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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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ok, here is my contribution to the Tale for November,


Centurion Turiel,

Artificer Armour, Combi-Plas, Charnabel Sabre



and Wolf Priest Gunmar Grimtooth (Apothecary)

Artificer Armour





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pinch.gif grot damn you brother.

making me feel bad for waiting on FW

Yep, it sucks living in the middle of the worlds largest pond.....

Grotsmasha - Those are some lovely conversions. I like the DA in particular.

Thanks dude, I'll be stoked if they turn out half as nice as your CF's.

and here is my planned scheme for the 6th Legion, there's details to complete, but you'll get the gist,




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tell me about it.


well whilst im waiting on FW





I thought id show the base im constructing for the sorcerer.




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I'll get some pics up tomorrow, when I can steal....umm, 'borrow' a camera. At the moment working on the last 5 members of Tactical Squad Gol'durn (including Raz'kiel) and fixing my Mir'san model (Jer'ra). Also got most of the bits for my LotD sorted and ordered, looking around for the last few. Also hating myself, I'm looking at bits to make a squad of resistance fighters based off my background and I really can't afford it! (though I have some ideas for Kendra....ack, no, stop, no need for more ideas!)


I think my first commitment will be Shen and a combat squad of the tactical marines.


Can anyone point me to any good weathering/light battle damage tutorials? have a few old models I want to test it on before I decide if I will do that in this project.

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my bad BBL. this is my post stripping pic but this is the squad that i'll be painting throughout november. i doubt they'll match up to chaplainmikey's CFs but i'll do the best i can tongue.png

there are some lovely pics so far of people's projects. looks like this is going to be an interesting 6 months ahead. looking forward to it to say the least.

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Grotsmasha - Test model is looking good! Glad you are doing them grey rather than that awful baby blue GW paints them. smile.png

Jaspcat - Awesome looking base! Are the Marine heads glued on yet? If not you could pin them in place instead and use them as removable wound counters. tongue.png Can't wait to see the Sorcerer himself.

Leinmann - Looking forward to seeing how you go about painting the CF colour scheme and what you'll be doing for your bases. For Dorn! smile.png

Going to be working on getting my 5-man Combat squad finished today and if it goes well I will have some pics to share.

Keep up the good work guys,


Edit - Progress on my Combat squad. They look a little rough in this pic and I still need to clean them up, do their bases and add some freehand. Finished for the night though as I'm gonna get some food and finish Dead Space 3. :P


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Hi guys sorry I took a bit longer than most to get going but I was at a gig over the weekend. I will be starting with the command structure of my army, so I will be painting a Company Command Squad and my Lord Commissar.


The Command Squad will comprise of the officer with power weapon and plasma pistol and 4 guards with plasma gun, grenade launcher, 2 lasguns and carapace armor for 100pts. The Lord Commissar will have a power weapon and carapace armor of 90pts. Pics to follow on Wednesday.

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I'm impressed with all the pis and the conversions.

chaplainmikey- you can clean them up and add some free hand but they look grate as they are mate. I'd be more than happy to see them on any gaming table and hold my head up high.

I've also see the quality of Brother Tancred's painting so really look forward to seeing what he posts in the next few months.

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Brother Nariel walked the corridor of the Vengeful Fury towards the chambers of the first company. Sargeant Isiah had given him no clue on the contents of the message, only to deliver it to Chaplain Arzal in person. He approached the double doors looking at the huge chapter emblem emblazoned upon them, feeling like a scout on his first mission. He had never met any of the first company before, their exploits were legendary and every brother was in awe of them. To see them on the battlefield was like watching gods stand among men. The doors opened unexpectedly and Chaplain Arzal stood calmly watching him, the Chaplains presence made him uneasy, the aura he projected was not inspiring but of pain and torment. Five Astartes sat in the room going through tactical displays for the world below not once even taking notice of him. The rear wall blast doors started closing concealing eleven suits of Terminator armour. Nariel handed the message to the Chaplain and turned to leave as fast as possible, the Chaplains stare felt like he was reading the deepest secrets of his soul.

As he walked away he had a thought. "Eleven suits?"



Brother Nariel.

lol better pictures show the flaws in my painting.
First finished. Still waiting for my decal paper to come through for the shoulder pads though. Think the next picture I may try taking a brighter picture. How it looks on my camera isn't the same as on here.

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Well thanks to the efforts of Chappy (I do hope you're ok with that Chaplainmikey) Iron (ditto Ironwithout) and Grot (ditto again Mr.Smasha) I feel like I definitely need to up my game from just what's on page two alone :) I guess I might have to sneak some models into work today to get some building done ;)
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Well thanks to the efforts of Chappy (I do hope you're ok with that Chaplainmikey) Iron (ditto Ironwithout) and Grot (ditto again Mr.Smasha) I feel like I definitely need to up my game from just what's on page two alone smile.png

Thanks !!!

I guess I might have to sneak some models into work today to get some building done msn-wink.gif

I totally wish I could do that......



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Grotsmasha: I'm liking the first two models, and the Space Wolf is looking good too!

Jaspcat: Nice base, but I think if you'd damage the helmets a bit with a knife and/or drill, they'd look even better thumbsup.gif

leinmann: Glad to see you start!

Colonel Sanguine: Welcome! :)

Ironwithout: I really like that colour scheme. Great work on the face too :tu:

NovemberIX: I'm glad to see that you're inspired to do better and not discouraged! Looking forward to seeing your first update!

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Some great work in here so far guys! I'm very excited to see us progress together!

My contribution for November will be an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor who looks alot like Coteaz, but for point balancing isn't wink.png and a Nemesis Dreadknight. I hate the fluff idea of the Dreadknight, but it's a blast to play with, so I've amassed a small collection pinch.gif

Right now I'm just blocking in colors on Coteaz the Inquisitor, lots of work left to do, and his base isn't even primed!


I'm a bit further on the Dreadknight; the pilot's body is almost done, I just need to finish the heraldry and script.


The actual Dreadknight body has a surprising lack of areas which scream "I shouldn't be silver!"... which makes me worry about a monochrome giant. I'll have to wait until the armor plates are on and the base is done, but I may add some heraldric panels.


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Grey Paladin - Liking the gold on the Inquisitor so far. I think adding some heraldry to the chasis of the Dreadknight is a good idea. msn-wink.gif

Jaspcat- Love that FW Sorcerer model so I'm really looking forward to seeing how you paint it. smile.png

Finished my CF Combat Squad last night, Bolter barrels and all! tongue.png I've got the Sternguard up next but before I begin on them I might see if I can pull off realistic battle damage, on some spare parts. Anyway, pics:





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Those really look excellent, chaplainmikey. I really like the mix of bits and poses you've gone with, it gives each model character which can only be a good thing. Great, clean painting too :tu:


Grey Paladin: They silver is a bit shiny for my tastes, but that's just my preference so feel free to ignore it ;) Looking forward to seeing more of the not-Coteaz Inquisitor!


Jaspcat: Now you're talking! Love that model and I look forward to seeing him painted up!

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