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Drop Pod armies and the reserve rule?


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There's a mini-debate going on in my Steel Rain thread concerning my desire for an all drop pod army and if it is legal or not. I'm trying to find away to vindicate Captain Indrick Boreale of the Blood Ravens. I'm hanging my hat on this entry in the 6th ed FAQ:


Q: Do units that are transported in a vehicle that MUST start in reserve count towards the number of units that can be placed in Reserves? For example, must I count the units in a Drop Pod or Valkyrie towards the 50% of units I can place in Reserves? (p124)
A: No.

The question is this: Am I over reading this FAQ entry and my desire actually does conflict with the rules or is this an all clear signal rules wise?

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It is indeed game turn. So if you go first with your drop pods, and the opponent wipes them out, you lose. If you go last it is much more difficult to achieve victory through this condition (it depends on the reserve rolls on turn 2 and 3).
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I thought that rule only applied until the end of the first game turn. After the first full game turn was played out it came down to at any point you have nothing on the field you lose.


No, it's still at the end of every game turn regardless of turn.




It is indeed game turn. So if you go first with your drop pods, and the opponent wipes them out, you lose. If you go last it is much more difficult to achieve victory through this condition (it depends on the reserve rolls on turn 2 and 3).


If you have an all drop pod army it is unlikely IMO that you would be wiped in one turn of shooting/assault.

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if your going full drop pod how is it a small army podding in, if your playing 1k points about 500 will land turn 1 and if your opponent can kill half your army in 1 turn you would of lost no matter what you did

My thoughts exactly.
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Back to the original question, it is possible but you do have to build your list right.


units you dont buy a drop pod for dont get covered by the faq, so the normal 50% rule applies. If you have one IC then you round up and put him in reserve in a pod, if you have two or more ICs then you have to deploy half of them. Which gets them shot.

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If you start those ICs in drop pods, the FAQ catches them and they don't count against you.  You can only have one discretionary unit that doesn't arrive in a drop pod or stormraven if you want to have a full reserve list, but your ICs inside those drop pods and storm ravens do not count as that one.

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Back to the original question, it is possible but you do have to build your list right.


units you dont buy a drop pod for dont get covered by the faq, so the normal 50% rule applies. If you have one IC then you round up and put him in reserve in a pod, if you have two or more ICs then you have to deploy half of them. Which gets them shot.


Also, even though the units in Drop Pods don't count against the reserve 50%, they do count for making up that number.  So if you have 10 separate units, you only have to deploy a unit if  the number counting against your reserves is greater than 5.


So say you have 5 drop pods and 5 other units.  The 5 drop pods don't count and the other five can sit in reserve turn one.

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If you have 5 drop pods and 5 units not in drop pods or flyers, then you will have at least 2 units on the board.


If you have 5 drop pods and 5 units riding in drop pods, then you don't place anything on the board.


If you have 5 drop pods, 5 units in drop pods, a storm raven, a unit and dreadnaught in the storm raven, and 2 HQs; you can attach those HQs to units in the storm raven and drop pods and have nothing deployed on the board.


The drop pod/storm raven and every unit riding in them do not count toward the total.

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I was gonna say, anything in a pod or flyer is not counted when figuring reserves. If you are in a drop pod you are in reserve regardless of what unit you are, if you are a flyer, or riding in said flyer, you are in reserve regardless of unit type.

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