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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Well, count me as "unofficially" participating by following the thread and keeping pace!

Cool, although not restricted to a list and points, which army will you be doing?

I'll keep an eye out for your thread.



I am creating a White Scars successor chapter, the Storm Brothers. You can follow my WIP thread here:


I will continue to post my updates there, as I assume this thread is just for people in the challenge. Thanks for your interest-- it really makes a difference!

this is just an idea, and one purely for ease of access, why not put the link to your blog in your sig? that way whenever yu post in other threads members can see you have an ongoing project and will most likely take a look see? just a thought, its entirely up to you if you do it or not. nice pics in there by the way msn-wink.gif

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Just to prove I've actually been getting something done - the ubiquitous bad photo spread!

Master Harath Shen counts-as


Command Squad


Close combat scouts (sergeant [middle] will be getting a power weapon once the last bits order comes in)




Land Speeder Storm (had an accident, nearly fixed)


First half of Tactical Squad Gol'durn


Captain Jer'ra (Pellas Mir'san) redo in progress


Veteran Sergeant Gol'durn and Brother Raz'kiel in progress


And lastly, my bits collection in progress for my Legion of the Damned counts-as


Also been working on a new IA for my chapter and some more fluff for this group.

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Hello all and sorry for the lack of activity on my part. I've been pretty busy these past couple of day but things should ease up from now on (or at least I hope so) :) Thanks for keeping this place alive, I've enjoyed popping every so often for a quick peek of what you all posted! Anyway, on to replies!


Vect: Since one of the participants had to back out due to moving away for a number of months, there is one slot open again. However, geektom beat you to the punch and showed interest earlier so I am going to let him join. If a slot opens up for whatever reason in the next few days, then I'll be sure to PM you to see if you're still interested :)


Colonel Sanguine: Very nice start on your Imperial Guard! As Mike said, the red is very vibrant, so kudos to you for that :tu:


Demus Ragnok: Looking forward to seeing him and the rest of his squad painted up!


Jaspcat: That is an epic "magic skull-throw" pose ;) Nice work on the GS too!


leinmann: No worries, and you're very welcome for the organisation of the event. However, it's the other participants that you should thank for the inspiration and motivation: they've even motivated me to get my backside into gear :lol:


geektom: If you haven't read my reply to Vect further up, you're now officially part of the Tale, if you're still interested :tu:


Excubitor: That's a nice collection of models that you've got there! I really like that tasty pile o' bits in the last picture, makes my mouth water and creative juices flowing :P


* * * * * * * * * *


So yeah, all in all, I'm really glad to see that you're all motivated and producing some great work! I'm really not regretting organising this and I want to thank you all for joining in :)


Now, in other news, I've been putting my thinking cap on (more than usual) and I should have a little something for each of you to put in your signature sometime soon. Keep your eyes open for my next couple of updates ;)





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And insomnia strikes again!




Timmy cried.


He didn't like the loud noises, he didn't want to leave home, he didn't like being knocked around as his mummy carried him. Suddenly mummy stopped.


"There's one!"


Timmy turned his head slightly as the strange men pointed funny things at him and his mummy, who suddenly fell to the ground and wrapped her arms around him "mummy, who..."




Suddenly a loud CRASH startled Timmy, it was even louder than the noises! The ground shook too!


Timmy peeked out from mummy's arms and looked in awe at the giant man standing between him, his mummy and the strange men. His funny clothes were also making funny pinging noises!




Jul'thev gritted his teeth as he used his armoured body to cover the woman and her child. "Jul'thev to all units, need assistance, traitor forces in vicinity and cannot engage without risking civilian casualties. Any copy?"


"Raz'kiel en route Brother."




Kendra looked over as her giant ally paused, head moving slightly in a tilt she recognized as him activating his helm comm unit. She wondered what the transmission would be about.


Raz'kiel looked at her and her unit of resistance fighters. "One of my brothers is pinned down nearby; Kendra, Davis, with me, the rest move to rally point Delta, we'll move to meet you once we have remedied the situation."


Nodding, Kendra and another man joined Raz'kiel. "Caine, take over while we're gone." Kendra ordered as Raz'kiel ducked into a side alley. Noting Caine's agreement, she followed Davis as he entered the same alley as Raz'kiel. She wondered why he had told Davis to come - he was only a recent addition to her unit and wasn't comfortable around Templar's yet.


Catching up to the giant, she tapped his shoulder pauldron to get his attention, knowing he would pause and answer her queries if there was no immediate risk. Slowing, Raz'kiel gestured for Davis to take point as he nodded to acknowledge her. "Why not take more of us if something can pin down one of your brothers?" she asked quietly, worried. If the traitors had something that could make a Templar pause...


"His transmission noted civilian casualties if he moved - he is likely using his body as a shield and cannot move to engage without endangering lives. If none can assist in time, he may be forced to take that risk anyway." Raz'kiel's voice, filtered artificially as it was through the helm he wore, still managed to calm her thoughts.




Jul'thev prayed Raz'kiel arrived soon, his auto-senses picked up the traitors moving closer and starting to flank him. Looking down at the mother and child before him, he started to plan in case he was forced to act sooner. "Listen to me..."




A minute later, Davis held up a fist as he arrived at the end of another alley, taking out a mirror on the end of a small stick to look around. Kendra idly noted she once used the same type of mirror when out with friends to fix her make-up...before the invasion. 'I wonder where he found one of those in a warzone...'


"A unit of traitors, my lord, surrounding one of your men. He isn't moving." Davis reported to Raz'kiel.


Raz'kiel nodded in reply, taking a short look up at the roof of the building they were hiding behind. He turned to Kendra. "I'll lift you up to the roof, provide cover from their. Davis, covering fire from this corner, you don't need to hit anything, just keep their heads down. I'll move to engage in the open."


Kendra nodded, slinging her lasgun over her shoulder and letting Raz'kiel pick her up and lift her so she could reach the roof, getting a solid grip and lifting herself up - using his helm as a foothold to push off.


Davis looked slightly shocked as Raz'kiel just let Kendra use his helm as a step, ignoring the indignity of the action and moving back to the corner of the alley. "Why..."


Raz'kiel turned back slightly to face Davis. "It is not the first time Kendra has used my helm as a step-ladder." Even Davis picked up the slight tone of humour in the warriors voice.




Tensing slightly, Jul'thev gripped his bolter, ready to move. His auto-senses had picked up his brother moving to support.




Raz'kiel nodded to himself. "Now."


With that, he stepped around the corner, sighted his bolter, and fired, the mass-reactive round catching a traitor off-guard and cratering his chest. Even as his second round hit another, supporting fire from Davis lanced out from behind him, and a shot from Kendra took anothers head off. Raz'kiel broke into a run.


As the traitors fell back slightly in confusion, Jul'thev spun, his body still protecting the mother and child, and raked the traitor lines with a withering burst from his own bolter. Several traitors died to the combined fire.


Then Raz'kiel was amongst them, bolter rounds ending two, a vicious backhand from his left hand breaking another's neck, and the sheer force of his charge knocking one down only to be crushed under his armored boot as he moved past. The last two broke and ran in fear, but accurate shots from Kendra cut them down before they had fled even a dozen meters. Raz'kiel turned and walked over to his brother, as Jul'thev stood, allowing the mother to stand with her child.


Jul'thev silenced the woman's stuttered thanks with a shake of his head. "It is our duty to protect the Emperor's subjects, ma'am."


Raz'kiel gestured Davis over. "Escort the lady and her child back to safe lines." He ordered, Davis nodding in acknowledgement and guiding the woman back down the street towards Imperial territory.


Kendra dropped from the roof and strolled over, rifle held casually. "You coming with us?"

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Bit of a late start to my project but here are some pictures of what I will be painting this month .






My first Plague Marine squad and 2 x Devastators ( I will be painting the back packs and autocannon separately ).

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"geektom: If you haven't read my reply to Vect further up, you're now officially part of the Tale, if you're still interested thumbsup.gif"


What is the first assignment? One Squad?

Split your 1000 point list in to roughly 6 sections and do a section a month. You choose which one. Welcome to the tail.

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Don't know what the rules are about cross-posting, but here is the first unit that I am working on-- also posted in my WIP thread (link below)


Introducing the Storm Brothers, 2nd Company, 4th Strikers (Tactical squad), with (Sgt.) Fang Brother Fai Lung Sai-- not pictured, missile launcher (he was having a bad hair day)



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@geektom seek and ye shall find. welcome to the Tale, looks like you'll be posting more you'd expected eh? tongue.png well if there's any way to start your time in the B&C then something like this will serve you well. as Ironwithout said,divide your army into six sections and do a section each month, you'll have a decent sized painted army by the end and you'll be proud of it, especially as you're doing it with 17 others! the only thing i'd add is just go through the rules found in the first post of this thread just so you're familiar with them and you have an idea of what's expected.

@Battle-Brother Ludovic very true,and i am appreciative of everyone's updates and posts,they certainly inspire me to achieve a fully battle worthy force for future games that would be done in years if it weren't for this,but as the organisor you deserve kudos as you take time out of your free time to moderate this.

@chaplainmikey good use of shading there my fellow CF gamer. those robes are pure win and stand out imho. awesome way to distinguish your vets

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@geektom seek and ye shall find. welcome to the Tale, looks like you'll be posting more you'd expected eh? tongue.png well if there's any way to start your time in the B&C then something like this will serve you well. as Ironwithout said,divide your army into six sections and do a section each month, you'll have a decent sized painted army by the end and you'll be proud of it, especially as you're doing it with 17 others! the only thing i'd add is just go through the rules found in the first post of this thread just so you're familiar with them and you have an idea of what's expected.

I built a list that I am "shopping" for-- if I take out the rhinos, land raiser and land speeders, that takes me down to 1300 points. I think I will use that for the challenge, since it will give me more time to paint my (first ever) vehicles.

Do the lists need to be posted here?

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@geektom seek and ye shall find. welcome to the Tale, looks like you'll be posting more you'd expected eh? tongue.png well if there's any way to start your time in the B&C then something like this will serve you well. as Ironwithout said,divide your army into six sections and do a section each month, you'll have a decent sized painted army by the end and you'll be proud of it, especially as you're doing it with 17 others! the only thing i'd add is just go through the rules found in the first post of this thread just so you're familiar with them and you have an idea of what's expected.

I built a list that I am "shopping" for-- if I take out the rhinos, land raiser and land speeders, that takes me down to 1300 points. I think I will use that for the challenge, since it will give me more time to paint my (first ever) vehicles.

Do the lists need to be posted here?

in an official capacity yes, we've all had to put together lists (1000-1200ish points). it will help BBL with monitoring our progress and make it easier for yourself when deciding what to paint next,which is the aim of the Tale. as an example,and shamelessly plugging myself, i've stripped loads of my marines to repaint them as crimson fists. although the total number (points wise) far exceeds the Tale itself, it allows me to focus, over 6 months, on a core element of the total army that i wouldn't otherwise think about. you'rein a great position to a) actually paint them and b) pay for them as and when ie buy what you need to build up your force.where you go from thereafter is up to you.

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okay, then! Here we go!


Month One:

II Brotherhood of the Storm, IV Squad (200 pts)
   9 Tactical Marines, Plasma gun, Missile Launcher
   Sergeant, Fang Brother Fai Lung Sai, Melta Bombs, Power Fist
Month Two:
Temu-lin Khan (150 pts) (Kor'sarro Khan + Moondrakkan)
II Brotherhood of the Storm, Lightning Strike II (155 pts)
   4 Bike Marines, Grav-gun x2 
   Sergeant, Lightning Brother Ki Rin Li, Melta Bombs, Power Lance
Month Three:
Brother Chaplin Ko'soro Mai (110 pts) (Chaplain + Space Marine Bike) (assuming I can kit bash one)
Lightning Troops:
II Brotherhood of the Storm, Lightning Strike I (155 pts)
   4 Bike Marines, Grav-gun x2
   Sergeant, Lightning Brother Yi Ku Hip, Melta Bombs, Power Lance
Month Four:
II Brotherhood of the Storm, II Squad (210 pts)
   9 Tactical Marines, Flamer, Missile Launcher
   Sergeant, Fang Brother Gral Hai Nu, Power Sword
Month Five:
X Brotherhood of the Storm, Scout Brothers (84 pts)
   4 Scout Marines, Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifle x3, Missile Launcher
   Sergeant, Claw Brother Shung Shung Li, Sniper Rifle, Camo Cloak
X Brotherhood of the Storm, Scout Strikers (74 pts)
   2 Scout Bike Squad, Cluster Mines
   Sergeant, Scout Brother Chen Shu Wu
Month Six:
I Brotherhood of the Storm, V Lightning Claws (200 pts)
   4 Terminator Assault Marines
   Terminator Sergeant, Righteous Claw Kho So Han
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You're doing a really good job on those, Geektom, but it's the same colors as the football team of the high school I went to, and that makes it really awkward for me.

Good job.

Bad memories.

yes, or the Minnesota Vikings... or the Lakers... none of which I intended! In RL, you can see they are gray, not white. Does that help with the flashbacks at all? laugh.png

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So I was trawling through eBay for a cheap Ulrik when I remembered, I already own one......and I didn't even have to search for it, I knew where it was. I went on a character buying spree, trying to get them ALL prior to Failcast. 


Time for my hobby saw I think.




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Geektom - Those are looking really awesome. As I said in your thread the unusual mix of colours works well and the models certainly stand out. :)


We also had to write a small piece of fluff to accompany the army list, but unless you want to do it, I reckon BBL won't mind you skipping it. :)


 leinmann - Glad you think the tabards work. Wasn't sure if I'd like them when I was putting the models together but seeing them painted has me sold on them. Guess I need to buy another box of Vets! :P 


Grotsmasha - Looking forward to seeing the up-dated Wolf Preist. Good luck with the saw, sounds like quite the task. :P



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