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Help against tyranids


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I have a problem dealing with tyranids player. He's really skilled and tactical player, i meet him everytime in local tourny. He usually runs Two Flyrants, two troop tervigons, malantai in pod, 3 zoantropes in pod, 2 squads of shooty gaunts, two biovores, and that big bug which shoots lightning. Flyrants and tervigons use biomancy and enhance themselves.


So what units you suggest to use against such list? what tactics? and generally what pesticide you're using to squash the bugs?

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Sternguard are our best option against Tyranid 'Big Things'. Poisoned ammo is an absolute godsend. Baal predators are also an excellent shout due to sheer number of shots. Ignore the biovores as best you can, they're generally not fantastic. Target the tervigons first - the quicker they go down, the fewer gribblies he can spawn from them. Bonus is that, once one pops, it damages all the gaunts nearby, so when you take one down you generally take a few of the smaller ones with it. Flyrants are a nuisance, but they aren't overfond of storm ravens. Doom is relatively squishy, yes it'll hurt something when it comes down but can be one-shotted by a krak missile or powerfist. Frag missiles are good against hordes, krak are good against the big things, so a 4 ML dev squad will help you.


Summary - useful units are Sternguard, Baal preds, Raven, ML devs. Spread out, play the mission, pick the right targets, and you -should- hopefully live to tell the tale. Nids are a dated book, but still pretty dangerous in the hands of a skilled opponent.

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Thanks for reply. Also i forgot to tell that usually his flyrants use some shooting attack with twelve shots, and they both just glance my raven to death. Also the big question is what to use as troops, because i tried using 10 strong assault squads with priests, razorback squads, but all seems just so squishy agianst the bugs. Recently he started using Bastion for first turn cover for his flyrants. A question about sternguard and their size, is maximum size squad viable? 10 sternguard combi-meltas droppoding and combat squading on touchdow to effectively take down two targest or just a 5 man squad would do the job?
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Another answer for you, mephy. Yes they shut down his psychic powers once he's within 12. But by then it's to late to save them. Run him with at least a full assault squad with flamers and a priest nearby. Assault squad can deal with the tarpits. Tyranids very very rarely have armour save 2+ unless he knows your taking him. My regular opponent is a nid player. The only way he can deal with him is that armoured carapace, and then it's not flying ;)

Everytime I've taken him he's excelled.

Sometimes it's worth rolling that force weapon.

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Thanks for reply! Ok so we approximate list to use against nids:


HQ - Mephy

Elites - 5 sternguard 5 combi-plasmas, dropod

Sanguinary priest +JP

Troops - 10 men assault squad + 2xflamer + PA

Fast attack - 3xBaal Pred wtih assault cannon and HB sponsoons

Heavy support - raven with multimelta, asscannon, and HB

dev squad +4 ML


whats else to use in 1750 pts battles?

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Personally I’d drop the combi’s in favour of more bolters, your poisoning on 2+ without it blowing up in your face vs. his big bugs and you’ve got more shots for anything else, as a nid player myself its not really the strength of the attacks but how many, my flyrant was taken out by a squad of necron warriors due to the ground test when he gets hit and all my big bugs are very rarely taken out by big guns but by weight of fire. Take out his synapses creatures 1st as well if you can so his gaunts aren’t fearless so magic mephy can break them and deploy smart remember they have to come to you. That’s pretty much all I can think of.
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How many Land Raiders do you have?  Seriously, 5 man assault squads riding in Godhammers are a serious problem for a lot of armies, including monster mash Tyranids since they'll have to assault the tanks to actually hurt them.  Keep Mephiston skulking around your backfield out of Line of Sight to deter that and you're probably golden.  From there, it's just a matter of improving execution and getting comfortable with being patient.

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I just played a big 8300pts game against nids over the past 2 days and won.   Had a good mix of both shooting and close combat.  Majority shooting though.

In a standard game though, fragioso's, baal preds, and sternguard and tac squads are awesome.  ML Devs rock,  even a unit of 10 scouts with snipers are crazy good, especially with a libby nearby casting prescience on them for MC hunting wounding on 4's.  My terminators actually faired extremely well with a priest nearby since I got rid of the zoanthropes.

If anything, I would put combi flamers on your sternguard.  I had 2 combi-plas and combi-meltas on mine, didn't fire em once.  Shot Tycho's, but missed.  You're banking on that 1 combi weapon to hit, and if it does, it's only taking 1 measly little wound off of a MC anyways.  I wouldn't even bother with podding them down.  Walked mine up behind my Baal Preds and shot at anything big in range.  I find podding Sternguard isn't really a points effective decision.  They perform great over an entire game, but when dropped in front of an enemy, they will be food after your turn.  Be smart with them and they can win you games.

Iron Arm is a tough one to crack if you don't have the right units to deal with their increased toughness.  This is where scouts and sternguard come in.  Use the Baal preds to ground the flyrants, (you should be able to with the assault cannon unless Iron Arm to T8+ then its tricky) and then unload with your sternguard.

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Use the Baal preds to ground the flyrants, (you should be able to with the assault cannon unless Iron Arm to T8+ then its tricky) and then unload with your sternguard.

If I remember correctly, you take a grounding test after just being hit, so the pred (with 10 shots) should ge causing a grouding test each time!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I will be fighting a 1500 point Tyranid army in a few days and my opponent, a fried, says that the list has seven Monstrous Creatures. pinch.gif

Based on the advice in this forum I'm looking to include the following in my Blood Angels army list: Mephiston or Astorath, Sternguard with Bolters in a HB Razorback, two Tac squads in TLLC/TL Las-Plas Razorbacks, Baal Predator TLAC and HBs, Storm Raven TLLC and Typhoon ML, Devastators with 4ML, Predator AC and LCs, and a Sanguinary priest if I can find another 15 points.

I have a large army with plenty of options (such as Termies, Land Raiders, Land Speeders, Bikes) so let me know what you recommend and why.

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I don't think you will have a problem.  Monstrous creatures aren't that bad.  Their only T6.  I'd actually put a TLAC on your SR instead of the TLLC.  4 shots to 1 shot.  The more shots against nids the better you'll fair I've found.

Mephy is good, keep him away from lash whips/bone sword(saber?) combo though.

I would suggest you try to go with a 10 man sternguard, even on foot if you have to.  They won't have enough shooting to really matter, utilize your cover.  All in all, I think you'll do fine.

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Razorback spam is one of the two options that works really well against MC spam nids. The other is drop pods.


Against nids, I really like double plasma gun+plasma pistol slinger sergeants. With a divination libby around, you are potentially cause 6 S7 AP 2 wounds per squad. That's enough to put down a MC reliably wit the razorback's support.

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Scouts, those rifles are sweet. Baal Preds so much dacka that you will wreck MCs and most of their troops. Mephiston, you will be fighting T6 3+ MCs you don't need strength 10 hits when one strength 6 out of your 6? Is going to be instant death. Missile Launcher Devastators wounds his whole list on a 2+ oh and they ignore armor oh these also instant death his whole dex that is not MC or has the word vore in its name. Why has no one said combiflamers on a stern guard squad? Ends hordes and MCs. Jump packs outrun his troops and bawkses stop doom of malantai. Too many bugs take a whirlwind. Power fists on Sargeant is your friend. Force pinning tests and then light up the fly rant his brain leach worms are useless if you are 24 inches away. Watch out for devilguants, they are surprisingly good at shooting. Ignore his giant angry "lightning bug" it has 2+ and 6 wounds but does not do enough damage to be a real threat unless it is that heavy support mission with scoring then just kind of make sure you get the other objectives. Best of luck. I dislike the Storm raven it never seems to work for me.
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Thanks for all your advice.  I have prepared two choices for my 1500 point list versus an army of seven Nid Monstrous Creatures.

Let me know what you think.


List 1 - Bug Sprayers


Mephiston with codex psychic powers

10 Sternguards with bolters

Baal Predator with TLAC/HBs

5 Assault Marines plus a Sanguinary Priest in a Razorback TLHBs 

5 Assault Marines in a Land Raider with Multi Melta

Storm Raven with TLAC and TLMM

5 Devastators with 4 ML


List 2 - Bug Crushers

Librarian in Terminator Armour with Storm Bolter and Force Stave


4 DC with a PF

5 Assault Marines in a Land Raider Crusader with MM

2 Baal Predators with TLAC/HBs

5 Assault Marines

Storm Raven with TLAC and TLMM and Hurricanes

AC/LAS Predator

TriLas Predator


I like the first list but the second has more shots at a distance

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i like list 2 except.... id combine the assaul squads as youd only want to seperate them to get more special weapons, personally id deep strike em with a couple of weapons, them stick the DC in the raider with chapy and liby. The "mixed bag" pred id specialize more, ie all las or make it dakka, you'll get diminishing returns from mixing guns like that. This list i like a lot, focus fire big bugs the assault and bolter to clear everything else.

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Scouts, those rifles are sweet. Baal Preds so much dacka that you will wreck MCs and most of their troops. Mephiston, you will be fighting T6 3+ MCs you don't need strength 10 hits when one strength 6 out of your 6? Is going to be instant death. Missile Launcher Devastators wounds his whole list on a 2+ oh and they ignore armor oh these also instant death his whole dex that is not MC or has the word vore in its name. Why has no one said combiflamers on a stern guard squad? Ends hordes and MCs. Jump packs outrun his troops and bawkses stop doom of malantai. Too many bugs take a whirlwind. Power fists on Sargeant is your friend. Force pinning tests and then light up the fly rant his brain leach worms are useless if you are 24 inches away. Watch out for devilguants, they are surprisingly good at shooting. Ignore his giant angry "lightning bug" it has 2+ and 6 wounds but does not do enough damage to be a real threat unless it is that heavy support mission with scoring then just kind of make sure you get the other objectives. Best of luck. I dislike the Storm raven it never seems to work for me.

Do this. I hate Mobile lists like this when i play Nids, Gun lines and low model count armies are noom noom. Once he deep strikes everything he's going to be very limited on movement shoot and scoot winds me propley up when my mate does it!

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Thanks for the advice on battling Nids. I won when we had to finish at end of 4th Turn.


Used this list:

Librarian in Terminator Armour with Storm Bolter and Force Stave


4 DC with a PF

5 Assault Marines in a Land Raider Crusader with MM

2 Baal Predators with TLAC/HBs

5 Assault Marines

Storm Raven with TLAC and TLMM and Hurricanes

AC/LAS Predator

TriLas Predator

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