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weird and wacky


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I've always been more of a narrative or role playing gamer than a competitive one. To that end, I tend to build army lists that are unbalanced, unwieldy and slightly bizarre: they tend to reference some element of my chosen army's background or mythology.


For example, I'm currently messing around with an army lists for my Slaaneshi Severed Angels which derives from the Flesh Forges they command: cathedrals of artistic industry in which the Flesh Smiths (Warpsmith eqivalents) labour to create living engines of flesh and metal. Currently, it looks something like this:


Primary detatchment:




Warpsmith (Mark of Slaanesh, Burning Brand, Gift of Mutation, Aura of Dark Glory) 180pts

Warpsmith (Mark of Slaanesh, Gift of Mutation, Aura of Dark Glory, Murder Sword): 185pts




35 Chaos Cultists (Mark of Slaanesh): 185

35 Chaos Cultists (Mark of Slaanesh): 185




Helbrute with power scourge: 110pts

Helbrute with Plasma Cannon: 110 pts

3 Mutilators (Mark of Slaanesh): 183pts


Fast Attack:


Heldrake with Baleflamer: 170pts

Heldrake with Baleflamer: 170pts


Heavy Support:


Defiler with dirge caster and power scourge: 225

Forgefiend with ectoplasma cannons and extra ectoplasma: 200

Maulerfiend: 125



Total: 2028



As you can see, there is nothing even remotely competitive in this list: it is deliberately designed to be a little bit silly, with lots of redundant options that derive from the characters I've created and the models I've built around them. For all of my complaints concerning the current codedx, I will say this: the general unwieldy nature of this list and the absurdity of it makes it very fun to play: lors of big, semi-mechanical monstrosities scurrying around the battlefield whilst the big blobs of cultists die en masse about them. I must also say that, despite its innate silliness, I have had some reasonable success with the list in my regular gaming sphere (they also tend to be narrative rather than competitive gamers, so their lists also tend to be similarly off kilter). Another element that army lists like this tend to demonstrate is a great deal of character on the table top: it may not "work" as such (and believe me, it often doesn't), but it looks amazing.


What absurdities have you managed to concoct and how do they work? Do they work at all on a technical level, or are they just matters of being silly for the sake of it?

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You list reminds me of my demon forge list that looked very similar. The only difference was basically that I wrote it for 1500 points and had a few choices less than you have. I only tried it once so far, but it was completely wrecked by Dark Eldar, who managed to instantly explode every one of my vehicles they shot at. Wasn't my lucky day, but it's a fun list.


A list that I remember very fondly because of its wacky-ness was a sorcerer coven that I built in the 3.5 times (and this is not supposed to be about how good or bad that codex was). Every one of my sorcerers picked Gift of Chaos to create Chaos Spawns and spam the field with them. Back in the day you could also spawnify your own units, so I happily killed off some of my expendable marines to create a tide of spawn. Swept some pesky Eldar from the table, if I remember it correctly :D

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