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Loyalist chapter(s) falling to Slaanesh?

Brother Clavero

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Obsession is the key.  The new SM codex lists a few successor chapters which actively try to out Ultramarine the Ultramarine's by being the most dogmatic adherents to the tenants laid down by the UM's primarch post herasy.  Pride in perfection and the excessive pursuit of perfection were what started the fall of the Emperors Children. 

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Red Scorpions... Hear me out!


Much like the Emperor's Children of old (read: Pre-Heresy), they are obsessed with purity, genetic and otherwise, and have an extra-large contingent of Apothecaries and a stringent screening process, even by the standards of other chapters. Their high standards and inevitable disdain for other Imperial Institutions could all too easily lead to outright hostility, and from there on to darker things. And before anyone claims that the Red Scorpions are far too rigid and devout to fall, remember the EC were at one time held up by the Emperor himself as exemplars of what Astartes should be.

Watch them closely, my brothers. Those that stand highest above us have the furthest to fall...

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Red Scorpions... Hear me out!


Much like the Emperor's Children of old (read: Pre-Heresy), they are obsessed with purity, genetic and otherwise, and have an extra-large contingent of Apothecaries and a stringent screening process, even by the standards of other chapters. Their high standards and inevitable disdain for other Imperial Institutions could all too easily lead to outright hostility, and from there on to darker things. And before anyone claims that the Red Scorpions are far too rigid and devout to fall, remember the EC were at one time held up by the Emperor himself as exemplars of what Astartes should be.


Watch them closely, my brothers. Those that stand highest above us have the furthest to fall...

Nice idea.

They lend themselves to some nice -if rather obvious- mutation ideas too. Claws, stinger-tipped tails, etc.

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My warband (the Disciples of Fulgrim) is formed around what remains of the Black Consuls Chapter.  Per the SM dex the BCs were destroyed during the "Siege of Goddeth Hive," and in the Word Bearers trilogy it's mentioned that a WB's ship was "present" at the siege - I've yet to find a definitive account of the siege itself, so what exactly happened and why the WBs were there remains vague.  In any event, what fluff I've found on the BCs seems to indicate that besides being Second Founding successors to the Ultramarines, they were known for being particularly rigid adherents to the Codex Astartes (which is really saying something.)  The rest sort of writes itself - my Chaos Lord (formerly Captain Domitius of the BCs, now self-styled as Lord Commander Fulgentius of the DoF) simply could not believe that the Codex had failed him at Goddeth Hive, and was corrupted/enlightened by the WBs into believing/realizing that the tactical doctrines of Fulgrim/the EC were superior to that of Guilliman/the UM.  The fact that it was Fulgrim who mortally wounded Guilliman of course played into this line of thought to no end.  In addition to being incredibly proud, Fulgentius is still also an extremely good tactician and leader, and thus much more interested in "perfection" than "excess" - so for instance my five-strong CSM squads are (to Fulgentius) simply Combat Squads that now use superior sonic weapon/Blastmaster technology.  But of course Slaanesh has his/her plans as well, which is why signs of corruption are already beginning to show within the Disciples' ranks ... (Which has afforded me with some nice modelling opportunities.  i.e. my favorite version of Fulgentius so far is a kitbash of the noble, clean cut head of a SW Scout, a chestplate proudly featuring a double-headed Aquila - once only worn by the EC - an old school studded pauldron ... and the wings, clawed arms and mutated legs of a Possessed CSM.)  

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The trick with Slaanesh is always to look for the characteristic that might potentially become (or already be) obsessive: anything that is ritualised and which performs some psychological or emotional fulfilment for the practitioner can easily become fetishistic: something that elicits satisfaction or pleasure and which can become addictive in the manner of drug dependency. This is the most evident path to Slaanesh, and particularly applicable to the loyalist Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, since they are all ritually based in terms of their ideologies and doctrines anyway. In particular, look for things such as ritual self mortification: the deliberate infliction of pain or mutilation upon the self as a means of annealing and focusing the mind and developing tolerance: such rituals are evident pathways to the lure of Slaanesh. The Imperial Fists and their successors are notable for their use of such practices. The fact that they place extreme ideological pressure upon themselves via denial of desires or appetites makes it all the more likely that said desires and appetites will inevitably find extreme vent in moments of heightened emotional activity, e.g. in the midst of battle or some extreme scenario in the field. Ultimately, anything and everything that brings even a modicum of satisfaction can open the gateway to Slaanesh's influence.

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Can't see a whole chapter going. But the odd company from any chapter could. Things get lost in the warp. And not just ships. It's easy to imagine a company lost for years (in warp time at least) being worked on with thoughts of abandonment and seeds being planted all the time to stoke fires till the point of turning some against others. You see where it goes.
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