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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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At the moment my heavy supports have a


Sicaran Venator

Vindi Laser Destroyer

Leviathan Siege Dread (who I finished building tonight and oh boy he is imposing)


The fast has nothing in it. Lord of war has Ferrus.


Elites are a Contemptor with underslung Grav Gun and Lascannon and Gorgons in a Spartan.


Troops are two tactical 10 man's in Rhinos and a GravGun support squad. HQ is Orth in the Venator

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I am hoping Meduson gives us some mad army buffs to make up for the fact Ferrus isn't there to hand out the candy.


In other news though:


Volkite Culverin Squad given PE by Mor with attached Master of Signal.


Perfect squad or perfectest squad?

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It's sad really. A bit of Mathammer (No Orth's at all) suggest 3 Predators with Autocannon and Lascannon sponsons to be only marginally more effective against AV13 than a single Sicaran with Lascannon sponsons, but almost exactly twice the pts cost.


The Predators do have an advantage of both Hull Points and volume-fire potential, but the Sicaran is faster and takes less table space. Adding Machine Spirits helps with the mobility of the Predators, but that makes the cost even less in their favour.


I want to try Orth in the Predator Squadron as he will amplify the quantity of hits from his own tank and improve the damage potential of all of them with Tank Hunters affecting the whole unit.

Edited by Emperors Teeth
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Yeah, that is interesting! Definitely makes the "unusual" Predators more attractive... HCBs, Executioners & magna-meltas are very different in both play-style & target than a "standard" Predator loadout.


9HP is a lot to get rid of, so that's a big plus for Predators in general.

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