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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Thanks BBL, I wont change the list again.  Oh, and their is nothing to say you wont see models from me this month, the Librarian is complete I just have to get around to taking pics of him. He is all I intended to get done this week so I completed that challenge, I now hope to get a few of the sisters or a biker done in the next day or two... Will post pics and fluff soon.

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Man you guys are just all knocking it out of the park!


I'm feeling somewhat better now and I'm hoping to finish my boys off in the next 48 hours; they unfortunately have to take a backseat to a short story deadline I have, but I'm almost done with that and then it's painting time!

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guys, there are many many awesome posts here that certainly grab the eye. They are all great and i'm glad to be part of this. Can't wait to see what next month brings. Now i mentioned something about fluff being posted up soon whistlingW.gif i managed to get it done, but i put it in with the picture of greseth in my album so as not to take up space here (its a bit of a wall of text to be honest).

but onward i say. this shall be the squad i am doing next month:

Tactical Perdain, 215pts. fluff will follow for them once i get underway or finish them.

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Good old Queensland weather patterns ;)


So I'm proud to have the sorcerer and 7 man squad complete for month 1


Month 2 will be 2x 7 man squads 3 land speeders & a heavy support squad


Month 3 will consist of 7 terminators


Month 4 will be a vindicator


Month 5 I'll have the list complete but may add a baneblade or 3 predators or who knows

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So close ups, still some little touch ups to do






























So I can see where touch ups are needed but I hope you guys approve

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Our first action in the Geledos Crusade came on the third moon of Aethar IV, a crowded orb whose cities were constantly alive under a six-hour day/night cycle. We assaulted the Cathedral of the Emperor Beneficent at the midchron sunset with the intent to decapitate the cult which had infiltrated the Ecclesiarchy and plunged the moon into heresy and strife. I will never forget the words of my master as he strode down the vast aisle before the Emperor’s altar, passing row upon row of likely loyal Imperial citizens who had gathered in the Cathedral to pray for the deliverance of their homes; nor will I ever forget the events that followed.

"Citizens of the Immortal Imperium, hear me, for I am Inquisitor Savarin of His Most Holy Inquisition, and today I bring forth the justice of the God-Emperor upon this fourth moon of Aethar. I do today name your Cardinal Primus, Theodore Warrin, a traitor to the Imperium; I accuse him of the crimes of heresy, consortium with the Archenemy, blasphemy, and the abuse of an Adeptus post. I find Theodore Warrin guilty of these crimes, and for such I deliver the following sentence: excommunication from the realms of humanity, denial of final grace before the Emperor, and death. May your soul be riven by those you sought to serve.”

With his servo-skull still chattering away over his shoulder, recording every word of the sentence, my master pulled his pistol and shot the Cardinal through the head. He turned calmly, in just such a way that his long, woven cloak flowed serenely about, and faced the huddled and shocked masses of congregants. The servo-skull stopped chattering, having recorded the entirety of my master’s words.

“In the harshness of this galaxy, with mankind beset by the numerous foes, it is the role of the Holy Inquisition to safeguard the purity of the race. We must remain ever-vigilant, for our enemies are insidious and cunning far beyond the capability of the ordinary mind to comprehend. And yet, in this uncompromising galaxy, we are the receptors of the greatest of gifts – the benevolence and love of the Immortal Emperor. He is our greatest tool and weapon against the growing darkness, and one which we must wield ruthlessly. Today, I beseech Him on Earth to look upon each of your souls, and to gather those of you who have remained true and faithful within his loving embrace. The rest of you will burn with your Apostate.”

This time, there was no poignant silence following my master’s declaration. The servo-skull was not audible above the thunder of our guns. We each killed according to our own preferences and quirks, but we were all horribly, brutally lethal. If not for the knowledge of the purity of our cause, I would have become sick knowing what I was about to do. I unloaded my shotcannon into the crowded masses, the massive shells turning bodies into rent corpses and clouds of aerosolized blood and bile. Beside me, Kara sent carefully-aimed needles from her twin pistols, each one finding an eye or ear within the throng. Jorvis played his flamer across one corner of the chamber, a madman’s grin plastered over his scarred face. Quartin’s las was on full-auto, and he scythed down what looked like a mother and three children as I glanced over. Legator was also ex-Arbites, and the booms of his shotcannon echoed mine, pulping the skull of an elderly man. Gregory launched a frag from his grenade launcher, sending it arcing over and into the center of the panicked mob. Rubin, ever composed, had detached the scope from his long-las and was drilling holes in the foreheads of those closest to him. Behind and beside us, the Naval Armsmen my master had requisitioned from the Wrath sent bolt and shell into the crowd as well.

In time, an eerie silence fell over the Cathedral, punctured only by the quiet moans of the wounded and the stark, deafening sounds of their dispatch. From this jarringly serene quiet came a calm, mellow laugh, soft at first, but growing in power and resonance. My master stopped mid-stride, and looked over his shoulder at the crumpled body of Cardinal Warrin.

“I thought you may have sold more than your tongue, traitor.”

The laughter only intensified as the ruined head of the apostate jerked up, one eye dangling from its socket, yet trained directly on my master.

“Foolish, blind boy.”

The corpse sang in a voice both alluring and terrifying.

“Your thoughts will be my playground soon.”

My master brought his hammer up just in time, as the Cardinal leapt at him faster than anything, let alone a dead man, should ever move. All around us, bodies began to melt, flesh running from bone in rivulets which turned from pink to violet as they reached the ground. I turned about, feeling the first tendrils of true fear creeping through my mental guards. Glancing back towards my master, I saw him standing before a massive beast, hammer glowing in his hands. I was about to raise my cannon to aide him when a creature formed from one of the flesh-pools and leapt at me.

The melee was fierce, and we were losing quickly. I put a shotcannon blast into the face of one of the purple creatures, and its giggles of joy made my skin crawl. Beside me, Kara drove her force daggers into the skull of another creature, and it seemed to burst from within, releasing a haunting screech which rattled my teeth and caused my heart to palpate. Across the aisle, Jorvis’ eyes rolled in his head as a shape caressed his face with a spined claw, and I sent a shell through his temple, knowing he was already lost. In the midst of this, I caught a glimpse of my master, his armor rent, kneeling before the great beast.


His voice was clear, calm, and more powerful than any sound I had ever heard. The creatures even stopped at the word, as if transfixed by his strength. I dropped to one knee without thought, tears welling from my eyes at the sight of my master, haloed in an aura of gold, resolute.

My world exploded with light and sound. Windows shattered behind and above me, the stained glass cascading through the air, and about my master stood six angels, wreathed in mist and infused with radiance. They were armored in silver and gold, and my eyes burned to look upon them. About me, the creatures were hurled back, as if my some great, invisible wave, and they screamed and shrieked as they melted and burst into nothingness. An angel stepped forth from the ring, wings of silver mist flowing from his shoulders, a burning azure blade at his side. The great beast recoiled, staggering before the purity of this avatar of the Emperor himself.


A single word, spat as a shard of the angel's fury and hate, thrust through the air as a sword might thrust into flesh.

The angel plunged his blade, two-handed, into the breast of the beast. Flames of the brightest green and yellow burst from the creature's eyes and mouth, and it sent forth a cry which cut to my very soul. Visions of death, decay, flames, an Emperor certainly mortal, and a thousand thousand other horrors beside savaged my mind, and my world went black.

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As usual there will be better photos (and individual ones) and fluff when I can convince my wife to take some photos with the good camera, but for now here is proof that Tactical Squad Turrelik is complete (as is my vow for the first month, woo!)


Tactical Squad Turrelik


I'd just like to take a moment and say thank you to Ludo and to all of you guys participating in this thread.  I've been having a really rough time over the last few months for a number of reasons, and this challenge has been a welcome relief and tonnes of fun.  You've all been inspiring and encouraging and just all-around awesome, and it really is appreciated.


This is also by far the fastest I've ever painted anything, and only the third time in my 20-something years of interest in 40K that I've ever completed a squad (well, barring the varnish, grumble).


There are a tonne of little things I want to fix up or change (I over-snowed the backpack on Turrelik's base, and I'm not happy with his power axe), but as with learning not to edit as you write, I'm going to leave the touching up until after my 1000 points are done.

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Done! I can't actually believe I'm done with these guys, I'm not sure what possessed me to decide on a 30 man tac squad, nor what made me decide on an overly complex paint scheme, but now that they are fully painted. As for the bases, I'm doing them all at once at the end so I can make 'em cohesive and unified. One last note, I left the banner at home, so their vexilla will show up a bit later tonight.


And with that, Tactical Squad Reiher "The Hunters of Farbanti"



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Done! I can't actually believe I'm done with these guys, I'm not sure what possessed me to decide on a 30 man tac squad, nor what made me decide on an overly complex paint scheme, but now that they are fully painted. As for the bases, I'm doing them all at once at the end so I can make 'em cohesive and unified. One last note, I left the banner at home, so their vexilla will show up a bit later tonight.

And with that, Tactical Squad Reiher "The Hunters of Farbanti"http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag67/NovemberIX/2B8758DF-19A6-45FD-9337-82E07068FF4F-1819-0000056266AE33B9_zps15edd92c.jpg

These look great and I agree you really did make it hard for yourself in the first month lol although the results are obviously worth it.


Nicely done!

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Done! I can't actually believe I'm done with these guys, I'm not sure what possessed me to decide on a 30 man tac squad, nor what made me decide on an overly complex paint scheme, but now that they are fully painted. As for the bases, I'm doing them all at once at the end so I can make 'em cohesive and unified. One last note, I left the banner at home, so their vexilla will show up a bit later tonight.

And with that, Tactical Squad Reiher "The Hunters of Farbanti"http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag67/NovemberIX/2B8758DF-19A6-45FD-9337-82E07068FF4F-1819-0000056266AE33B9_zps15edd92c.jpg

Wow! That is an impressive sight, amigo! Very nicely done!


Any close up shots ready?

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Sneaking in from the shadows (appropriately) with minutes to spare I present completed squad Burabius














I'm not really happy with my highlighting efforts truth be told and I need to snap a couple of better pics of Sergeant-Bearer Burabius and Brother Primus Valtarian but given the fact I'm now fighting through the same damned illness my mother and girlfriend have seen fit to infect me with I'll get them completed and worry about the clean up once I have my faculties in tact. 


Next month can't possibly be as rough as this one surely said the man tempting fate......

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NovemberIX - Those Tac Marines are fantastic. You and Geektom have both done excellent jobs working with such a mix of bold colours. Just proves that Marines can look good in a clean and bright colour scheme.


Balthamal - The models look good and I hope you recover quickly and have an easier time through December. :)


I haven't completely settled on what to paint for December but I think it'll be the Predator and either Scouts (the sensible option) or my Kantor conversion (the fun option).

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Grey, everything on this Emperor forsaken world must be grey, thought Miguel.

The sky was overcast with grey clouds that covered everything with a drizzle of grey rain. The sergeant knelt behind a low wall under the portico of a large grey building. From the cover, he watched the southeast side of the square. From the far corner of the portico Torgeir watched the southwest. On the opposite side of the square Cano and Lopez were in similar positions in front of a similar grey building.

As he surveyed the grey buildings flanking the square Miguel reviewed the facts of his mission. Or rather the lack of facts. This was the first world in Geledos that the Sons of Creightos had encountered. And upon arrival in system the space marines had been unable to establish contact with local Imperial authorities. The question of the planet's loyalty could not be left unanswered, so the Iron Father gave orders. Miguel and his team were to accompany Librarian Erza planet side, gather more information and report back. There had been no overt signs of war,rebellion, or corruption on this world and thus the small recon mission was launched.  

Thus far Miguel's team and Librarian Erza had made zero contact. There were no signs of activity at the local space port and they had encountered no one in the course of clearing the western part of this small hab sinc. It was as if the entire population had just walked away and disappeared into thin air. There were no signs of violence nor any clue as to where the locals had gone or why.
Heavy foot falls from behind him brought Miguel out of his thoughts. The Librarian and Bones had gone in to search the building in front of which Miguel and Torgeir were positioned. Erza stepped out of the shadow of the buildings interior with his sword in hand. The sergeant looked over his shoulder at the blue armored psyker.

"We are not alone", Erza rasped through his respirator.

Miguel began to stand just as the sniper's round ruined the left side of his helmet.




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