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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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so BBL heres the nearly finished scheme thoughts?






Ewwwww, and I mean that in the best way possible

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Leinmann - Those Fists are really coming along nicely. Howcome you decided on a white undercoat? Do you think it has worked out better or worse for the Fists?

Grey Paladin - Nice work on the DK! Really intrigued by the base however? Is the red part 3D or is it just painted on? Either way it looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. :)

Jaspcat - The Sorcerer looks brilliant!

Finished these 2 Vets last night. Time to get to work on the next 2.



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So much progress these past few days! Pretty incredible :D


Jaspcat: That colour scheme looks good! Liking how dirty and worn he looks :tu:


chaplainmikey: Those Crimson Fists are golden. Great stuff!


Corsair: Those are looking good, the colour scheme is nice and unique :)


geektom: Really enjoying watching your progress. Keep it up!

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Finished half the Tactical Squad and pretty stoked at the fact I got them done this quickly and to a level I'm pretty happy with; some parts are slightly rough up close, but I'm trying to control myself haha. I'm also justifying any roughness as being due to their ganger/space pirate nature.


Some photos below taken with my crappy phone camera - I'm going to ask my wife to take some proper, high quality photos tomorrow for me and I'll put them up here, as well as starting a new thread for my fluff, etc.


Without further ado, here is Combat Squad Viray (the purple haired chap) of Tactical Squad Turrelik in all their poorly-photographed glory:


Combat Squad Viray, Tactical Squad Turrelik


Combat Squad Viray, Tactical Squad Turrelik


Combat Squad Viray, Tactical Squad Turrelik


Combat Squad Viray, Tactical Squad Turrelik


Combat Squad Viray, Tactical Squad Turrelik

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So much progress these past few days! Pretty incredible :D


Jaspcat: That colour scheme looks good! Liking how dirty and worn he looks :tu:


chaplainmikey: Those Crimson Fists are golden. Great stuff!


Corsair: Those are looking good, the colour scheme is nice and unique :)


geektom: Really enjoying watching your progress. Keep it up!

Thanks Ludo, I'm actually super happy with how it comes together as a squad now. The twin red guns on the test model threw me off initially, but I'm much happier with how it goes with a single gun and more contrasting points on the models (purity seals, trophies, etc).

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Afternoon brothers.

Apologies for no activity from me as I have been away for the weekend working.

Too many posts to reply to individually so will summarise and say all your work is looking amazing so far!

I am now halfway through my Assault squad, 5 more to go.


What do you all think?

My decal paper turned up today so should have some chapter emblems and squad markings on them soon aswell.

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No worries Ironwithout, I was pretty busy myself, hence my lack of regular posts over the week-end. The squad looks excellent, I really like what you've done with your Angels of Redemption thumbsup.gif The colour scheme is well chosen too, and red as a spot colour was a great idea. All in all, I love 'em!

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Geektom: A daring color scheme, but well-executed! How are you planning on basing them?

And I've started on his base:


Wow! Love that base!

I will be using the MicroArt "ruins" bases- still deciding on color scheme, hopefully the will arrive soon so I can get started...

Afternoon brothers.Apologies for no activity from me as I have been away for the weekend working.Too many posts to reply to individually so will summarise and say all your work is looking amazing so far! I am now halfway through my Assault squad, 5 more to go. gallery_72636_9002_140643.jpg What do you all think? My decal paper turned up today so should have some chapter emblems and squad markings on them soon aswell.

These are CRAZY good, Ironwithout! I love the subtle colors and your blends are fantastic- beautiful work, amigo. Can't wait to see more!

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Base coat black.


Heavy highlight with Naggaroth Night. Then go back with black to narrow the highlights if desired.




Mix 75/25 Gunmetal/black


After the gunmetal/black is dry VGC Sepia wash. The wash will take several coats to get the desired color let each layer dry fully.


After the wash, highlight with Mithril Silver.

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Grey Paladin - Nice work on the DK! Really intrigued by the base however? Is the red part 3D or is it just painted on? Either way it looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. smile.png

It's a flat sheet of plasticard over cork - I'm going for an arcane temple-ish/monastary-ish look for the bases, as if the entire force is assembled in a ceremonial hall on Titan.

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Here we go lads, these two are fairly far along but still WIP,


Centurion Turiel



Wolf Priest Gunmar Grimtooth





and a sneak peek at next months contribution.......my converted Spartan with Ceramite Armour and Shield Generator.



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finally got my tactical squad finished:

Tactical Squad Greseth reporting for duty and ready to smite the foes of Man and The Emperor. I decided to go with freehand details than wait for payday to get FW transfers. i even gave each marine a name!

@chaplainmikey i decided on a white undercoat as i wanted to change my technique a bit. i've seen great pieces and minis with either black or white undercoats, but as i've done just about every army i own since i was 13 in black undercoats i thought 'well, here goes'. i must say i was skeptical at first but after i got the first layer of blue down i was really impressed. imho it brings the blue out slightly better and gives it a different feel than if i'd used a black, which is what i was looking for biggrin.png

well, i think its time i added some fluff for the sergeant of this squad, so without further ado:

Dust Of The Arx

Brother Sergeant Greseth strode across the high set decking aboard the Battle Barge Imperium's Wrath, his helmet in his hand, hanging by his side, as he ran his fingers along the cold hull of the ship. His hazel-brown eyes studied and traced contour of the structure around him, his recently clipped hair slicked with a tiny amount of condensation as his body heat met the more colder air of this area of the ship. He was in the outer most area of the bow, the area immediately above the Flight Deck doors, which would be off limits during ship to ship engagements, but when not in such actions he enjoyed the quiet it offered. Now the Sergeant of 2nd Tactical Squad, 3rd Company, he often reflected on his previous posting in the 2nd Company, tasked with guarding New Rynn City during the Battle for Rynn's World. As he stared into space through a porthole, he found his thoughts wondering back to his old home, where he had been taken after selection, when all had seemed lost at the gates of New Rynn City.

He remembered it well as his original Bolter had been destroyed when an Ork smashed a crude axe into the main body of the weapon, destroying carefully artificed parts. He had been saved by Battle Sergeant Joseiz who shot the Greenskin in the head at point blank range. As the pair had retreated as the Orks pressed their advance on the outskirts of New Rynn City, Joseiz was torn apart by a hail of disturbingly accurate gunfire as the pair made it within the gates of the capital. The shattered form of Greseth's saviour held up his relic weapon as he lay on the ground, his last sight his Battle Brother accepting the weapon. Greseth knew the gesture, and reported to Captain Alvez immediately for confirmation.

Greseth always remembered those moments afterwards when he was given command for the first time. Not long afterwards Captain Alvez had perished keeping the Orks at bay as the gates to New Rynn City were sealed. He remembered he was over seeing the defences looking to the south as a message came through his vox-link, saying that their Chapter Master Pedro Kantor lived. He would always remember the operation to take back control of the space port for the Imperial Relief Force to land. He remembered all of these moments but one stood out above all of them. He remembered the Reclaimation of Rynn's World and the operations involved, but he would never forget the way he felt when he was picked as part of a task force to retake the Hellblade Mountains and seeing the ruins of the Arx Tyrannus. Rage boiled inside of him and he and his squad charged almost immediately; in doing so he slashed and hacked at the Greenskins, determined to avenge his fallen Brothers and lost Fortress-Monastery. When the immediate vicinity was clear and surviving Techmarines moved in, Greseth finally felt the weight of his sorrow. He knelt in prayer, as did his squad and several other Crimson Fists who hadn't been present at the catastrophe. Afterwards, he was greeted by Huron Grimm, who had taken command of the 2nd Company after Alvez had perished. He held an ornate axe in his hands, the head of which was resting on the ground.

"I have some good news for you, Brother Sergeant," said the grizzled 2nd Company leader, "You are to be transferred to help rebuild the third Company." Greseth was taken a back.

"Forgive me my liege, but I wish to decline. My place is here in the second..." Grimm raised his hand to silence him.

"I recommend you do, Brother Sergeant. As Master Kantor says, now is the time for us to rise once again. The second will rise, but you are to forge a new legend in the third under the command of Captain Hishais. I even bear you a gift..." Grimm brought the axe up and stretched it out with both arms so as his subordinate could receive it. Taking it midway up the shaft, the Sergeant felt the keen weight and as he brought it closer, he saw an inscription in the head. Before he could properly read it, Grimm continued. "It says Dust Of The Arx, and it contains dust from these sacred grounds in the shaft itself. When you smite the foes of Man with it, you shall avenge our fallen brethren and our lost home. Now, once you are finished here, you will depart immediately. Captain Hishais will be expecting you."

Greseth still remembered those final moments in the Hellblade Mountains not long afterwards,clearing Ork camps for miles around and helping erect a memorial site. As he continued to look into space, he often wondered which stars were which. He wondered where would be their next destination, if any would be his grave. It was in these more private moments with himself that his faith in his chapter, duty and purpose were galvonised. He didn't know much about the stars, only that they were the property of Man's by the Will of The Emperor, and as an Adeptus Astartes, he would enforce this till his last breath. Reciting a litany to himself, Greseth began to make his way back to the main ship, ready as ever for the next mission.

While i wait for next month to continue with the rest f my army list for the Tale, i might start up a blog in the IF sub-forum and add pics and fluff for the rest of my force not included in the Tale, although i'll probably include what's here too. hope you like what you see guys, comments and critique welcome.

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Grotsmasha- Really looking forward to seeing more of that Spartan conversion, looks an absolute beast of a transport! 

The skull helmet works much better than the previous plastic helmet, in my opinion. :)


Leinmann - Those Fists look great and I really enjoyed the accompanying fluff about Brother Sergeant Greseth and how he came to possess his weapon. Adds a lot of character to the squad. :)



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The missus is having trouble getting the lighting to cooperate with her camera. I'm thinking about building a light box or something, but I'm not sure if my models are worth the effort!


Hoping to undercoat and start on the other half of my tactical squad tomorrow night; I have some ideas for Sergeants in the Tempest that could either be really cool or hideously garish. Time will tell I guess.


I've got to strip my scouts and some assault marines as well, and figure out a way to pull apart some old Sternguard I was working on many moons ago.

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I've not been nearly as productive as my fellow tale-ers, but I do have a tiny tiny update.




The armless men are getting their limbs painted separately. Getting only a quarter of these guys half done so far is making me realize I shouldn't have gotten so elaborate with the scheme, but I figure if I can knock out two a day by the end of the month I'll be caught up and ready to work on some terminators who'll be a sight easier.

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