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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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So I've been messing around with the final details







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They look absolutely terrifying


Well done!

Well they're still a bit from being finished believe me ;)

So after Christmas I'll be ordering the deathshroud and maybe a mkii landraider for this army.


Or I'll do an Achilles for :cusss and giggles

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Hi guys, sorry I'v not posted till now. I'v been swomped with work and I'm having truble uploading my pics but I'll get there. I'm curently painting up a so armour in the for of a Basalisk (Shinny!).

Will try to get the pics up latter today for you. Love what your all doing and can't belive some of these conversions. Keep up all the good work.

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Terminators are complete! Well except for that melta barrel that needs a wash, and getting another venerable dreadnought banner, since I seem to have lost the one I had painted but only tacked on between work and home. Oh well, he gets a stand in parchment for now ;)





And a small detachment shot. I do think I'm gonna have to move these guys to another shelf soon, that or smaller ruins.

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So I've been trying to figure out how to build my centurion captain, here's my effort so far






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Sorry for my lack of updates, I'll try and get something up this weekend, between weather (mix between pissing down rain and 35+ degree days), end-of-year uni work and the Ashes (GO AUSSIES!) been a bad month for progress.

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Sorry for my lack of updates, I'll try and get something up this weekend, between weather (mix between pissing down rain and 35+ degree days), end-of-year uni work and the Ashes (GO AUSSIES!) been a bad month for progress.

poor Victorians

were at 3 days straight of 40+


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Hey everyone- just wanted to drop a quick note to say I am still in it and still confident I will complete my 10 scouts and *most* of my Termies (enough to "pass") anyway this month. Inspired by all the great work I am seeing this month- keep it up!


I should have some updated pics soon.

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