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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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They have their own Pattern of Terminator Armor that doesnt fall under Tartaros or Cataphractii.

They were also specifically called out in the FAQ:



A note on unique and variant Terminator armour: If a unit is described as being equipped with a particular additional variant of Terminator armour, such as the Gorgon Terminators of the Iron Hands, or as wearing a personalised and unique suit, such as the armour worn by the Primarch Horus, the rules for this armour will be provided in the unit’s description and should not be inferred from elsewhere.


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But it does have the Blind effect - nothing amazing, but it's possible to debuff your opponent before you strike them. :) Add this to their native FNP and they are still good value.


Most people took them over Cataphractii pre-FAQ. Time will tell if they get swapped for Tartaros post-FAQ.

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But it does have the Blind effect - nothing amazing, but it's possible to debuff your opponent before you strike them. :smile.: Add this to their native FNP and they are still good value.


Most people took them over Cataphractii pre-FAQ. Time will tell if they get swapped for Tartaros post-FAQ.


Gorgons are great and cost efficient for what they do. They aren't firedrakes imposing, but they have always had the best success on the table top for me.

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Gorgons i found when i was playing them were always incredible, often Blinding Gal Vorbak and Red Butchers. which was hilarious


Does anyone have any fluff scraps or ideas i could use to still field these guys in perhaps a Shattered Legions list, or were they all murdered to a man at Istvaan?

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"His veteran troops, comprising the majority of the Xth Legion's Terminators and Dreadnoughts, followed."


Easy. It says majority, not all. Just maybe take a smaller unit or one with a peculiar number to suggest casualties or short supplies?



I just splashed out 10 Gorgons, so any tips on equipping and using these guys would be great.

Edited by Emperors Teeth
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Oooo yeah I'm planning to get ten Gorgons to run with my Autek Mor count as and I was planning to give them four fists, a hammer (just in case I want to split them into two five man teams and need another hammer bearer), and a grav gun. Does that sound good? How would you guys run a ten man team?
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But it does have the Blind effect - nothing amazing, but it's possible to debuff your opponent before you strike them. :smile.: Add this to their native FNP and they are still good value.

Well, blind as at the end of the phase, so after all the striking is over.

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It depends if you use him or not, really. Consider how many points you must spend on a legion HQ, transport, and bodyguard. For my lists I tend to go cheap on my IHs Warlord and then pump the points into a ~180-200 point magos. They bring a lot of utility to our army and cybernetica wizard powers really make robots shine.


On the flip side, just use HoG. You get battle automata and even thallax without a magos.

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It happen after every phase that make a save in so any saves made while taking overwatch fire cause the effect it will effect the turn you charge on. I find them fairly usefulness


I thought that, but Overwatch happens in the Assault phase - so would Blind not take effect at the end of the Assault phase, after the combat?

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Fair enough I stand corrected.

Having learnt that I'd say that both IH unique units need a buff as immortals are rubbish and gorgons are rubbish compared to other legion unique terminators


Gorgons aren't rubish, they just don't have the same purpose. They are very cheap for what they do. as for immortals, once you strap volkites onto thoe badboys with Autek Mor giving them prefered enemy, they just Choom things into oblivion and back ;)

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