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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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-Competing with a primarch is a non issue under 5k points really. Plus the warmachine detatchment has much more value as the game grows. It's much better than the heavy support slots as you stated on a tank that can only deal with superheavies in a stellar way, and he value for the slot gets even worse as the game scales.


-the 72 inch range is huge. It can reach the back of apolcapytic tables turn one, while the sicaran venator can struggle to get in range for turn 2. This should give a decisive edge to the Cerberus. It's worth noting that Orth does really well riding it.


The Cerberus can Thunderblitz in a pinch.

Yeah, great points Wolf_Pack. Forgot about Thunderblitz!


I feel like it's a much-maligned unit simply due to the Feedback rule and potential 1 shot. Want to get some play-testing done as no-one seems to have much experience with it!

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-Competing with a primarch is a non issue under 5k points really. Plus the warmachine detatchment has much more value as the game grows. It's much better than the heavy support slots as you stated on a tank that can only deal with superheavies in a stellar way, and he value for the slot gets even worse as the game scales.


-the 72 inch range is huge. It can reach the back of apolcapytic tables turn one, while the sicaran venator can struggle to get in range for turn 2. This should give a decisive edge to the Cerberus. It's worth noting that Orth does really well riding it.


The Cerberus can Thunderblitz in a pinch.

Yeah, great points Wolf_Pack. Forgot about Thunderblitz!


I feel like it's a much-maligned unit simply due to the Feedback rule and potential 1 shot. Want to get some play-testing done as no-one seems to have much experience with it!



I've played mine in over 10 apocalypse games. It's a gambler's pick, not a power gamer's pick and ultimately a fun one. When you are rolling 5s and 6s to generate 3 shots, everyone involved in that game knows the Pain Train is coming to Heretical Traitor Scum town. I did 7 hull points to a Shadowsword on turn one last game with 3 shots. It was great. But then again, when you are getting 1 shot a turn for 2-3 turns in a row, it will feels underwhelming for 500 points.


In the end, it's a very specialized pick. The bigger the LoW on the other side, the greater the value of the Cerberus. When it's hitting Titans, you will be glad you brought it. When it runs out of juicy targets, it's benefits decrease incredible. So you can say it has an oppisive power curve to the Typhon. The Typhon excels when it can bully the enemy on a small table. The Cerberus will fare better when it can play David against Goliath.

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It's not so great at countering knights, as they are fast and naturally want to engage in close combat, so crippling their shooting is not the end of the world. Unless you using it to force the shield facing to an angle that does not favour your opponent by deploying it on the opposite flank of your other anti-tank options. That 4+ invulnerable is a show stopper at times.


Breachers with meltabombs Are a great way to ruin a knight's day, or plasma/melta support squad.

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What are your thoughts on using Ferrus in larger games, such as 3K? I struggle to get him into combat bar a Spartan, and if I send him and a Terminator bodyguard in via pod they will get shot to pieces. Could attaching him to Castellax work?

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He cant join Castellax, they're MC's.


The only way you could Pod Ferrus with Terminators is: Dreadclaw with Command Squad or a Kharybdis. Neither Kick you out on arrival which means you aren't getting shot at.


Another would be to use a Caestus but the easiest is the Spartan.


3k Is the point where Primarchs should more or less start popping up so thats fine.

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Thanks for the response. My issue with Ferrus is his high points cost requires you to take many AV13 vehicles. In itself this is not bad thing but once you include units like a Spartan and Terminators it does veer towards an 'eggs in one basket' scenario. It would be nice if his points cost/or (comparitively) weaker combat prowess was modified in the (eventual) next Red Book - perhaps Master Crafted on Forgebreaker, while also bestowing Sunder on a unit? Just thoughts. 

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I tend to play Ferrus around the 5,000 mark. 3,000 is very slim on points in the heresy and it feels like you are investing so much to keep a primarch alive at that level. when I do play him, I play the attrition game.


Here's the usual Iron Hands game plan: our tanks are tougher and will outlast the enemy's, so they are forced forward. At that point, he doesn't have trouble  getting engaged once that happens. As for the setup, he always drives around in a spartan with full complement of gorgons with Autek Mor granting the unit Prefered Enemy. That unit mops up any major leaks in a 18 inch diameter, money back guarantee. He'll even outflank with another tank or 2 and just wreck havoc on an entrenched position. Make sure to remembering his 2 guns fired per turn ;)

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Once I have the money for AV (and ya know.... Painted miniatures) I plan to run my DG with IH rules sometimes (yay resilience, nay to buying multiple resin marine armies) so that is good to know.


I love Mortarion but where he chews through Castellax he ain't chewing through a Knight :|

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Trip report- we played 3600 vs 3600, two on two. Our side podded in two levithans. Mine soaked up a turn of enemy shooting before it exploded. My mate's had a bombard and stomped around for 3 turns, but missed with the bombard 2 out of 3 times. He soaked up fire and was a serious threat, but he was just ok. I think better rolling and deployment will help us next time around.

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With our new right of war I am thinking of adding a PA close combat unit ( I already have 10 Cat and 10 Gorgons) what do you guys suggest?


Iron Hands are rather limited in that department. Command Squads do well when supported. Veterans will run expensive when kitted out, but still can do work.


Immortals with volkites just blast a unit to pulp up close and personal and them clean up in close combat if you want.

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Does the alternative force organisation that gives you two Lord of War ignore the LoW % rules?


If so, in 3k put Ferrus in a Mastodon with a Leviathan and terms. I call it the PAIN TRAIN

Nope still the normal 25% restrictions. Also can't put a Leviathan inside a Madtodon from memory sadly.
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