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Help with this list please


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hopefully someone on here can help me in my quest to fill the worlds with his pestilence, however at 1500 points I haven't a clue! I know I want typhus and maybe huron(love his model could easily convert into a lord or something) but I 100% want 2 hq choices, help me figure out a 1500 point list please guys!

thanks in advance


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well if typhus is a def then you'll want to play to his strengths...ie msu fearless zombie units for objective holding (i usually do 12+ in each unit) these units free up the rest of the army for some real pain causing. Now for objective taking id do a couple unit of plague marines, prob in rhino's. Nurble bikes with melta to put forward pressure. Some anti tank heavys to taste, and also a body gaurd for the big boy. i enjoy a combi plas termi unit for deepstriking. Now you can and a hellturkey, but i found that that lil bugger promotes people to come OUT of thier cover and push forward at you, with this type of list tou dont want that as you objective holders cant stand a fowards cc threat. For the 2nd hq i usually like either a sorc of some fashion or a nurgle DP with mace. hope this helps :)

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At 1500 taking typhus and a second HQ ist kinda meh. Typhus already being a very, very expensive hq and the fact that zombies pack no punch, forces you to have to get expensive hard hitting units ie. Drakes and obliterators. Also to play this kind of list you really need a lot of zombies (100+). The lists strengths are basically taking longer for turns than opponents and being hard to remove from objectives. Ideally for you, you would want the game to be over before the maximum of turns has been reached. I find putting typhus in a big blob of zombies is usually more than enough of a bodyguard. 


I would roughly play Typhus, 106 zombies in 5 squads, 2 baledrakes and 3*2 MoN Obliterators. 

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Right thanks for the replies. I am unfortunately dead set on typhus and a second hq. I'm up for using 35 zombies but that's about it. I'm thinking maybe land raider, typhus 3 chaos termies and a power lord with some upgrades (combi melta using hurons claw!!!(I love that part wayyy to much)) thanks


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youre probably rights.................. however my relatively short attention span has turned me toward new pastures, slightly less rotten, and having become obsessed with my new idea I have ordered huron, korsarrro khan and lokhir fellheart.............. I am probably not right in the head xD


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