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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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Dreadclaws are typically devilery systems for things that need to get in combat. Immortals don't want to get in combat, they just want to soak fire, act as a tough speed bump and choom things dead if they get close.


That's why I like them in transports, as it makes them a mobile reserve for to protect my lines.

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Dreadclaws are typically devilery systems for things that need to get in combat. Immortals don't want to get in combat, they just want to soak fire, act as a tough speed bump and choom things dead if they get close.


That's why I like them in transports, as it makes them a mobile reserve for to protect my lines.


I like the idea of a the pod for a few reasons.


A) getting them in the front lines asap is both fluffy and a good use of their rules

B) I find my Iron hands list usually lack alternative forms of deployment besides outflank

C) it makes use of my under utilized fast attack slot

D) In bitter iron, they are scoring, letting me drop them on objectives outside my ability to reach with limited to no enemy interaction. 

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If the context is Bitter Iron, maybe. But even then, they don't have enough punch in a 10 man squad, don't have access to unitwide metlabombs and have a steep buy in price. The unit is better in large numbers because of the additionnal model cost.


You could definitely try, but I would combo them with a leviathan or something for the SHAZAM! effect.

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You could "ally" with Emperor's Children, they make great colourful corpses on my bases. Mechanicum's red fits very well with Iron Hands and is super fluffy!


I can't bring myself to ally with EC. :P


Mechanicum sounds promising. What units would you recommend?  IH = Anvil  ?? = Hammer


Any other legion recommendations?

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Mechanicum brings slow troops, that are great at anti-armour or anti-everything else with. they have tough jump troops that score (Tallax) and can harrass flanks, Tanatars are great for disloding the enemy and bring a S8 AP2 template to deal with multi-wound terminators. it's great alongside a Head of the Gorgon tank formation, as they have the speed to run upfleid while the mechanicum cuts them down in small portions with their lasers.


Fluffy wise, you can play around with the Shattered Legions. Shadrak and friends play can be fun - Raven Guard and Salamanders.


A knight household can be a nice addition and follows the mechanicum department, except they are very fast.


You could have a "Riven" style detachment, With Imperial Fists.


If you are traitor, iron warriors are great as well.

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Ew don't go with traitors


You could make a 'survivors of Istvaan V' list with a shattered legion IH/Sallies blend and do some mixed tactical squads. That way you could even use the manly man Sally hamernators. On top of that you could have a IH praevian with some inviolate Castellax. That gives you a nice mix of colors while still remaining within the fluff! If it's just the colors you want, you could always go with the forgeworld scheme for your hands which adds some nice greens and purples

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Well, they of have two! Pyroclasts and Firedrakes. Drakes being potentially the best terminators in the Heresy. 2W , WS5, Thunder hammer & storm shields.


If not special mention to anything that can take flamers/ heavy flamers as they get +1 strength.

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I have a fetish for pyroclasts. Just as tough against melta/plasma as a Terminator (hurrdurr not very hurr shut up) and damn versatile in the gun department.

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Hey guys,


So I have been toying with the idea of Iron Hands for a while (Immortals are awesome and I bought them when they released just because the models are epic) and then Book 6 dropped with the Company of Bitter Iron RoW and all the awesome fluff about the Red Talon. Here is an army list I threw together to make use of Immortals and Mor ... Bear in mind it is meant to look cool and be fluffy since I am more of a collector now rather than gamer but that may one day change!


Iron Hands 2500 points Company of Bitter Iron (or YAY IMMORTALS)




Autek Mor - 225




Legion Tactical Squad - 220

10 men 

Sarge with Artificer armour, power weapon and melta bombs


Rhino APC


Medusan Immortals - 885 (very silly but hey could be fun! Mor joins these guys for preferred enemy shenanigans)

20 men

Sarge with Artificer armour, power fist and cyber familiar

Squad equipped with volkite chargers and 4 meltaguns

Spartan with flare shield and armoured ceramite


Heavy Support


Heavy Support squad - 350 (these guys are buffed by Mor just to be mean)

10 men

Volkite Culverins

Sarge with Artificer armour and argury scanner


Sicaran Battle Tank - 195

Lascannon Sponsons

Armoured Ceramite


1875/2500 points




So I have around 700 points to play with and the only non negotiable elements of the army are the Immortals and maybe Mor just for his background. What would you guys suggest? I could load up on Contemptors and a Deredeo with maybe another troops choice if needed.

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Master of Signal for the Culverins - What is better than hitting/ wounding most things on a 2+ while rerolling 1s, plus more firepower with bombardment!


I's say maybe lose the melta on the Immortals, with all the ceramite around and the amount of Volkite fire you'll give up to cap a Dread or Tank it doesn't seem worth it.


A Lord of War may work incredibly well with this list - gives your opponent another thing to small firepower in and more hard choices, this list feel like it will benefit from few -VERY RESILIENT- units. Maybe a Fell Blade just for Raw Gunnage or the like.


Can CoBI take a fortification? If so a bunker for your heavy squad would be nice - plus a medic to keep them operating.


I'm normally super against them, but Grav Rapiers are fluffy for Iron Hands!


Anti-tank could be patched up with some Darkfire Castellax and a Previan or just as a slot on the force org, plus it fits into the theme nicely too.

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Sounds good Charlo, I will have to check the rules later on tonight so I'm not sure about taking a fortification but it is a good shout and at the very least I will get an apothecary to hide with them. I'll drop the melta with the Immortals as I only had it since they can take a special but you are right that all the volkite shots against armour would be a very expensive light show! Castellax are a very tempting idea - could get expensive quickly but hey it also fits my theme :tongue.: I will play with the list and try get a Fellblade or Glaive (all hail choom) in there. Thanks :smile.:


- After a quick fiddle on battlescribe I can get a Fellblade in the force easily and I have ditched the melta guns on the Immortals and got an apothecary for the heavy weapons team. 45 points to spare now after giving the apothecary arificer armour and the Fellblade armoured ceramite and Legion crew. Might try swap out the Fellblade for a Praevian with Castellax (-1 strength would be nasty here I bet) but I do love the Fellblade (so close to being a Mammoth Tank). 


- Edit 2: After more tinkering if I don't take the Fellblade I can get a Praevian with combi-weapon, boarding shield and artificer armour with 2 darkfire Castellax with enhanced targeting array AND (just for Hesh) 3 Graviton rapiers! I am 10 points over though but I could maybe drop the vexilla on the tactical squad or something else. 

Edited by Reyner
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