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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Woohoo! I did it. Squad Isiah complete! I was getting worried. Writing is far from my strong suit but here's the second half of story for the squad.

He lay on his side in shock staring at the eyeball staring back at him. Was it really his injury that stopped him from getting back up or the realisation that he had once again failed to best his foe?

The fight was brief, he charged and plunged his claws deep in the abdomen of his opponent tearing them out through his sides causing the traitors insides to spill to the floor. Thinking victory was his he smiled in his helm relishing the moment, why was the traitor smiling back? Looking down he realised that the wounds he inflicted were healing, pus bubbled from the gashes caused by his claws sealing the wounds. In a mad frenzy he stabbed desperate to inflict enough damage to take the traitor down but none of the blows struck home, the insides which fell to the floor had spawned some kind of pestilent toad like creatures which were now protecting their previous host.

Why was the traitor not fighting back? And why was he still smiling? Laughing?

He could feel something was wrong! The atmosphere felt tense, he could taste bile in his mouth, something's wrong!

The portal opened in front of him spewing traitors out like pus filled pimples, their armour was grotesque covered in soars and boils cursed by their lord Nurgle. It was clear now, the Angels had laid the trap for their prey and the enemy had used their prey as bait for their own trap. None of the reports had hinted at the Deathguard being here.

That was when the blow had landed, he didn't know where it had come from he just knew that it had struck him on the left side of his helm and so he was on his side in the mud with half his face missing staring into his own eye. As his visioned darkened he wondered if this was the end, wondered if this was an end worthy of the sons of the Lion, worthy of the first Legion. His vision faded and pulsed white just before he passed out.


What do you all think guys?

Really happy as well I have found a company who can make my decals and have ordered them so will have some chapter emblems next month. If it helps anyone http://www.bedlamcreations.com

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stuff it I need feedback on him









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I like the pose of the new Breacher but the way he's positioned on the base looks a little off.  The way he is standing has him pointing his weapon aimed up in the air and he looks leaned oner to the side in the one pic.  Have you considered putting his feet level and seeing how that looks.  As for the marine casualty mini I don't have one but would the one from Angron's base work?  That I might be able to help you out with.

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Yeah that would work biggrin.png

He's not fully fixed to the base but I'll be using him as a golden deamon entry at my local GW I'm thinking of having an assualt marine flying at him

I'll see what I can do for you about that casualty then.

If this marine is for a painting competition then I would suggest that you swap out the bolter for a Heresy Era version, carefully shave off the studs on the helmet to more closely resemble the Sarum Pattern and check for tiny mold lines especially on the legs. I've been cleaning the same pair of legs for 2 days to get them cleaned up, they are a real pain and the littlest of lines may be the difference between winning and losing.

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Hey Guys.  I know I haven't been the most active with this and I knew from the start I would struggle to be such but I am wondering if you guys would mind if I completely change around my list.  Its less about making this easier on myself (which I admit would be nice) and more working with the fluff of my chapter as well as what models I have available (seems some disappeared in the move).  Basically me new list would consist of:


Epistolary Reynard - 100pts

Tactical Squad Beltran - 200pts

Tactical Squad Remas (Bike Squad) - 168pts

Sister of Battle Squad Karissa (Counts as Scouts) - 70pts

Sternguard Squad Arkell - 200pts

Land Raider Dominance - 260pts


Total of 998pts.  


Let me know BBL if its okay for me to change at this stage.

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Hi guys I said I'd be back with some fluff, but befor that,

ironwithout; can't beleve how well Squad Isiah came out, they look incredible.

Brother Tancred; that White and Black kicks ass, and for the toxic look I used Incubi Darkness then highlighted with Moot Green

I thought I would start the fluff off when the Regiment decided to commit to the Cmapain


Captain Kano always felt nervous walking to the Colonels office. He knew from experience that he shouldn’t, the Colonel was a very approachable man for a senior officer and had been required to visit this room many times in the five years he had been a Captain, however something about the Colonel that unnerved him every time. He felt like a child being sent to the principles office. His hands felt clammy and his throat was becoming dry. He also knew that the Colonel would quickly make him feel at ease, but Kano would not stop sweating until that happened.

Before long he was finished the long walk from his office and he stood in front of the Colonel’s Assistant. “He wanted to see me” Kano said more sharply than he meant to, his words edged by the nerves.

“Yes Sir” Lieutenant Angel Said looking at his data slate. He was a crisp man even for this Regiment, a unit built on discipline and training. Unlike the Mordian Regiments; Baal’s 1st PDF Regiment was not so concerned about immaculately pressed uniforms and dazzlingly polished armour, but ever man took pride in maintaining their uniforms to a high standard. “The Colonel is read for you. He said to send you strait in”.

Captain Kano turned on his heals and walked to the door, taking a breath to steal himself before knocking.

“Enter” a strong clear voice came from the other said of the door. Kano took one least deep breath and turned the handle. The room was large and decorated with many pictures, different men with one thing in common; all wore the pips of a full Colonel. Every time Kano came in hear he saw the history of Regiment running round the room in the form of all the privies Commanding Officers adding to his already agitated state. Opposite and slightly left of the door was a large and imposing desk that barely seemed to contain the man sitting behind it.

“Sit down Captain” Colonel Sanguine said gesturing to a chair with an open hand. He also know Kano was nervous in the first few minutes of visiting him, but instead of dwelling on the why he just did what he always did, trying his best to put the subordinate at his ease. “Coffee?” he asked already up and poring a mug.

“Thank you Sir” Kano replied reaching out and accepting the proffered mug and waiting for the real reason of his visit to be made known.

Colonel Sanguine sat back behind his desk and interlocked his fingers. “A message has been received on the vox network from the Denzarr Sector from Lord Militant Argan Geledos. He has sent out a call to arms for a new Crusade.” There was a long silence that stretched out between the two men as Kano weighted to hear the rest. “I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the Blood Angels or even our Sector; however I feel that it’s the Emperor’s will that we answer this call.”

Sanguine leaned back in his chair watching Kano’s face for any reaction. “As the regiment stands we just don’t have the man power to aid in this endeavour. It is  my wish and the wish of the counsel that the Regiment be expanded to accommodate a second Regiment to send off to Campaign; and I wish you to organise the logistics.”

“Sir I don’t know what to say.”

Sanguine laughed “There will be a promotion to Major if that helps you say yes.” As Sanguine said this he slid a small black box across the desk towards Kano who stopped it with his hand. Kano picked up the box opening it to revealing a new set of Major pips resting inside. “What is my time scale?”

“We only have 90 years to raise the men and a fleet. A difficult task; but if there’s anyone who can……… well not get it done but at least get the project on tract to get done it you.”

After ironing out many of the details Kano left Sanguine’s office feeling exited for the challenge ahead. 

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Woohoo! I did it. Squad Isiah complete! I was getting worried. Writing is far from my strong suit but here's the second half of story for the squad.

He lay on his side in shock staring at the eyeball staring back at him. Was it really his injury that stopped him from getting back up or the realisation that he had once again failed to best his foe?

The fight was brief, he charged and plunged his claws deep in the abdomen of his opponent tearing them out through his sides causing the traitors insides to spill to the floor. Thinking victory was his he smiled in his helm relishing the moment, why was the traitor smiling back? Looking down he realised that the wounds he inflicted were healing, pus bubbled from the gashes caused by his claws sealing the wounds. In a mad frenzy he stabbed desperate to inflict enough damage to take the traitor down but none of the blows struck home, the insides which fell to the floor had spawned some kind of pestilent toad like creatures which were now protecting their previous host.

Why was the traitor not fighting back? And why was he still smiling? Laughing?

He could feel something was wrong! The atmosphere felt tense, he could taste bile in his mouth, something's wrong!

The portal opened in front of him spewing traitors out like pus filled pimples, their armour was grotesque covered in soars and boils cursed by their lord Nurgle. It was clear now, the Angels had laid the trap for their prey and the enemy had used their prey as bait for their own trap. None of the reports had hinted at the Deathguard being here.

That was when the blow had landed, he didn't know where it had come from he just knew that it had struck him on the left side of his helm and so he was on his side in the mud with half his face missing staring into his own eye. As his visioned darkened he wondered if this was the end, wondered if this was an end worthy of the sons of the Lion, worthy of the first Legion. His vision faded and pulsed white just before he passed out. gallery_72636_9002_519618.jpg

What do you all think guys?

Really happy as well I have found a company who can make my decals and have ordered them so will have some chapter emblems next month. If it helps anyone http://www.bedlamcreations.com

Ironwithout, so are stinking awesome! I love your choice of colors and your smooth blends- top notch!

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Ironwithout: Wow. Those looks absolutely terrific :tu:


Jaspcat: Loving the new additions to your force, they have some nice poses :)


Silver Phoenix: As long as you don't switch the list again in a month or two, yes you may change it now :) I hope to see some of your models next month :tu:

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Ironwithout: Wow. Those looks absolutely terrific :tu:


Jaspcat: Loving the new additions to your force, they have some nice poses :)


Silver Phoenix: As long as you don't switch the list again in a month or two, yes you may change it now :) I hope to see some of your models next month :tu:

What about if I don't change my overall list, just the order I do them in? Not able to find bikes as I had hoped. Should I resubmit my entire list, or just my revised plan for month 2?

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Ironwithout: Wow. Those looks absolutely terrific :tu:

 Jaspcat: Loving the new additions to your force, they have some nice poses :)

 Silver Phoenix: As long as you don't switch the list again in a month or two, yes you may change it now :) I hope to see some of your models next month :tu:

What about if I don't change my overall list, just the order I do them in? Not able to find bikes as I had hoped. Should I resubmit my entire list, or just my revised plan for month 2?

Don't think your plan maters. For example I only decide what I start painting at the beginning of the month, I still have no idea what I am going to do next month lol.

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