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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Hi guys. So here is my finished models. 20 Troopers, the praetorians are veterans and the mordians represent men seconded from the imperial fleet (eg proper marines lol).








I have used Yellow on the lacework to link both the units together and used silver to distinguish sergeants.

great work on the models all of you brothers - they look awesome and are a treat to admire. 

i must apologise for my lack of updates this month - it was unexpectedly busy at work (who has christmas parties this time of year?) and my brother and i have started a traitor guard/chaos vs necrons campaign that is being posted in the IG sub-forum which has also eaten into my painting time (but has been worth it though, i won't deny that). however, the tactical squad is finished, and the scout squad is still WIP but should be finished in the next day or so, pics will follow shortly. 

loving the thread though guys, and once again apologies for my lack of updates this month. 

Hi guys, I'm not dead (despite some wishful thinking at work lately!) and I have not been shirking my painting, but I wound up stuck in Queensland for various reasons and only just got back home (and straight back to work to boot)


Anyway, I'll get photos and fluff up of my January models ASAP. in the meantime, I'll be working on some of my Sternguard; I'll list which ones as soon as I get back home

Hey lads, so if you didn't guess already, I've had to use my Joker for January, a weekend at my Dad's turned into a week-long cluster- censored.gif and honestly I don't know how this month is going to turn out, but I'm not giving up just yet.....to catch up I'd need to get 10 man Tac and 10 man Despoiler squads done.....



Hi guys, updates for January to come. It was done on time but real life got in the way of posting. Not sure if I will have time to paint anything this month so might play the joker while building stuff for March.


Picture to come.





The home stretch is in sight!! 



March's completed commitment, Vorion's Curres








And Finally, my commitment for April, Master Detarian, Lord Commander of the Shadow Scorpions




I haven't been participating much these last two months, and with my voluntary work and a commission i'm doing for a friend coupled with my diminished interest in my Fists', I'm going to bow out.


I'll definitely still keep an eye on all your progress though! :)

Ok, so this months plan had been to knock out the other Deimos pattern Predator, a plan which didn't come to fruition, but instead I've been working on "assault squad" I put that in parenthesis because it's actually some death company kits I've had sitting aside for forever. I have to admit to a little rules bending, the 5 guys with no heads are part of a previously started attempt at my death company that only got so far as getting blocks of color done, they had stand in plain yellow helmets but will end up with the blue & white stripped design that I've been using for this detachment.




Half of them are kitted out in bolt pistol and chainsword, the other half will be wielding bolters, simply because they'll still end up playing as death company once in a while, until I go buy another death company kit to fill out the bolt pistol guys for a full 10 man squad.




On a side note this is helping my Firehawks list come along for the Texas Tale, because I can't really ever have enough jump packs :)

Hi, all. Sorry I haven't been on for a  while but we had an emergency at work and as I work in care I couldn't just walk out of work. If its ok with everyone/ as it's really late (and I'm knackered) would you mind if I posted the finished pics tomorrow even though it would technically be next month?

After having taken most of last month off, I'm back with some techmarines. Originally my list only had a Forge Lord in it, and was gonna be built out of an old metal model I hadn't gotten around to yet. Christmas came and was very good to me, netting me a thunderfire cannon and a techmarine with servitors. I say all this be cause I may have to drop the contemptor dread from my list due to a lost Kheres assault cannon, I might get one before the challenge ends (especially if GW does free FW shipping to the store like the rumors are hoping) but I'm gonna doubt it. So in it's place I'm building a tech marine covenant.



This guy got started at work, there was an absurd amount of cleaning up that needed to be done on the model.



These guys get worked on a home, I spent most of yesterday painting up the two metal models. Updates should be coming pretty quick this month, mostly because I spend about two days per model.


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