitors instead? Seems slightly cheaper and the Techmarine has extra benefits in an armour heavy list too

Grav support still fails regardless of what you do with them, the range and movement restrictions are just too prohibitive. Unless servitors are relentless, the same problem will arise.


I more thought that given they were less expensive they may work ok as backfield support for vehicles and some deterrent for drop pods etc.

sadly they do not get relentless.

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Seeing the above discussion on Grav Support squads makes me wonder if anyone has instead tried a Techmarine with Grav Servitors instead? Seems slightly cheaper and the Techmarine has extra benefits in an armour heavy list too

Grav support still fails regardless of what you do with them, the range and movement restrictions are just too prohibitive. Unless servitors are relentless, the same problem will arise.


I more thought that given they were less expensive they may work ok as backfield support for vehicles and some deterrent for drop pods etc.

sadly they do not get relentless.

Its an 18" gun. If a tank is that far down your lines then that meanss its probably done its job of disgorging its occupants already before youve had time to shoot with them.


If you want back-mid field support and Graviton, the rapiers are the best bet since they have the range to permit such a function.

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Seeing the above discussion on Grav Support squads makes me wonder if anyone has instead tried a Techmarine with Grav Servitors instead? Seems slightly cheaper and the Techmarine has extra benefits in an armour heavy list too

Grav support still fails regardless of what you do with them, the range and movement restrictions are just too prohibitive. Unless servitors are relentless, the same problem will arise.


I more thought that given they were less expensive they may work ok as backfield support for vehicles and some deterrent for drop pods etc.

sadly they do not get relentless.

Its an 18" gun. If a tank is that far down your lines then that meanss its probably done its job of disgorging its occupants already before youve had time to shoot with them.


If you want back-mid field support and Graviton, the rapiers are the best bet since they have the range to permit such a function.

Fair points. Just been trying to find some actually useful way to utilise the Grav upgrades from the RoW. Struggling to find any real relevant application of it.

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Grav Support Squad -> Attach Librarian, Fish For Endurance Power.


Cast it Successfully: Relentless Squad.


Outside of this very specific scenario, I dont see much reason to take them :P

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He may be on to something, if I'm honest. Techmarines can pick up an augury scanner, and provide the cheapest access to Interceptor Grav (the other being a Forge Lord or Master of Signal)

Would it be worth an Elites Slot though?


It could certainly be powerful vs Infiltrating Mech or Drop Pod Armies. 

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Eh, I still like grav supports. Alright, I'm not interested in being competitive, but so long as I can get them onto the centre line of the board during turn one I'm happy (deploy right on the line, move transport 6", get out for another 6", give or take the terrain piece). I rarely play against 30k though, given that the 30k scene near my is... Well, me.

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Eh, I still like grav supports. Alright, I'm not interested in being competitive, but so long as I can get them onto the centre line of the board during turn one I'm happy (deploy right on the line, move transport 6", get out for another 6", give or take the terrain piece). I rarely play against 30k though, given that the 30k scene near my is... Well, me.

Lol. Yeah I know that feeling and I'll still be taking at least one just for the pure Iron Hands-ness of them. It just feels like there must be some really handy way to use them that I haven't come across yet. Ah well. Back to the AV14 drawing board....




I don't suppose the wording in the Rite of War is loose enough to allow us to make use of Combi-Grav at all is it?

Edited by Shaolin_Monkey
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Doesn't exist as a weapon, sadly. I would enjoy though.

yeah I was hoping the wording was vague enough that you could simply upgrade the "flamer" component of a combi-flamer to a "grav" component instead.





No, I didn't really expect it to, ah well. I'll just keep putting them as backup in squads and wait for the new stuff we hopefully get in the new book to satiate my love of Graviton heresy.

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Perfect. Thanks boys. Iv made those adjustments to the list and it's looking pretty sweet.


Plan would be to bring the Contemptor down first almost as bait and the Leviathan turn 2.


Can they charge out of them still or did the FAQ change that?

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The embarked Dreadnought can still be targeted, but is Shrouded. Since it can't charge on that turn though, it's probably still worth it.

Burning Retros
...Once the Drop Pod lands, its doors are opened automatically, but the Dreadnought inside does not have to deploy unless the controlling player wishes. Should the Dreadnought carried remain on any part of its structure (including its doors) on the game turn the Drop Pod arrives, it benefits from the Shrouded special rule...

Edited by Emperors Teeth
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The problen with Leviathans is that they have an 80mm base, and if you can't deploy within 3" of a destroyed transport, model is killed. Instagib, in that case.


Contemptors and legion dreads are not as much of a problem, but if the pod is CC'd, then they might be able to surround it, and capische. No more dread.

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In my last 2 games of 30k I have had that insta-kill thing for transports. So damn annoying.


But still worth it in pods. Although now all the new players in my circle of friends know to kill that thing as they were with me in Warhammer World when j got it.


What do people think about having more Techmarines/ Forgelords than just Ferrus?

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In my last 2 games of 30k I have had that insta-kill thing for transports. So damn annoying.


But still worth it in pods. Although now all the new players in my circle of friends know to kill that thing as they were with me in Warhammer World when j got it.


What do people think about having more Techmarines/ Forgelords than just Ferrus?

Unless serving a specific purpose, pretty useless. I suppose a few tech Marines with conversion beamers could sit around doing things, but at that point take Medusas...

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Yeah, if outriders has grav guns they would be really solid units.


I'm actually surprised we don't see more IH bike lists. I know its against the fluff, but the extra toughness paired with mobility (plus our relic and some FNP) would be pretty beardy in some lists.

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