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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Photos are taken of the rest of Turrelik - I just need to finish up the fluff.


I'm also in the process of building my vow for December: my Kantor counts-as and my Librarian counts-as.


Waiting on Christmas for the Libby, but Kantor will be built and shown pre-paint very soon.

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Sadly guys I've lost some time for painting as I'm going to be caring for 2 little kittens for the time being so I was wondering if I could remove the Land speeders from this months completion list.


I've nearly don't the HS squad and I've started on the last tactical squad so I'll be able to finish them

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@chaplainmikey. I have two criticisms. Careful with your barrel drilling. Slowly and checking they're level. And that blue would look so much better with lightning and terror markings.


Nope...I have nothing really. That's just so clean and crisp. Too good for a Crimson Fist :tu:

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Quick update: my 2 squads for the challenge this month.


10 scouts w/ sniper rifles:



Assault Termies- this will be the sergeant. I have never altered a Terminator before. A little scary, since there are no extra parts if I screwed it up- but I am pretty happy with how it came out. No biggie, just some changes to the stance and rotating one of the hands.


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Better late than never on the fluff and photos, right?



Tactical Squad Turrelik//Combat Squad Turrelik

Combat Squad Turrelik

From L to R: Brother Mandus, Brother Rael, Veteran-Sergeant Turrelik, Brother Mresh Ur Fanture, Brother Nolas Ur Fanture

Mandus 01

Mandus Kaius Mandus


Recruited from the pilot-class of the Downmarkets district of the Serendipity, Mandus Kaius Mandus is the eldest member of Tactical Squad Turrelik and possessed of a natural knack for vehicles and equipment that has seen him regularly operate everything from Rhinos through to Stormtalons in the field when necessity has demanded it (and often on the end of a severe reprimand by the Techmarines as a result).


The last surviving member of a now-extinguished line of pilots specialising in the rapid and safe delivery of valuable commodities, Mandus is known for his unflappable nature and ingenuity on and off the battlefield, skills which have marked him as a valued battle-brother and potent resource for his Sergeant in the kinds of actions the Tempest typically specialise in.


Mandus himself shows little ambition, having never applied for a position in the Veteran Company, nor showing any inclination toward leadership. The old warrior seems content to offer his services to his Sergeant and serve a supporting roll, lending his particular skills when necessary and otherwise slaying the enemies of the Emperor with a calmness at odds with the disposition of most of his Chapter.


It is known that the Captain of the Tenth has his eye on Mandus as a potential training Sergeant for the initiates, but even the Captain would know that the only way Mandus will leave his role as a Tactical Marine would be a direct order from the Chapter Master or as geneseed floating in a vial at the belt of an Apothecary. In the meantime, Sergeant Turrelik is simply happy to have a warrior fighting at his side that can act as a rock for his somewhat fractious unit.



Rael 01

Glorious Rael

A child of the warrior class of the Serendipity and a direct descendant of a Colonel of the original First Free Serendipity Spacebourne regiment, 'Glorious' is a name that carries an even greater weight of expectation than one might expect.


Perhaps this, then, is the reason that Rael has managed to singularly fail to live up to his moniker.


Quick to anger, vainglorious, and possessed of a sarcastic, caustic nature seemingly purposely designed to irritate his brothers, Rael has spent almost a century not reaching his potential, and has the record of infractions, citations, and hours in the pain glove to prove it.


Matters came to a head, however, when Rael boasted that he would outstrip the kill-tally of his Sergeant against the eldar pirates of the Kabal of the Everlasting Sorrow even if he had to do so without his bolter.  One of the Fifth Company Death-Speakers overheard this boast and decreed that Rael would fight without a weapon provided by his Chapter to prove that he was the better warrior than Turrelik, or until he learned some humility.


More than a decade later, Rael still does not possess a bolter issued by his Chapter; instead, in an action typical of the arrogant, reckless Marine, he wields such weapons as he can scavenge and have purified by the bemused (or amused, dependent upon the attitude of the particular individual) Death-Speakers, discarding them as they cease to be useful and acquiring another.


An incredible marksman and dependable enough warrior outside of his particular personality flaws, Rael's ongoing foibles are still tolerated by the Chapter leadership, if only barely. Unbeknownst to Rael, Sergeant Turrelik himself has been a key proponent of his, and often the one barrier between Glorious Rael and the inglorious fate of a lobotomy and conversion into a servitor.


Turrelik 01

Veteran-Sergeant Rue Turrelik

"Are you afraid, brothers?"


Mresh studiously ignored the jibe of his new Sergeant, glancing instead to confirm that his multi-melta was still secured to the wall of the drop-pod as it tumbled out of control through the atmosphere of the unnamed xenos world.


"Not afraid, Brother-Sergeant," Nolas replied, Mresh's twin as ever unable to realise when he should keep his mouth shut. "But the damage to the pod does significantly decrease our chances of-"


"And do you fear death, Brother Nolas?" Turrelik's helm swivelled toward the rookie, the crimson beak glistening in the dim light of the pod. The Sergeant was a veteran, allowing him the white helm and stripe of the First Company, but his honour markings were something else entirely.


Few warriors indeed were allowed to take their mark using the rare blood-glass, normally reserved only for the Emperor's Aquila, and Turrelik had earned the right to daub the entire front of his Mark Six helm in the priceless material. When added to the Skull of Rann and his service in the Deathwatch, it was obvious that Turrelik was an amazingly brave and incredibly deadly warrior.


Which is why the scorn in his voice hurt Mresh so. 


"Do we fear death, we sons of Dorn?" Turrelik raised his voice to be heard over the wind whistling through the jagged holes in the pod.


"Death!" shouted Rael, grinning viciously as he donned his helm.


"Death," Viray whispered, making the sign of the Aquila. The others repeated the word, some as a battle cry; others, a promise.


"We are the Tempest, my young brothers," even through his helm and the noise in the pod, Mresh could hear the smile in his Sergeant's voice. "Death fears us."




Mresh 01

Mresh Ur Fanture


[begin Report]


[begin Transcript]


"Oh glory be to Him, Emperor of all and light of our lives."


[solarator Fanture leads his congregation in kneeling. Their prayer lasts fifteen-point-three-eight seconds before the arrival of Tactical Squad Turrelik on the embarkation deck.]


"It is them! It is them!"


[The Solarator moves toward Squad Turrelik, but is restrained by his followers. He froths at the mouth.]


"My boys, gone willingly to the Emperor to become His sons!"


[battle-brother Nolas Ur Fanture twitches and does not make eye contact (cross ref: UR_FANTURE//Saint_Paedrigs_Pride).]


"Nolas? Mresh?"


[The Solarator reaches for Battle-Brother Mresh Ur Fanture, draping a cord over his shoulde pauldron. Mresh lashes out, the butt of his multi-melta contacting the human's skull with enough force to rupture the skin and cause a concussion.] 


"(Inaudible)...needs to understand...(inaudible)"


[Mresh speaks to Battle-Brother Pale off-vox. Pale nods. Mresh is visibly agitated. His vital signs are raised, almost a combat response.]


"Do we have an issue, brother?"


[Viray, Under-Sergeant. The squad has not ceased their march toward the Stormraven. Solarator Ur Fanture is no longer visible on the feeds.]


"None. The old man has not learned to let go. It is nothing."


[Mresh reaches for the fetish hanging from his shoulder, but does not remove it]


[End Transcript]


[based upon this incident and the reports of Sergeant Akilintosk (Devastator Reserve Company, third squad), I am concerned that Mresh shows signs of emotional instability related to an unhealthy attachment to his mortal life.


It is my recommendation as Apothecary of the Fifth that the following escalating course of treatment be taken:


- 1. Immediate relocation away from the Serendipity and any surviving mortal family.
- 2. Partial mind-wipe to remove last traces of pre-ascension memory
- 3. Full eradication of surviving mortal family.
- 4. Total mind-wipe]


[End Report]


Nolas 01

Nolas Ur Fanture



That is what they call me, my battle-brothers: Broken.


I do not blame them for it, or even disagree.


This is the point, I suspect, where my brother - my real brother, who shared with me the womb of our mother - would tell me to stop talking. He has always insisted that I speak too much; indeed this, he feels, is the reason why I "languished" in the Scout and Reserve companies while he advanced ahead of me despite us being twins who joined the ranks of the Chapter at the same time.


I am free with my opinions I admit, but one need only look at the nature of the Tempest to realise this is as much a boon as a curse.


No, the reason that I have been held back; the reason I wear these jagged marks upon my helm as a reflection of my very soul, is simple.

I am broken.


On the shrine world of Saint Paedrig's Pride did I lose my holy boltgun to the axe of a greenskin warrior. My pistol was taken, along with my hand, by the electrified grasp of a warlord's claw. My dagger, once always at my side, snapped as I stabbed at that same xenos, the monomolecular blade unable to pierce its thick armour.


Unarmed, I reached in desperation for a weapon; any weapon. I found one, and I used it, taking the head from the orkish warrior that had been impervious to my previous blows.


The weapon I grasped in my remaining hand glowed with fantastic power, a sword unlike any I had seen. A sword discarded in the heat of battle, it's owner slain.


A sword of xenos origin.


Just the thought makes my skin crawl anew. I had sullied myself, a vessel moulded in the image of the God-Emperor Himself, with a weapon of the alien; worse still, I had used this weapon to war in His name


I confessed my sin to the Death-Speakers, but the Chaplains spoke only of the "needs of the moment" and "purifying the spirit and the flesh" as though anything so simple could redeem my blasphemy.


Sergeant Turrelik just laughed, stroking the eldar dagger he wore on his chest, and I knew I would get no source of spiritual sustenance there.


So I prayed and I prayed. I adorned myself with seals of purity, penned the script myself in painstaking detail. I attended every mass held by the Chaplains, and even those sermons and ceremonies as were conducted by the human crews.


But in truth, I know it matters not. I have sinned against the God-Emperor and my life is his to take.


Though it might amuse the Techmarines to armour my twin and I almost identically, there is a great, yawning chasm now separating us, marking us as different for all to see.


For Mresh is a pure, noble warrior of the Adeptus Astartes. And I...




I am broken.



Turrelik 04.jpg

Turrelik 02

Rael 04

Rael 03

Rael 02

Nolas 04

Nolas 03

Nolas 02

Mresh 04

Mresh 03

Mresh 02

Mandus 04

Mandus 03

Mandus 02



Tactical Squad Turrelik

Tactical Squad Turrelik 02.jpg

Tactical Squad Turrelik 01.jpg


Feels awesome to have that done and out of the way!


Now onto my Kantor and Librarian.

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Sorry for the late pictures but will hopefully have the vanguard finished tomorrow. Here is a quick picture of the sergeant who is finished.




Next will be my custom Shrike model made out of spare parts.










Brother Tancred

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Just need the bases done

That makes 2/3 squads complete for this month just need to do another 7 PM squad. Already basecoated and washed so expect them soon

Jaspcat- give us some close-ups of a few. I want to see your guys up close and personal!

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Glad I only picked 2 models this month as its been a bit slow going with them so far.

My vigilator is almost complete, needs the gun and backpack, bolter and servo skull to be finished.


In my 30k army this guy is a Terran veteran, one of the oldest in the clan company which is why his armour is non standard by comparison. Also liked the idea of using the sternguard head on him to show his age as well as his attitude.

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Just need the bases done


That makes 2/3 squads complete for this month just need to do another 7 PM squad. Already basecoated and washed so expect them soon


These guys are quite outstanding jasp! 

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Predator and my commitment for December finished. I kinda wish I would have paced myself as now I have a long wait before I can add anything else but at least that gives me a chance to work on something else untill the new year. Probably my EC which are in serious need of some love.

Predator :





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@ Jaspcat I'm not sure whether it's intentional or not but they look as though they've just spent several hours grinding through wave upon wave of the enemy. Very IVX Legion :)


My commitment for this month is coming tomorrow. It's late and I'm too tired to mess around with the camera and getting the pics posted tonight

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