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Please help me understand skies of fury ?


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Hi guys, I searched on the board to get a clear answer, but I didn't find any.


I have a doubt concerning the skies of fury rule for the stormraven and I hoped someone could enlighten me :

The rule says that the unit disembarking from a zooming stormraven must take a scatter test

If the unit scatters, every model must take a Dangerous Terrain test.

Then it adds, "If any of the models cannot be deployed, the entire unit is destroyed".


I have a problem understanding the latter sentence, does it mean :

- If any of the models cannot be deployed in a deep strike formation, because of impassable terrain or other units, then the entire unit is destroyed ?

- If any of the models dies because of skies of fury, then the entire unit is destroyed because the model died and thus can't be deployed ?


I couldn't find a definite official answer to that question, neither on the web nor on the FAQs.


I'd really appreciate your input on that, thanks !



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Thanks guys ! I was originally thinking of it this way, but someone in the local hobby store told me otherwise. I felt it was too punishing, however...


Typical instance here of someone trying to be clever and looking too far into it. It's definitely the former, the latter would be too silly and generally not make sense balance wise etc.

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When do you take the Dangerous Terrain test?


If it's *after* you have deployed the unit, then the entire unit can't be destroyed.


If the mini suffers the Dangerous Terrain test *prior* to deployment, they might have an argument.


(I'm almost 100% sure that you 'deploy' the unit prior to taking the Dangerous Terrain test)

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This is why I always take a locator beacon on my stormravens.  If it gets velocity locked or absolutely MUST keep shooting flyers, my guys can disembark safely.  Totally worth the peace of mind to me.


Yeah, I bet for 10 points you secure what is inside for a result like this.

Because the Locator Beacon is on the table at the start of the turn in which you deploy (assuming you deploy one turn after the 'Raven has arrived), then it applies to units inside, right ?



The old GK Skies of Fury, Shadowed Skies;



and deploy the squad, as if it were deep striking onto that point.  If the unit scatters, every disembarking model must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain test


Yeah, the exact same wording is in the Marines codex. They would thus take a dangerous terrain test immediately after scattering, then deploy the surviving models ?


I hope so, otherwise it's a great way to reliably wipe out your 10-man units every time you do that :p

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