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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Proteus are such a strange beast I find. Enmasse do you go ceramite? Or focus on weapons? You don't want to make them too expensive but you also don't want them one shot...


Outflanking multiple AV14 boxes seems a good idea but beyond some lascannons what does it really offer?


Going all out with Orth for extra ramming could be fun. As could driving on and unloading some immortals and Autek Mor - Choom the hell out of something, bait a charge and then gun them down when they break against your unkillable dudes with preferred enemy Volkite snap shots.


Also Frostmourne I feel we have differing rules of cool if you prefer a raptor to a Caestus ;)

Edited by Charlo
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A thing to keep in mind is that Land Raiders are still huge metal boxes.


A few of them Outflanking properly can block line of sight to the rest of your army possibly.

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A support squad in a big metal box can be an interesting choice in that you can outflank, disembark, rapid fire, and then flat out your box to block direct fire at your glass hammer.


I have been experimenting with a gorgon 'beta strike' list. It requires onslaught and our ROW- combining outflank with a guaranteed second turn. The goal is to waste as much of your opponents first and second turns as possible which can really screw with alpha strike or deathstar themed lists. Basic build is to outflank everything (or hold things in reserve like fliers) while taking a single dreadclaw/drop pod to come down at the end of your first turn (if you have no units on the table at the end of the first turn, you loose). It's worked out very well for me, but its hampered by no good way to have reserve modifying units on the table to help turn 2. If there was a guaranteed way to get a boost to your reserve rolls at the bottom of the second turn I'd run it exclusively.

Edited by Bulbafist
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The purpose of proteus landraider, and to a greater extent a HotG RoW, is to keep your opponent honest. I rarely prefer to go first. If your opponent goes first, he has to worry about the threat of outflank. You can, but don't have to. It's 50 points cheaper than a standard landraider, and all I add to it is a multi melta and ceramite if I can expect it.


They are very tough and push your force past the armoured threshold most armies can handle easily. They can secure your scoring troops for the late game, or guarantee the delivery of your hammer swuads like plasma support squads or combi weapon termies or vets. The best part is that it doesn't fill our overcrowded heavy support slots.

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Totally agree wolf_pack, they're great with support squads. Wgen you take them as DT and have Ferrus and HotG they really do saturate the place with unkillable stuff!


How do people feel about support squads with Chargers in them? Or should we just leave those to Immortals?


How does this look....



+++ Ferrum (2500pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2500pts) ++


+ HQ (80pts) +


Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (80pts)


+ Troops (810pts) +


Legion Tactical Squad (405pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

····Land Raider Proteus [Armoured Ceramite]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


Legion Tactical Squad (405pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

····Land Raider Proteus [Armoured Ceramite]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


+ Elites (750pts) +


Medusan Immortals (750pts) [14x Medusan Immortals, 14x Volkite Charger]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]

····Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


+ Heavy Support (405pts) +


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (405pts)

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [X: Iron Hands]


+ Lord of War (455pts) +


Ferrus Manus (455pts)

····Master of the legion [Head of the Gorgon]


Tacs can either outflank or start on the table. Turn one Leviathan causes havoc and the Spartan plows forward with Ferrus, immortals and Orth inside.


Basically it establishes a front in which to bait and destroy enemy assault. Once broken Ferrus goes off and hammers anything else big. Hopefully by that point the combination of Fury of the Legion and choom will see off infantry and Melta Bombs, Lascannons and the drill will melt AV.


Between regenerating hull points and inviolate armour it could weather the Storm in a defensive situation too.


Hopefully a Typhon or something wont be a big deal if everyone is in a big box to hold out until Ferrus or the Leviathan tears it a new one.


Alternatively instead of immortals can go with Gorgon Termies. Stronger, maybe.... As cool? No chance.


Gorgon Terminator Squad (747pts) [3x Chainfist, 8x Gorgon Terminator, Graviton Gun, Power Fist]

····Gorgon Hammerbearer [Combi-weapon, Cyber-familiar]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, flare Shield]

Edited by Charlo
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@Bulbafist that's an interesting idea however I don't think you can run onslaught with a ROW.

God damnit. I swear you need a law degree to play this game sometimes.



Oh trust me, real law is so much worse. I'm going through the process of bonding a winery right now and it's about the worst thing ever. Compared to that, learning 30k rules is escapism.


The No ROW with alternate FOCs is a pretty common issue though. You can almost consider Onslaught & alternate FOCs as ROWs in their own right, that don't require a model with Master of the Legion. 

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To be honest, outflanking is such a cool idea. But I don't think I personally would enjoy a list themed to it. Maybe HotG isn't the best for it.


I find enjoyment in a decent strong Gunline. Funky Dreadnoughts doing a specific job. And then the oh so cliche Ferrus in a Spartan with Gorgan termies.


And wack Orth in a Sicaran and job done.


I am still planning on running a support squad with Grav (Iv got a Grav theme going on opposing my mate playing Death Guard running a Phosphex theme) and I wouldn't mind them outflanking from a Proteus.

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Can Ferrus ride in a Caestus people? I'm unsure.


Im currently toying with outflank in HotG lists and Pred squads seem like a good shout, especially with multiple plasma turrets. They will make people sweat very quickly. Problem is a couple of semi tooled up squads, plus Ferrus and you start to really eat into points. I'm almost thinking you ditch Ferrus for a true tank heavy HotG list - numbers making up for the loss of IWND on big vehicles.


Troops choices prove to be a problem though, although like I just said for the cost of Ferrus you can get two Ceramite Proteus... Not as effective though perhaps.

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Not sure what your 2.5k list is and I don't feel like scrolling. If I remember, you were very Anti Tank Heavy, but lacking in actual bodies.


Are you running HotG? Or Pride? Have you considered Speeders? Have you filled your Lords of War? Do you have Outriders, or Jetbikers dependent on preference?


Do you have an odd or even number of drop pods?

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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That ia the struggle of having a manly legion. Our manly Manus father did not design cheap armoured rides for us to surf onto the battlefield, so you will always feel strapped for points. I am preparing a 5k list for the Skirmish at the Border and it feels like I have nothing on the table.


But once you put all that armour down, your average opponent's jaw will hit the floor has he struggles to deal with what he sees as am unending tide of 13+ AV targets, than may or may not jab him in the ribs from the reserves.

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In regards to support squads: volkites are cool, but Immortals have access to them and are tough as nails.


But the real reason why I would not take volkites on support squad (but do on heavy support) is the effective threat range and effect. Volkites do decently against marines and murders anything weaker than that. Great. But Plasma just murders everything else and is less effective against weak targets.


In most games I don't struggle with things I can kill with bolters, so for the slot and investment, I will get the gun that puts a dent in everything else ;)

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Aye, immortals are probably one of my favourite 30k units. The fluff also REALLY makes me hope they become a troops choice in one of our new Rites of War (crazy half cyborgs with Choom/ forbidden tech because Ferrus is DED).


I think with support squads too we are blessed that we can take big out flanking boxes for them and they take less damage from return fire than other Legions meaning more bang for your buck after the initial Salvo.

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