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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Dang, I've been making a proto-Gorgon suit based on Cataphractii pattern armor to show how Ferrus made a few test models before he settled on the Indomitus Gorgon pattern. I was trying to figure out some method of differentiating them game wise to show the armor's differing characteristics. I think I'm going to make him into the hammer bearer for a Gorgon squad. Game wise he will have cyber familiar to emphasize that his suit was based on the cataphractii pattern.


Thanks for the responses everyone!

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I like A Cataphractii Command for a few reasons. They can fit in Proteus, Gorgons +Mor is automatically a spartan.


They arevery flexible wargear wise.


They have WS 5 and the banner is really useful to hold the line.


The command squad can aslo run around the table on it's own and again provile the banner buff where you need it.

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Must they start attached to the warlord? Or can if throw the command squad in a Phobos and Mor+Gorgons in a spartan? Sorry for all of these silly questions, I'm more into the modeling aspect of 30k and don't know to much about the actual game haha
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Lacal pg 19

"A legion Command Squad may only be chosen as a retinue for a legion praetor or legion special character with the warlord pecial rules, and may not be taken as part of an army on their own. They take up a single force org chart choice with that praetor, but do not have to be deployed with them and are treated as a separate unit during the game."

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The new Bitter Iron Rite of War sounds cool, but I just can't seem to make a list work at 2000 points due to how expensive the Immortals are! I like the theme of this list but I get the feeling it will get steamrolled by anything even remotely competitive:


Autek Mor - The Company of Bitter Iron

Orth - Goes in the Sicaran Battle Tank


Immortals x20 - AA, Power Fist, 16x Volkite Chargers, 4x Graviton Guns

Immortals x20 - AA, Power Fist, 16x Volkite Chargers, 4x Graviton Guns


Sicaran Battle Tank - Lascannon Sponsons

Sicaran Venator

Vindicator Squadron x2 - 2x Laser Destroyer Arrays


40 bodies, yes, but they're slow and a Typhon or Scorpius will have no problems erasing them. Is 10 men in a Proteus a better investment? I could then chuck Mor in with some Gorgon Terminators in a Spartan instead.


Edit: Well scratch that thought as 10 Immortals in a Proteus with 2x Grav, AA and Power Fists on the Sergeant are 10 points more than 20 of them foot slogging :/

Edited by exsanguis
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Immortals are cool, as is choom, but you have to accept that those volkite chargers are a big points sink. That's 160 points freed up. Drop a few bodies and you have yourself a mortis or dodo dread. Consider breaking up the squads into x3 10 man groups for added flexibility. Your biggest problem is Autek Mor not really doing anything. You have some good support units, but it's not enough for an enemy gunline to really want to come at you. Likewise your army has no way of getting across no-mans land. You don't have enough firepower to force somebody to come to you and no real way of coming at someone in an entrenched position. Edited by Bulbafist
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The best part about bitter iron is the low restrictions, and hatred. Troop immortals are a nice to have but shouldn't dominate your list construction.


If you are determined to use them I would build my list around


10 immortals with chargers

MoS or Herald with cmd squad


Land Raider squad 2x proteus, 1 with auguary web


This way you can scout up on to an objective and have all your bases covered. It is like 900 points though.

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This is a Rite of War called Company of Bitter Iron. It should not care for objectives, meta games or "winning". These are fleshy concerns of weak mortally flawed men. All it should seek to do is seek retribution in the most painfully agonizing of ways to the traitors that wet the sands of Isstvan with the Blood of our father.


With this in mind I propose the following list for righteous vengeance and unbound fury!


2,000 Points Iron Hands

RoW:Company of Bitter Iron






Autek Mor, Executive BAMF - 240 pts

Cyber Familiar





20 Immortals - 880 pts

Volkites, 4 Lascutters


Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Breacher Charge


Spartan Assault Tank

Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield



20 Immortals - 880 pts
Volkites, 4 Lascutters
Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Breacher Charge

Spartan Assault Tank
Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield




Now let this sink in a bit brothers, and try and find fault with this glorious logic. It cannot be done.

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This is a Rite of War called Company of Bitter Iron. It should not care for objectives, meta games or "winning". These are fleshy concerns of weak mortally flawed men. All it should seek to do is seek retribution in the most painfully agonizing of ways to the traitors that wet the sands of Isstvan with the Blood of our father.


With this in mind I propose the following list for righteous vengeance and unbound fury!


2,000 Points Iron Hands

RoW:Company of Bitter Iron






Autek Mor, Executive BAMF - 240 pts

Cyber Familiar





20 Immortals - 880 pts

Volkites, 4 Lascutters


Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Breacher Charge


Spartan Assault Tank

Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield



20 Immortals - 880 pts

Volkites, 4 Lascutters


Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Breacher Charge

Spartan Assault Tank

Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield




Now let this sink in a bit brothers, and try and find fault with this glorious logic. It cannot be done.

This meets approval.


However personally I would adjust to remove the Spartans and put in two Kharybydis assault claws. Remove two model from one unit to allow Mor inside the transports and find points for a Deathstorm pod to allow bothe claws to arrive turn 1.


They don't want to trundle up to the enemy in a big metal box. They want to arrive in a storm of fiery vengeance!

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Either or is fine. More risk and shock factor involed with the flying Bunker, less risk and more impending doom on your opponent with the spartans.


I enjoy seeing the despair in my enemies face when he sees 2 spartans he cannot stop just roaring across the board to deliver it's not so lethal but definitely a pain in the rearend to deal with cargo.

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Holly God Yes! That list is beautiful! Crush those weak fleshy traitors under the weight of pure Immortal firepower! I'm working towards a Company of Bitter Iron list and it makes me happy to see fellow pissed off Legionary of the Tenth

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Either or is fine. More risk and shock factor involed with the flying Bunker, less risk and more impending doom on your opponent with the spartans.


I enjoy seeing the despair in my enemies face when he sees 2 spartans he cannot stop just roaring across the board to deliver it's not so lethal but definitely a pain in the rearend to deal with cargo.


What's difficult to deal with about those Spartans? 1 Lightning could deal with both, and any sort of redundancy in that regard renders this list immobile and pointless. It just looks a lot of dollars/pounds/euro spent to not play the game in any meaningful way... Immortals still die to the normal things that kill marines just in a less drastic amounts to things like missile launchers, but Vindicators, Kheres, Typhon, contemptors in assault kill them just the same.

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"Meaningful" is subjective. And a single lightning couldn't easily deal with them both, not reliably. One for sure, but then there's still another about to fire back.

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Either or is fine. More risk and shock factor involed with the flying Bunker, less risk and more impending doom on your opponent with the spartans.


I enjoy seeing the despair in my enemies face when he sees 2 spartans he cannot stop just roaring across the board to deliver it's not so lethal but definitely a pain in the rearend to deal with cargo.

What's difficult to deal with about those Spartans? 1 Lightning could deal with both, and any sort of redundancy in that regard renders this list immobile and pointless. It just looks a lot of dollars/pounds/euro spent to not play the game in any meaningful way... Immortals still die to the normal things that kill marines just in a less drastic amounts to things like missile launchers, but Vindicators, Kheres, Typhon, contemptors in assault kill them just the same.

I think you missed the whole point.

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Either or is fine. More risk and shock factor involed with the flying Bunker, less risk and more impending doom on your opponent with the spartans.


I enjoy seeing the despair in my enemies face when he sees 2 spartans he cannot stop just roaring across the board to deliver it's not so lethal but definitely a pain in the rearend to deal with cargo.

What's difficult to deal with about those Spartans? 1 Lightning could deal with both, and any sort of redundancy in that regard renders this list immobile and pointless. It just looks a lot of dollars/pounds/euro spent to not play the game in any meaningful way... Immortals still die to the normal things that kill marines just in a less drastic amounts to things like missile launchers, but Vindicators, Kheres, Typhon, contemptors in assault kill them just the same.

I think you missed the whole point.


Spend money, stop using models after 2 games? Prove the inadequacy of your fleshy bits? What is the point?

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Either or is fine. More risk and shock factor involed with the flying Bunker, less risk and more impending doom on your opponent with the spartans.


I enjoy seeing the despair in my enemies face when he sees 2 spartans he cannot stop just roaring across the board to deliver it's not so lethal but definitely a pain in the rearend to deal with cargo.

What's difficult to deal with about those Spartans? 1 Lightning could deal with both, and any sort of redundancy in that regard renders this list immobile and pointless. It just looks a lot of dollars/pounds/euro spent to not play the game in any meaningful way... Immortals still die to the normal things that kill marines just in a less drastic amounts to things like missile launchers, but Vindicators, Kheres, Typhon, contemptors in assault kill them just the same.
I think you missed the whole point.

Spend money, stop using models after 2 games? Prove the inadequacy of your fleshy bits? What is the point?

It's just a big fun list and my post was dripping in sarcasm. It so silly that it begs to be done.


I own all these models already and I am fully aware of how uncompetitive this list is.

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I'm actually not a proponent of obsessively competitive play. But I when I write lists I try to imagine what it would be like to play against it. One dimensional lists just bring back memories of Mario vs Donkey Kong.

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One dimensional lists just bring back memories of Mario vs Donkey Kong.

Indeed. I intend to win the game by assaulting my opponent's sensibilities and force the usual "how dare you, you motley wearing, slackjawed having bufoon... 2 spartans at 2k, inconceivable!"


And before he recovers from the shock and realises these are immortals and not you know, gorgons (which would be hard to deal with) - I will deliver then upon his deployment zone like the plague in middle age europe.

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I'm actually not a proponent of obsessively competitive play. But I when I write lists I try to imagine what it would be like to play against it. One dimensional lists just bring back memories of Mario vs Donkey Kong.


An awesome little puzzle platformer game for the GBA! I'm not seeing your point :tongue.:


Only because you were Mario! lol, imagine playing as poor Donkey Kong?

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I'm actually not a proponent of obsessively competitive play. But I when I write lists I try to imagine what it would be like to play against it. One dimensional lists just bring back memories of Mario vs Donkey Kong.


An awesome little puzzle platformer game for the GBA! I'm not seeing your point :tongue.:


Only because you were Mario! lol, imagine playing as poor Donkey Kong?



That oversized monkey cause me so much trauma as a child playing in arcades, the therapist bills are still coming in. NO MERCY, NO RESPITE!

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