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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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I'd go with 2 in pods; that way you still have 2 Elite Slots Free.


Both get 2 DCCW and Grav Guns to haywire 4HP off of something if/when both drop in at the same time; maybe a chain fist if you can spare the points.


For a 3rd Pod to get the 2-1 Drop ratio, take a Leviathan to taste in a pod.

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They could work well running in front of a Leviathan as well.


I played a game last night where the Leviathan stormed through two squads of Gal Vorbak and a tactical squad. That would have been so much more epic flanked by two baby Contemptors.

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Hey guys and gals, what are your thoughts on a spearhead comprised of a spartan filled with gorgans flanked by a proteus with volkite Medusans and five destroyers in an Achilles? I think it would be a fun av 14 army core with two units that make the Gorgan charge more effective
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The achilles isn't an assault transport, so those 6 Destroyers are sat in no-mans land. The Proteus also isn't an assault transport, so you've got two units who can only shoot, but can't help out the Gorgonators unless they're sure that the assault will hit home, but the Gorgonators can't sweep, so are stuck facing an armies shooting with only their 5+ Saves, and more likely to blind their own side than they are enemies. One mediocre charge (well, mediocre, in the sense that you've got ~800pts NOT assaulting.


Anyone who has Grav in decent numbers is also going to gib that Spartan before it can do anything.

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I wanted to do that for a long time, but sadly you can't run allies or a ROW with that alternative FOC.




four heavy supports and two lord of wars would have been sweet, imagine all that outflanking armour.........

Edited by autek mor
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Wow, lol. I'm glad my newness to HH/30k revealed a bonus for us Iron Hands players! :biggrin.:


So, if I play Iron Hands and use HotG, I can take ANY Legio Cybernetica Battle-Automata as an Elites choice?! That's pretty sweet!


Our group is relatively new, and obeys the "rule of cool", so I'm excited to buy some giant, gravity-fist wielding robots!

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