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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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I may have underestimated the Predator's Lascannon sponsons a bit - they chuck out a good quantity of HP removal and make the Predators on full firepower from sitting still likely to 1-shot a 3HP AV13 vehicle.


Remember also Squadroned vehicles can shoot through each other so with a bit of clever maneuvering you could switch up which one is taking hits from the enemy. Beware mass-HP removal though as extra hits will pass on to the next in line if the closest dies.

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Iv just made my 3k list including a Squadron of 3 Preds.


With Vehicle Squadron rules do they still have to be within so many inches of each other and fire at the same thing?


If I gave Machine Spirit to each tank, although expensive, could be a great way to take down a multitude of threats?

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For unusual preds, I'm still dead set on doing a flamestorm trio to outflank. Yeah sure, they'll likely die the death of a thousand flies the turn after they pop up, but it could end up so cool. Also since we're yet to have a vwoom (grav) or choom tank, fwoosh is my next favourite choice.
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I think a really good use of out flank is just sponsonless Preds with good turrets. A duo of flame storm and a magna Melta with machine spirit would be amazing. As would the same but with plasma. It also means less awkward angles trying to get everything off and keep side armour away from nasty stuff.
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One of my goals is to field an 'artillery' Predator detachment loaded with heavy conversion beamers sitting at extreme range.


At only 115pts for a S8-S10 AP1 Blast, it is rather decent to strip HP's or just act like a Long Range Typhon.


I've always looked down on it, but recently, the value of a cheap unit overlooking an objective at 48" plus and just dropping deuce on it is rather cool. An Aegis line for 50pts, rear armour of of sight and 9 13AV 4+ Save hull points could be a decent budget alternative to a Medusa (with the obvious caveat of LoS only).

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Iv just made my 3k list including a Squadron of 3 Preds.


With Vehicle Squadron rules do they still have to be within so many inches of each other and fire at the same thing?


If I gave Machine Spirit to each tank, although expensive, could be a great way to take down a multitude of threats?


They need to stay within 4" of each other, but can shoot through their squadron mates. They take fire like units so closest to enemy takes all the hits till it 'splodes.


I am dead set when my first squadron is finished on doing a second of 2-3 Magna Melta armed ones with Machine Spirits and no sponsons. Outflanktastic.

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Conversion bearers are fluffy too. On a standard table you just deploy them in a back corner to make a no man's land of S10 ap1. Medusa might just be better though.

More expensive, shorter ranged... Why not do both?

.... I can get behind this.

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That's what my mates Death Guard is all about so don't really want to ruin his parade haha. But I am tempted to steal his Necron bits and make some Conversion Beamer Preds.


Although I am now making a Dread Heavy list theming every dread to a Final Fantasy relatable Summon/GF/Eidolon. As I am often want to do.

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That's a pretty good arrangement too Rak lol.


Just been sorting out a local campaign for 30k as Iv managed to drag so many of my hobby pals onto the train as stow always.


Even though I have both IF and IH on the bench at the moment, one of the ladies of the group wanted IF so I graciously passed over the opportunity to wreck more face with Pollux and bestowed the Iron Tenth onto me. I have until April to get a 3000 army together culminating in a group trip to July's Throne of Skulls.

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Machine spirit just costs so many points. If you are running 2 or 3 predators I'd consider not putting it on one of the tanks.


I used to be a big fan of the predator executioner, but after playing against some experienced players who spread out their models well... I'm finding the small blast to be less useful. I'm seeing more venators and rapiers as well, so I'm thinking about trying some HCBs who can sit outside their range while doing damage.

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Iron Hands question. When taking a preavian with castellax (of the darkfire variety specifically) would you choose to keep the LA rule or trade it for tank hunters? Being practically T8 against shooting is insane but the 're-rolls against tanks are so tempting. Thoughts?
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Totally meta dependant and depends what you are using them for.


If they're there to cover anti tank, go for TH, if you want to run them up the board and smash/ distraction them go for the IH rules for your squad of wraithlords. You can cover anti tank with siege wreckers if not.

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