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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Gorgons are so incredibly far from rubbish it's unreal.


On another note, how's everybody feel about the new "budget" Contemptor? I'm dead excited to try them out, they seem kickass for their cost.

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I REALLY want to run a talon of them.


Just run them forward as fast as you can and mulch things.


They also get IWND I think as they have front av13. And auto simulacrum.


Also hoping they look something like the missing link between a Tartaros Terminator and a Contemptor. With lightning claws.

Edited by Charlo
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The Contemptor-Cortus.


Bsically a Contemptor with Weaker side and rear armor and an "Overload" ability that gives it a buff for that turn. Cheapest of the FW Dreadnought Bodies apparently and is an Elites Choice.

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It's incredible. 7 attacks on the charge? Aye, go on then. (Note the Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon gives you an extra attack and a second melee weapon; the Chainfist doesn't grant the extra attack but the FAQs them the bonus for not being Specialist on a Dread).


It's a Fleeting Legion Dread with +1 Front AV, a 5++ Shooting Save, and the ability to Rage with a bonus attack (probably not but still thanks you overlords who don't know how to play your own game) to gain 7 attacks on the charge in exchange for causing a bigger explosion (actually a bonus, if you're going melee) for -1 WS and +10pts over a dual Grav Legion Dread in a pod. Don't see what there is not to like, tbh.

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I want to see the models first. I currently have three contemptors, 2 leviathans, and a Deredeo. New blood is always welcome.


implied at the weekender that they're maybe 6+ months away. They're really just shoddier built Contemptors made in a hurry, so the same dimensions. Model more exposed cabling in the back sections or something and maybe cut down the shoulders and some of the main body plate that runs around the sides and you're good. 


Definitely the go-to option now for dropping in Gravnoughts though. They're so cheap!

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I've taken Orth in a sicaran two times: the first was killed without doing nothing but the second wrecked two skimmers and slaughtered plenty of harlequins.

I'm planning on running him alongside a Typhon since ferrus isn't very killy for his points.

Always put him on a vanilla sicaran since it can destroy land raiders and even flyers for much less points.

Guilliman has beated us at this game tough, damned smurfs

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This discussion came at the best time for our meta.  It looks like a 30k Zone Mortalis campaign will start soon in our FLGS.


From reading the rules and what those who've played it said including here on B&C), there are a few unit types optimised for Zone Mortalis: Breachers, Terminators, Dreadnoughts.


Breachers: will probably be Medusan Immortals


Terminators: not sure yet, but may take Gorgon Termies


Dreadnoughts: did not know about this until you guys mentioned the Contemptor-Cortus


And I know HH6: Retribution also introduces new Rites of War.  There is a generic RoW for Zone Mortalis, but I actually thing the My Primarch Is Dead RoW (the Medusan Immortals as Troops one) might actually work better.  The cherry on top is that I think all units gain Hatred: Traitors, including even the Dreadnoughts if I understand it correctly (but I don't have the book yet, please correct me if that's wrong).


I was already in the process of making a Taghmata + IH allies list, now I'm just expanding the IH portion and I'm pretty psyched.

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Well there's not even a sketch of it in book 6 I think.


The prevailing theory at the moment is that with the nice Legion contemptors selling, they just rebranded the old unmarked one as the Cortus.


The did say it was supposed to be smaller and scrappier, but maybe the got rid of that idea.

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Well they're faster than other dreads running up with the overcharge, but I'd take advantage of the cheapness by using the saved points for some pods, provided you have the slots spare. It's a hell of a distraction Carnifex.

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