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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Playing through a campaign at the moment, what would you guys out in a representative Dropsite army list of 3k?


Ferrus and a LOT of Gorgons.


Lots of heavy armour too, like really heavy.


Ferrus and the entirety of a Clans terminators basically charged forward with super heavies supporting them :D

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Basically, try to run a HOTG + POTL Mix with all the biggest Badasses of the Legion Assembled around Ferrus as he goes down to lay the smackdown.

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So, so far I have


Orth in a Venator


2 units of 5 Gorgons in Land Raiders


1 Unit of 8 Gorgons in a Spartan with Ferrus


1 Squadron of 2 Preds with HCB and Lascannons (I chose HCB because there is a bit of fluff in Massacre that says at the Dropsite they fielded deadly laser tech or something


1 Vindicator Laser destroyer


How does that sound?

Yeah Slips my campaign group are absolutely fine with that we have discussed it before.


And I have 300 points left, and using Onslaught, an extra HS slot

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One of our players runs a trio of Sky Talons packing Two Multiple Rocket Pods to help with Anti Infantry - 85ppm for a Heavy Bolters and 2 Large Blast Frag Missiles with a second DPA pool with Vector Dancer and Deep Strike.


Can alternatively run D-99 Valks, swapping Vector Dancer for 12 Man Capacity and Grav Chute Insertion for Flat Outing a Zooming Flyer and still deploying a shooty unit out of.


There are two other options I like; the Vultures; my favourite is the Twin-linked Punisher Cannon; it has Vector Dancer, so it can come in to target, get the right angle, and then unleash with all the shooting; 20 BS5 Twin-linked S5 shots later, and it's around 12-13 wounds, or 2 dead Predators if you hit the rear armour.


Lastly - Praetor Missile. It's decent AA; 300 points for an AV 14 6 HP vehicle, with 2 shot S8 Interceptor AA, and a S8 AP3 2 Shot Large Blast Ordnance Weapon, or a firestorm one for just ripping through hordes of army or auxilia - 2 shot 7" S6 AP4 blasts that ignore cover? Go on then.


Obviously, other option is the Typhon, but you need to find 70pts for it to run with AC. 

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A mate of mine ran a pair of predators with HCBs, machine spirit, and lascannon sponsons today. I was his IH ally. They also had the command tank rules from the first book.


We used a lot of terrain, but despite this the extra range on them was a big deal. They camped our backfield and throughout the game popped a javelin, venator, and dodo dread along with a few marines here and there. Our game started rough for us, but these tanks contributed to our slow return by the end-game. Interceptor made them a decent support unit, but the short range HCB profiles are much less useful in this role than a predator exterminators.


I think the crutch for them is that second range bracket- strength 8 is nice, but that damn low AP makes it much less effective. Still, they were useful and we brought them deliberately to outrange our opponents anti tank choices. I feel that they have a place in certain lists as the 72" range can be very powerful against certain types of armies if deployed well- I'd probably keep them naked, but if you have points the sponsons + POTMS is nice.

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Very fluffy for ironhands its basically the only thing that vulkan and ferrus disagreed on in war and the IH where sent against the most technically advanced enemies so I imagine rad weapons saw a lot of use as not much survives rad poisoning on that scale not even astartes


Mine are my only jump unit

Edited by RandomMarine
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How do you guys feel about eight destroyers in a proteus with an Augury web? I don't know if destroyers are fluffy for iron hands but I feel like they would love them with their whole flesh is weak deal


Jump packs are great on Destroyers as they pay a flat cost. They are a little too expensive for what they do, but with a maxed out unit you get 2 rad missile launchers, which can do work on tough units.

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Destroyers are potentially my favourite fluff unit from the basic army list - sadly, when you're paying about 400 points for two rad missiles, it starts to fall apart. Hopefully they'll see a points change in the next red book or something.


That said, pop in a Moritat, scout forward and unleash rad /choom/ bolt hell into a target. Don't expect to survive retaliation though :P

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That's why I was thinking of coupling them with a proteus outfitted with an augury web for both the scouting ability and delaying of the enemy's reserves. It fits with my army's av 14 thang and I think it would be pretty fun!
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The thing is, the Augury Web confers scout so you would loose out a bit on the Moritats Scout :p


If you did want to use Moritat+Destroyers and make more use out of scout give them Jump Packs since you could argue that they get a 12" Scout move due to having Jump Packs.


Otherwise, Seekers in a Scouting Land Raider would probably be a better bet since they have better Punch-For-Points.


Also, due to not being a 10 Man Squad, you're better of just taking 5 Destroyers and a single missile launcher since each additional body is pretty expensive for 2 Bolt Pistol Shots and 1 Wound on a Marine Profile.

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... Head of the Gorgon just keeps on giving. Had no idea it gave us Stobborn in our deployment zone too!


More resilient than Death Guard, braver than the Ultras and more tech than the lesser Iron Legion.


The flesh truly is weak.

And better looking than the filthy Emperor's Children.

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... Head of the Gorgon just keeps on giving. Had no idea it gave us Stobborn in our deployment zone too!


More resilient than Death Guard, braver than the Ultras and more tech than the lesser Iron Legion.


The flesh truly is weak.


Not included in this package:




-Ferrus Manus's head


Really excited at the prospects of Iron Hands shattered legion forces though. I think just for their rules alone, they'll form the core of a lot of armies like this (although yes, fluff too). An Iron Hands/Raven Guard combo could be very nasty depending on how it works.

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I've been getting a lot of utility with my breacher sergeants lately. I kit them out with AA, cyber familiar, and a power fist/power axe depending on the squad in question. A 5++ against ranged attacks and a 4++ in melee is surprisingly survivable especially when paired with FNP.


I tried breacher charges in my last game and was... surprised! I liked them. So much, actually, that I'm going to take them regularly. I had one sergeant in a challenge clamp one on the face of a red butcher sergeant. The blast covered 4 models. He turned 160 points of 2 wound terminators into a red mist thanks to doubling out their strength before they even had a chance to strike. If you know you're going up against multi wound models with low initiative it's probably worth it.

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I've been getting a lot of utility with my breacher sergeants lately. I kit them out with AA, cyber familiar, and a power fist/power axe depending on the squad in question. A 5++ against ranged attacks and a 4++ in melee is surprisingly survivable especially when paired with FNP.


I tried breacher charges in my last game and was... surprised! I liked them. So much, actually, that I'm going to take them regularly. I had one sergeant in a challenge clamp one on the face of a red butcher sergeant. The blast covered 4 models. He turned 160 points of 2 wound terminators into a red mist thanks to doubling out their strength before they even had a chance to strike. If you know you're going up against multi wound models with low initiative it's probably worth it.

I really love stories and strats like this. Out of the ordinary but effective. I think quite a good way to make breachers worth the points too.

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