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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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I've come down rather ill today and, in addition to regularly vomiting up what I'm pretty sure are partly digested Nurglings, I've also got crippling lower back pain and can't sit in a chair to paint to save my life.


Hoping it will pass quickly and I'll be able to marathon finishing these guys on time

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I've come down rather ill today and, in addition to regularly vomiting up what I'm pretty sure are partly digested Nurglings, I've also got crippling lower back pain and can't sit in a chair to paint to save my life.

Hoping it will pass quickly and I'll be able to marathon finishing these guys on time

Oh no! Curse you, Nurgle! Get well soon, mate!

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Hi guys, love all your stuff and your all showing so much skill in painting.

So here are my finished men. Ludovic; as you said adding the baising realy brings somithing else to the modles. I went with sand because Baal is suposed to be a desert waistland. When I think of Baal I think of a planet like Mars so went with an orange rather than another red.


Alex 525

Alex 526

Alex 528

Alex 530

Alex 532


Alex 534

I'd like to draw atention to the Vox-Casters damaged Lasgun by his feet. I wanted to show how he hert his hand and I feel this dose a lovely job. You can also see I've tryed to sugest toxic waist that's been left from Baal's past on the Grenedears Base.
Next post will include some fluff and I will intraduce you to the Comand Squad with their names.
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I don't even know what to say to that discussion.. tongue.png

Those Plague Marines are looking good Jaspcat. What did you use for their torsos'?


P.S. Had my first game tonight and was thrashed ironically by Imperial Fists. tongue.png I did have sime rubbish luck as well as being quite the novice. tongue.png

Brother they come from Germany from a joint called spellcrow they are pretty sweet and match up well with the MKIII FW armour

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Hi guys, managed to get some more work done to these guys.








Want to get them finished by Friday. Unfortunately the bases won't be finished due to getting a bad batch of Agrellan earth and not having time to get it replaced till next week so expect more pics to come.


@ Colonel Sanguine: loving the radioactive waste on the bases, was it achieved with the new nurgles rot technical paint?

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Thanks brother ;)


So my updated list



• Sorcerer of nurgle (Complete)



• 5 Terminators - Man reapers & wrist mounted chem flamers




• 7 Plague Marines – Plague Champion with powerfist; 2 meltaguns; (Complete)

• Rhino



• 7 Plague Marines – Plague Champion with powerfist; 2 meltaguns; (Complete)

• Rhino


• 7 Plague Marines – Plague Champion with powerfist; 2 flamers; (WIP)

• Rhino




• Vindicator



• 3 Land Speeders (WIP)




So I'm pretty close to finishing this list

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Brother Tancred: Those are sweeeeeeeet :wub: How you manage to paint white over black, I have no idea, but you've nailed it! Oh, and I almost had the same problem with the Agrellan Earth but I spotted that the colour of the mix was odd and so decided to wait for the next batch. Hopefully your next pot won't be faulty!

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Thanks everyone for the praise, my other tactical squads in my completed battle company are more standard (and thus boring!), but I wanted to do something to represent a 'veteran' tactical squad in my next battle company project, and possibly carry it on throughout. The new kits (tactical, sternguard, vanguard) are brilliant for this!


Unfortunately I'm very much a 'tabletop quality' painter, so I doubt the paint job will be up to the kitbashes! And definitely not as good as several on this thread (geektom, Tancred, Jasp, Grey Paladin, Corsair and Mikey come to mind!). On this note, any tips for doing gold? I usually did it with a Boltgun Metal undercoat, and several layers of Shining Gold, but is there a better way? The results I get can be...iffy.


On another note my last bits order for my LotD squad will probably be delayed until after New Years - While searching for a few more bits I couldn't resist temptation and looked around at other ranges, and now can't resist the idea of kit-bashing a resistance unit to go with the tactical squad! I'll probably never use them in a game, and they'll never leave the shelf, but damn it I've got to do a unit of them!


Pellas Mir'san (Captain Jer'ra) is about halfway done and so's the fluff going with him, hopefully be up by the end of the week.

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For the gold om my Fists I start with Balthazar Gold which covers really well over black. I follow up with a layer of Sycorax Bronze then wash it lightly with a blue glaze and then a purple wash. Finish with a highlight of Runefang steel.


I f you want a deeper shade of gold start again with Balthazar Gold, wash with Seraphim Sepia and really light wash of purple, highlight with Gehenna's Gold and highlight again with Runefang Steel.


Hope that helps Brother. :)

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I've come down rather ill today and, in addition to regularly vomiting up what I'm pretty sure are partly digested Nurglings, I've also got crippling lower back pain and can't sit in a chair to paint to save my life.

Hoping it will pass quickly and I'll be able to marathon finishing these guys on time

Hope you feel better soon mate.



I've got to ask everyone a question

Do we want to see some new world eaters that will be accompanying the Death Guard

of course!

Silly question.... Hell yea!

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