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I think I have finally decided. Alpha Legion for me. :)


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It's been weeks since I posted asking what Chaos Legion to do. I think I have finally chosen. I have read the fluff for the Alpha Legion and i like what I am reading. 


Purpose of the thread? No idea, just want to be part of the forum again and say I am slowly on my way creating my Legion/Warband/what not. :)


Just curious if there is any other Alpha Legion players here. If so, how do you create your army?


While I have read what I can on the Alpha Legion, I have no idea what there compostion is, or what there play style is eg, lots of termies, or heavy support etc. 


Just glad to have chosen. Now to think of how I want to paint them lol.


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Hydra Dominatus brother, welcome to the serpentine ways of the XX:th legion!


The Alpha Legion uses what tools they need for the job at hand, be it terminators, orbital strikes, hordes of cultists or a flowerpot. You decide! :)

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Granted, I haven't played them on a regular basis in years due to the disappointing nature of the last two codices, but my first army ever was Alpha Legion and I still love them and their fluff.  Their trademark is "attack from all angles simultaneously."  On the tabletop, this is most easily represented by including an army with a static base of fire element, an Infiltrating element, an Outflanking element, and a deep striking element (include a mechanized element if you prefer, too).


When I'm not working on my Iron Hands, I'm slowing piecing together and repainting my Alphas with an eye towards building an army that fulfills as many of these as possible.  Thus, I have a counts-as Huron to lead them to guarantee the Master of Deception Warlord Trait to Infiltrate/Outflank some Chaos Mariners and three units of Terminators for the deep striking.  I was also considering a second lord with the Mark of Slaanesh and a daemonic steed to give me another source of Outflank in case I roll a 1 for MoD, but that one is still in the air.

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Welcome to the fold! I go for Huron, a bunch of guys in Rhinos with plasma guns, a Havoc squad with 4 autocannons and some Obliterators. Oh, and a Forgefiend and a mob of Cultists. Sure, it's not particularly subtle, but I like to think of it as what happens after all the sneaking about.


Plus it eats Marines for breakfast, and I always liked that little fluff snippet about the Alpha Legion deliberately going up against Marines because it's the only foe that can test them.



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The key thing with the Alpha Legion is strategy and deception: they use every trick in the book to demoralise and subvert the enemy before they've begun to fight. They also make use of cultists widely, as they use them as agents in destabilising imperial regimes. They also operate according to the Hydra symbolism they sport: cut off one head, two more sprout in its place; they attack from multiple angles and vantage points, using whatever means or resources they have available.

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the sm codex is very nice for AL . you can mix units with stealth and then ally in some dudes with scout  or other way around . Drop pods+scouting covers the whole attack from different sides thing . Scouts in LSS are nice representation for the partly implanted AL operatives . Seen a realy nice army like that in Germany , guy had very crisp and clean marines [as in no horns , the models on the other hand looked as if the power armor was repainted many times to match the AL fluff and it looked awesome] "scouts" done with catachan+scouts legs+WoC parts/SW scout parts looked great and his drop pods were modeled to look like portals he used parts of WFB models from storm of magics for that. Awesome looking army .

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They have two of the best color schemes (If not one of the dumbest names...) though I gravitate towards the Space Marine multiplayer version of The Faithless rather than the official Forgeworld Faithless colorscheme.


My tau were at one point based on the Alpha Legion's color scheme (and I end up attacking from all sides with them-main reason I wanted a CSM army was to have a close combat force and Not Blue/Green guys)  They're more themed after the Covenant from Halo now.


It always pleases me when they notice-I had at one point done my CSMs up as Spartans (as in Halo) and they were thought to be Deathguard -_- so I stripped them that night.


Now there's no mistake; they're Red Corsairs.

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Welcome to the legion, the nice thing about it is that as has been already stated AL uses any available trick at hand to secure victory. No limitations in that regard. If your going more roit rucus and the subversive tactics the leagion commonly employs than i usually bring a couple of cultist blobs with a counts a huron, then outflank some plas/melta rhinos... only way to keep those deathboxes from giving first blood!

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I love the AL and I think they have a lot of potential in how you play and the fluff you make (gray areas, everywhere!). Looking at the new FW Chapter Tactics, I think the Raptors' new rules would suit the Legion well: basically the same as Raven Guard, except instead of buffs to Jump Troops, you get to give all Bolt weapons Rending if the unit hasn't moved that turn (but count as being Heavy).

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Hydra Dominatus, Brother.

Welcome to the XXth Legion, the only Legion that is going to win the Long War yes.gif

Feel free to use whatever means necessary to secure your victory over the Imperium, and don't forget that you can always try out some other codexes to represent your Alphas as well (I'm using anything from Chaos, Space wolves, Space marines and even Grey Knights).

Best of luck,


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I just read that there is an Alpha Legion book. Legion I think it's called. Is it any good? I tried reading a few BL books, and found for me at least, they are a hard read book. By that I mean the ones I read were not that great and tough to read through and stopped reading them. I couldn't get past page 100 on the first HH book. Going to try one more time again.


Just wondering how is the Legion book? Good read? Very useful for fluff for the AL?

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Legion is an excellent book by my standards.  I'd go so far as to call it my favorite of the Horus Heresy series to date.  Unlike most BL publications, it's not just bolter porn; there's more suspense-action than there is bolters and chainswords and explosions (oh my!).  Very well written, and with a twist or two at the end!

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Since I am also collecting AL. I plan to leave one shoulder pad off my pre heresy marines, until FW releases AL shoulder pads. I guess left shoulder is where hydra shoulder pad should go?

Would Alpha legionaries wear XX mark on the right shoulder? I was thinking about getting some etched brass numbers, but I am not sure would they wore it?

From chapter tactics preference, I guess I can play which ever I want -> which ever would make tactic I wanna employ most effective. If I wanna drop pod, I can go with salmanders or wolves, while on other hand, if I want bike force then white scars and so on. Basically representing using best tools available to get job done.

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Alpha Legion are a fine choice good sir. They are my favourite Renegade legion, and the lore is fantastic.


Of course... they are loyal to the Imperium. Hope that doesn't bother you ;-)



I am Alpharius!

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