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Deathwatch Space Marines


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I wanted to show these guys off before I sell them.



I spent a pretty good amount of time finishing these guys up and had a good time playing them. I previously used it as a Crimson Fist army with Pedro leading the way making all of the sternguard scoring.




Squad A


Squad B


Squad C


Squad D


Squad E




Thank you for looking!

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Don't take this the wrong way, but I couldn't help but snigger when I saw Pedro.  


'Subtlety be damned, I've got a big whopping fist and I'm gonna use it!'


There is quite a lot of creativity here, which is always delightful.  And ye gods man that's a lot of combi-weapons :teehee:


The Pods seem a touch on the lazy side, with next to no detail.  I'm also not a huge fan of that particular shade of green.  It comes across as a touch cartoony. 

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Love the models, but the green....there is just something about, too bright or something. Otherwise lovely models and if thats all thats bad then bah humbug who cares. Also absoutley love the variety of chapters represented. I have been wanting to do DW for along time and just cant seem to find all the transfers for a variety like that.
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Don't take this the wrong way, but I couldn't help but snigger when I saw Pedro.  


'Subtlety be damned, I've got a big whopping fist and I'm gonna use it!'


That's nothing firepower my first thought was "From the shoulder, down to the wrist, look out evil...here comes my fist!"  I've been smiling like a buffoon since.  I really think he needs a magnetizable jetpack option though.


Really nice army brother lajollagrad!

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Don't take this the wrong way, but I couldn't help but snigger when I saw Pedro.

'Subtlety be damned, I've got a big whopping fist and I'm gonna use it!'

That's nothing firepower my first thought was "From the shoulder, down to the wrist, look out evil...here comes my fist!"

Yours is better biggrin.png
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