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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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+++ Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP thread +++

[Original sign-up thread]

Launched in the starting years of the 41st Millenium by Lord Militant Argan Geledos, the crusade's main aim was to reconquer the outer sytems of the Denzarr sector in the sout-west of Segmentum Tempestus which had been repeatedly attacked and subsequently lost to multiple Xenos forces and Chaos raiders. Despite the political and economical strife that followed after the sudden loss, Lord Militant Geledos managed to rally many to his cause and convinced the Segmentum authorities that a crusade into the area was the only adequate response under the circumstances. It took nearly a decade to assemble all of the needed resources, to set up a whole new logistics network to supply the crusade with all its needs, to send out requests of aid to the various Chapters of the Segmentum and beyond, to rally the feuding politicans of the area to one cause and many other things besides.

However, despite the long time needed to organise the crusade, the united forces of the Imperium would fall on the heretics and traitors like a mighty hammer, crushing all in sight and eventually bringing the systems back under the heel of Imperial rule within a decade, retaking what was once lost, and even expanding the domains of the Holy Emperor of Mankind.

Welcome one and all to the Tale of 18 Hobbyists project thread! Here, all participants will post both WIP and completed pictures of the unit(s) they will have to paint each month for the next six months. While any extra participation in the Tale will be refused, everyone is welcome to pop in and encourage the participants/comment on the various things that will follow/submit ideas or pictures for inspiration (as long as it is kept polite and mainly constructive, as per forum fules).

If you would like further information about how this event/challenge works, please follow the link under the top title which will take you to the original sign-up thread. If you have any further information or questions about this Tale, feel free to post in this very thread or PM me (which is usually the better option as I sometimes unintentionally miss comments in threads), and I'll try and get back to you ASAP smile.png

Anyway, onto the list of partcipants for the Tale!

++ List of participants - Imperium ++


Grey Paladin

[Grey Knights]

[Joker unused]


[Dark Angels and Space Wolves Legions]

[Joker unused]

Brother Tancred

[Raven Guard]

[Joker unused]


[The Tempest]

[Joker unused]


[iron Hands Legion]

[Joker unused]

Demus Ragnok

[sons of Creightos]

[Joker unused]


[Crimson Fists]

[Joker unused]


[Angels of Redemption]

[Joker unused]


[November Warriors]

[Joker unused]


[inquisitorial Strikeforce ]

[Joker unused]


[shadow Scorpions]

[Joker unused]


[Crimson Fists]

[Joker unused]

Silver Phoenix


[Joker unused]


[storm Templars]

[Joker unused]



[Joker unused]


[storm Brothers]

[Joker unused]

Colonel Sanguine

[1st Baal Imperial Guard Regiment]

[Joker unused]

++ List of Participants - Chaos ++



[black Legion & Brotherhood of Plague]

[Joker unused]


[Death Guard]

[Joker unused]

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+ Month I +

// Completed //



// Failed //



* * *

+ Month II +

// Completed //


// Failed //



* * *

+ Month III +

// Completed //


// Failed //



* * *

+ Month IV +

// Completed //


// Failed //



* * *

+ Month V +

// Completed //


// Failed //



* * *

+ Month VI +

// Completed //


// Failed //


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I'll be painting Tactical Troop Turellik (ten man tactical squad):


Turrelik 1

Turrelik 2

Turrelik 3


Bad photos at this stage as I only have my phone camera and the lighting here is currently poor. Will be getting my wife to take some proper photos when I complete guys.


Some general cleaning up of a few of them needs to be done before undercoating. Also, I decided to go for a multi-melta over a missile launcher (I liked the conversion too much to not use it, to be honest)


I'll be writing little fluff pieces on each guy as I finish him.


(Post edited to add images

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for the first month i shall paint Tactical Squad Greseth, which comes in a neat 200pts. this will be the first tactical squad in Crimson Fist colours, and they shall be the start of a new era for the 3rd Company. 

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This month will see the start of Tactical Squad Reiher led by Sgt Klinsmann who wields the honored Battle Axe Heron's Wrath. The squad consist of 19 battle brothers carrying the Vexilla of Farbanti. Points come in at 270. Now to be fair I could technically hit 200 even if I only built 14 marines, but I figure might as well build the full size squad if I got the models.



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Ok, here is part 1 of my first legion tactical squad. I'm sorry for the awful quality of the pictures.


This includes the squad sergant and 4 other marines.


Here is a close up WiP of my sergeant. Still has the backpack to do.

Here are the four basic marines. Onchu and Vadim are both finished (unless I have any ideas of extras I can add to them) and Kazimir and Maolsneachta are still WiP.





A lot of progress so far, but I've had this last week off which means my progress from now will most likely be pretty slow (considering Onchu and Vadim took my a week each to paint when I was at work).

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reaper_man - Those are some amazing IH models. Love the muted, gritty look you've achieved.


I'll upload a pic or two of the models I'll be painting this month as soon as I'm able( will likely be late tonight). 


Good luck everyone! 



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Ok so here goes. The start of my Angels of Redemption.

Veteran Sargeant Isiah and his squad waited for the lights to go green. The wait before a jump was always frustrating. The calm of the Thunderhawk flying above the battlefield, too high to be noticed let alone targeted by the enemy was infuriating. Toying with his lightning claws in impatience He wanted nothing but to shred his target, tear him limb from limb!

The lights in the Gunship turned amber. The side Hatches opened as the Gunship dropped speed as it got closer to the drop site. All feelings of impatience and frustration vanished the instant Veteran Sargent Isiah perched himself out the side of the Gunship. Looking down told him nothing of their enemy or their positions, Everything below was black. The power station had been hit by a rogue missile the night before plunging the eastern section of the city into darkness. Something the generals of the crusade raged about to no end. They wanted to keep the infrastructure of the city intact as it would be a key base of operations for the war on this world.

The truth was known to only a few amongst the Strike force and none outside of the Chapter. There was no rogue missile. Sargent Isiah had infiltrated the power station and destroyed it from the inside with melta charges the night before.

The lights went green! Isiah jumped out the gunship followed by the rest of his squad, Brother Porosa and Brother Tiril on either side of him with the flamers clutched to their chests. Using the jump packs to guide them on target, Sargeant Isiah and his squad had to rely entirely on there helmet displays to know where to go.

"30 seconds to landing, maintain speed"

Nothing but darkness could be seen as they plummeted.

"20 seconds to landing, maintain speed"

Outlines began to take shape, nothing but shadows within shadows to show where a building began and where it ended.

"15 seconds to landing, make final adjustments"

Movement could now be seen on the ground through the thermal imaging in there helms.

30 contacts.

"10 seconds to landing, slow descent"

The contacts now came in to shape. Human all of them, but one larger then the rest. "An ogryn maybe" remarked brother Porosa.

At that moment the bolters from the rest of the strike force hidden within the buildings opened fire.

"5 seconds to landing, assume combat positions "

Half of the original number of enemies where dead before the squad landed. The rest wouldn't last long to the firepower of the rest of the strike force.

Sargent Isiah gave the order. " All squad members on my target."

They landed in the middle of them, In front of the largest one. Up close they could see what they faced, through the green of the infrared they could clearly make out the giant was in power armour. A traitor.

Sargeant Isiah lunged with both claws at the traitor thankful the rest of his squad could not see what he knew, could not see the black armour the traitor wore, the emblem on the shoulder, battered but still recognisable. That is why they destroyed the power station. As always to keep the secrets of the legion, even from themselves.

This time he would not be pushed aside by the traitor so easily! Or so he told himself....


Veteran Sargent Isiah and his squad. Obviously no paint yet.

Heads up. I'm not exactly great at writing. Although I would welcome some feedback.


Edited For grammar. Cheers BBL.

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Those Iron Hands look excellent, reaper_man thumbsup.gif Would you mind sharing where the head from Sergeant Gavriil (?) is from?

Ironwithout: That's a nice piece of fluff smile.png There are quite a few typos here and there, along with a couple of other things that didn't read too well. I took the liberty of correcting most of the text, I hope you don't mind that.

Veteran Sergeant Isiah and his squad waited for the lights to go green. [...] The lights in the gunship turned amber. [...] Looking down told him nothing of their enemy or their positions, everything below was black. [...] They wanted to keep the infrastructure of the city intact as it would be a key base of operations for the war on this world. [...] Isiah jumped out the gunship followed by the rest of his squad, Brother Porosa and Brother Tiril on either side of him with the flamers clutched to their chests. Using the jump packs to guide them on target, Sergeant Isiah and his squad had to rely entirely on there helmet displays to know where to go. [...] Movement could now be seen on the ground through the thermal imaging in there helms. [...] Human all of them, but one was larger then the rest. [...] At that moment, the bolters from the rest of the strike force hidden within the buildings opened fire. [...] Half of the original number of enemies where dead before the squad landed. [...] "All squad members on my target." They landed in the middle of them, in front of the largest one. Up close they could see what they faced, through the green of the infrared they could clearly make out the giant was in power armour. A traitor. Sergeant Isiah lunged with both claws at the traitor, thankful the rest of his squad could not see what he knew, [...] This time he would not be pushed aside by the traitor so easily! [...]

Liking the look of the Assault Squad! Now, they need paint tongue.png

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Ironwithout: You're welcome, glad I could help smile.png

reaper_man: Pictures are fine; they've even got a time stamp on them! msn-wink.gif Also, don't hesitate to just call me Ludo: it takes less time to write and I prefer it :)

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Ok, here's a few pics of what I'll be painting this month which is 3 Tactical Marines (The other 2 are the test models shown below) and 5 Sternguard Vets.

I'm looking to get my army all painted to the standard of my test models and would like some opinions on wether or not I should try some battle damage, and also if the snowy bases are working.







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chaplainmikey: I think a few scratches here and there would look good on your Crimson Fists (though I also agree with Ironwithout that they look very good as is). And I really like the snowy bases, they add a nice bit of contrast to the dark grit and armour thumbsup.gif Also, I love the pose of the middle chap of the first picture, very nice!

Demus Ragnok & Jaspcat: Hopefully you'll both get your models on Monday smile.png

Superstealthyninjafo: Cool, looking forward to seeing what they'll look like!

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Hmmm....I think I'll finish the squad and then test some battle damage on some spare parts or something. Still can't really decide if I want my army to look battle damaged and weathered as though they are in the middle of a tough war, or if I should do them 'clean' with recently repaired/refurbished armour before a major engagement. We'll see. :P 


Glad you both liked the snowy bases though, definitely sticking with those. :)


Made some progress on the 3 Marines I'm working on and should have some pics later or tomorrow.


Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress. :)



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