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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Ive posted about it before but yeah, an IH Jetbike Star would be pretty brutal.


You can up the ante by using a Bike/Jetbike Command Squad to get combat shields in the mix for added RAEG INDUCEMENT.

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Yeah, if outriders has grav guns they would be really solid units.


I'm actually surprised we don't see more IH bike lists. I know its against the fluff, but the extra toughness paired with mobility (plus our relic and some FNP) would be pretty beardy in some lists.

They don't fit very well into a Head of the Gorgon list is the real problem. They compete with rapiers and sicarans for fill ins. I am sure the next book will have a Bike centric RoW, but until then, I will old out on buying some.

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I suppose it might be why I've never been a massive fan of Head of the Gorgon because I always try and kill things in one turn, that i don't see Rapiers as fill ins as so much 'must take' and then you can't use the RoW effectively so that I find that the best way is either to run Pride with Gorgonators or no RoW at all and then use Outriders as cheap melta and assault buff. If they had Grav options... Let's just say that IH become king.
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IH is pretty King anyway. Seems like a few ways you make the list it comes out fairly easy to use.


Like you say, my Anti Infantry is lacking still. And I'm still not sold on buying three Thudd guns. But it's a weakness I will happily play a few games with

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I suppose it might be why I've never been a massive fan of Head of the Gorgon because I always try and kill things in one turn, that i don't see Rapiers as fill ins as so much 'must take' and then you can't use the RoW effectively so that I find that the best way is either to run Pride with Gorgonators or no RoW at all and then use Outriders as cheap melta and assault buff. If they had Grav options... Let's just say that IH become king.


It sure runs against the competitive play nature of Alpha striking the enemy off the face of the earth. I've had great success with it, especially outflanking AV 13/14 boxes to devastating effect. You weather the storm and then bring the hammer down.

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keys of hel




Cant take ferrus

Only 1 non infantry unit per slot

HQ must be a iron father (mor counts)

Infantry unit can't make run moves



All infantry units gain 5+ fnp

At the end of turn casualties return to table on 5+ roll


Turns us into a deathless horde army.


Got the idea from one of the shorts

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I'm unusure, honestly. Deredeo's can be countered by Graviton, or anything else intended to hunt armour. Someone wanting to protect their investment is going to want to take out its biggest counters, and between a Fire Raptor and because you only have a narrow field of view, a Deredeo can take 4 TL Lascannon shots, 4 S8 AP2 Shots, 4 TL S7 Shots and 7 S6 Shots, on top of any ground based fire, a lone Deredeo is going down. A Contemptor Mortis with Kheres has a limited 24" in range, and cannot move and skyfire, so you can kite it with flyers, so it's limited to Autocannons or Lascannons for AA, and they rather suck for their cost against other targets (although only 185pts, the Autocannon is rather limited to Rhinos and nothing else - and for the same cost (ish, for a little bit more you can pick up the Aiolos which is almost autotake), the Deredeo does it better, while Lascannons 2 shots for 225pts are laughable; it cannot yet take TL Volkites, and it has no deflagrate vs armour values. 


Taking multiple Deredeo's is never bad unless you're wanting to fulfil your Heavy Support Slots - but unless wanting to field both Medusa AND something like an Anvillus, you're rather golden.


I think that the best way as an Iron Hand to avoid his Air Cover is to just not play his game. Don't take targets subject to getting rinsed by mass AP3-4 shooting. A Pride list with Land Raiders loaded with Assault Terminators/Gorgons and some Autocannon Contemptors or Deredeo's to pop transports first turn and then turn their eyes on the sky to force flyers to jink.

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Aye I think once you start trying to counter an air heavy list this when your own falls apart somewhat.


Fire raptor is less effective against IH because of our Inviolate armour, only wounding with the have bolters on 4+! Sure the nose cannon is ap3 but only wounding on 3+ and then you have a cover save (hopefully).


If he's gone air heavy, just destorys him on the ground and play to the mission. We're certainly suited to weathering the Storm.

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A friend of mine who plays death guard has just bought into 3 Air Defence Turrets for his battles against the Raven Guard.


Do people tend to take more Dreadnoughts or tanks? I know tanks can outflank but can Dreadnoughts?


In my list I have at the moment I have a Leviathan, Normal Contemptor with underslung Grav, 1 Sicaran, a Laser Vindi and a Spartan.


I feel as though I need more. My heart goes to Rapiers but I know it should be armour.

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A friend of mine who plays death guard has just bought into 3 Air Defence Turrets for his battles against the Raven Guard.


Do people tend to take more Dreadnoughts or tanks? I know tanks can outflank but can Dreadnoughts?


In my list I have at the moment I have a Leviathan, Normal Contemptor with underslung Grav, 1 Sicaran, a Laser Vindi and a Spartan.


I feel as though I need more. My heart goes to Rapiers but I know it should be armour.


Dreads can't as they aren't "tanks" to my knowledge. And only Tank types can outflank.


You have a great assortment of armour as is. I think the most bang you will get for your buck otherwise is a Predator squad with some nice heavy weapons and Orth. Outflanking Plasma/ Lascannon, or even Pred Cannon/ Heavy bolters will cause massive damage.


OR, like myself and other have said you could go full out with a Caestus Assault Ram.


I will always say no to rapiers - I just think they're particularly boring. Effective but boring.

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I would rather bring a Fire Raptor to the game that a Caestus. Only because of rule of cool.


I think I will probably add some more armour though. Maybe some more anti infantry. Preds may help

But actually, I'm out of Heavy Supports :(

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