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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Wow, lol. I'm glad my newness to HH/30k revealed a bonus for us Iron Hands players! :biggrin.:


So, if I play Iron Hands and use HotG, I can take ANY Legio Cybernetica Battle-Automata as an Elites choice?! That's pretty sweet!


Our group is relatively new, and obeys the "rule of cool", so I'm excited to buy some giant, gravity-fist wielding robots!


i am a fan of the robots too, what tactics do you have in mind for them?

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Hello hello!

My FLGS group has gotten the Heresy bug and everyone is jumping head first into 30k which is aaaawesome!

I just wanted to drop my 3k list in here to see what the rest of the Iron Tenth thought and to maybe get some advice.
To preface, everyone is aiming for 3k without lords of war as a baseline. I'll be using the Head of the Gorgon RoW to get my 6+ semi-IWND and outflanking dakka preds :devil: 

Legion Praetor w/ arti armour, iron halo, paragon blade, iron father
Castrmen Orth (probably in the Sicaran)

20 Breachers w/ 4 Volkite Chargers, Vexillla, and Serge w/ Thunderhammer, Arti armour, cyber-familiar
10 man Tactical squad in a Rhino

Apothecary w/ Augory Scanner
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
First with double plasma cannons
Second with Chain fist and regular fist, 2 plasma blasters
10 Gorgon Termis w/ 2 Graviton Guns and a chain fist, Serge w/ Cyberfamiliar
Dedicated Spartan w/ Flare Shield and Ceramite
3 Quad Mortars w/ Shatter Shells

Deredeo w/ Missiles and Autocannon
Sicaran w/ Lascannons
3 Dakka Preds in a squad

One question I did have was whether or not the artillery squad gets shooting directed at them resolved at -1 strength since the crew has the Legion Astartes rule?


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Wow, lol. I'm glad my newness to HH/30k revealed a bonus for us Iron Hands players! :biggrin.:


So, if I play Iron Hands and use HotG, I can take ANY Legio Cybernetica Battle-Automata as an Elites choice?! That's pretty sweet!


Our group is relatively new, and obeys the "rule of cool", so I'm excited to buy some giant, gravity-fist wielding robots!


i am a fan of the robots too, what tactics do you have in mind for them?


Not sure yet. Just need to play a bunch and get familiar with the system.


I do know I will use the Mauler-bolter Castellax to blast Marines into a fine, pink mist. The Domitar I just want to run into things, like other robots, tanks, etc. Maybe give him Paragon of Metal?

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One question I did have was whether or not the artillery squad gets shooting directed at them resolved at -1 strength since the crew has the Legion Astartes rule?

Yes, provided that the target is one of the crew. Crew have the LA special rule, so ranged attacks subtract 1 strength, and are treated as having toughness 7 (so with the subtraction, it's T8). However the rapier does not have this rule, so if it's the target you treat it just as T7. For that reason it's often best to deploy with one dude standing in front and one dude standing in the rear.

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The problem is that the rule was never written with mixed units in mind. Its not adding a toughness value so it wouldn't fall into Majority Toughness and you only dock the strength against "them" (them being models with the rule), but you only allocate to models after wounds have already been resolved, meaning that by the time you know the target model subtracts 1 strength from the shot you have already caused a wound to it. Mechanically speaking it doesn't work with artillery, except in the hypothetical case of the instant death threshold.

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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So, after confirmation of the new RoW's content, while I don't think it will be particularly competitive, it should be really awesome to field.

A few things to consider:
- Immortals as troops. That means we can replace tactical squads with a unit that is tough as nails, has access to special weapons, and has squadwide choom capabilities. They do have a high starting price tag, but they deliver quite the punch in units of 20.

- Head of the Gorgon 2.0 : IMMORTALS IN SPARTANS EVERYWHERE! 13 spartans in a single FoC. What is more Iron Hands than that I ask?

- all LA : IH gain hatred:traitors. That's one serious buff to Gorgons clean up ability, and doubly so to a unit of Battle Automata under a Praevian!

So overall, not as much of a game changer as HotG, but still something that will let wreck havoc on the battlefield and hard to dislodge.

Edited by Wolf_Pack
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I am a fan of the Xiphon now. Cool looking model that works well with my Iron Hands Aesthetics.


Played it in the apocalypse game last weekend, and it did ok. Just need to better establish targeting priority with him, as he doesn't crack armour as hard as a Primaris.

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