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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Leinmann - can't say much about the models as the pics are a bit blurry on my phone but the fluff is great!

NovemberIX - progress or not, anyone doing this much yellow gets a thumbs up from me! Looking forward to see them done.

Geektom - how I missed your post I do not know. That is the most insane colour combination ever! Looks great though!


Wow seem to have missed a few posts actually.


DemusRagnok - how did you come up with that colour as it seems a bit unusual to just stumble across? Very origional.


BattleBrother John - apologies but are they the old metal plague marines? Nurgle isn't really my thing but I'm looking forward to seeing some paint on them.


As for me. I have done nothing on my assault squad since finishing the first 5. Been working a bit too much but should make a start tomorrow night on the rest. On the upside I did do a little engine work on my Fire Raptor last night.

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I haven't forgotten about this. I even made some progress today finally. For this month I am limited in what I can complete as I was initially committed to nanowrimo but then several family circumstances that bbl is already aware of kinda stopped me in my tracks. Anyway for now I am working of my librarian. If time permits I will hopefully also get either the aegis done, or possibly half of the tactical squad... Just depends on how the next couple of weeks go.


Will hopefully get some pics up tomorrow

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Looking forward to seeing what you paint up this month, SP :) Best of luck with everything (so real-life things and hobby-things) and hopefully you'll get your monthly pledge completed. If need be, there's always a "Pass A Month For Free"-joker that you can use.

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DemusRagnok - how did you come up with that colour as it seems a bit unusual to just stumble across? Very origional.

Which color?
that black/bronze tone you have? Just wondering where the insparation came from?

When I began my DIY chapter I wanted to use the colors from my family coat of arms, black and gold.


I painted a small squad for the LPC and used a recipe similar to the Gold recipe from the GW website. I didn't like the bright flashy gold. I wanted dark bronze and a simple application so after searching online tutorials for painting gold I arrived at a similar recipe but used the darker base color to get bronze.


I've never liked how a grey highlight looks on black. I tried some blue highlights and my first experiments were too bright of a blue. I shopped around for darker blues and ran across the naggaroth night. I liked the purple hue and decided to run with it. So far I like it, reminds me more a dark storm cloud.

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Weeeel after long periods of inactivity here are my first WIP shots, haven't gotten very far, but it is a start!


Trooper Haggerty unpainted




and another shot



And the beginnings of my first painted model





Hope you all like them!





Great start!

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You don't need to feel pressured to do that, just a sentence or two on the character/squad can be enough.


For example;

Brother ______ leading combat detachment alpha of squad one, Denzarr Sector Chapter detachment, during the clearing of the Hyperios Spaceport.

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Good example, Excubitor. If people could sprinkle that kind of thing around when they finish a squad/character/vehicle so that we know who/what we're looking at :)


Good to see you SSNF ;) Has the new Inquisition Codex brought any particular changes to your army? Has it even been released yet? :lol:

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Seems that were starting to get more progress but I want fluff y'all!!

I can't have a loyalist to kill if I don't know names and background

I'm in the same boat here. I was toying with the idea of using your terminator champion as the fallen my Angels are hunting. Would that be ok with you and if so what do you have planned so I can bring it into my own fluff?


I'm not the best writer but it could make things a bit interesting.

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Sadly I haven't got my hands on the Inquisiton codex yet, it comes out tomorrow and I am away all week :P Lucky me!

But after next week on schoolies (yay!)I will be in a frenzied rush to finish some models, but to be honest I don't think I will get this months pledge done, went down to the local GW to find some models but they had nothing that I needed :'(

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My wife took some photos and I did some writing.  Tell me if this is too obnoxious guys and I'll move it to a different thread!



Tactical Squad Turrelik//Combat Squad Viray

Combat Squad Viray

From L to R: Brother Pale, Brother Illius, Under-Sergeant Viray, Brother Am Daeran, Brother Aedt





Pale 3


"The people of the Cores have no names, for names are useless when you cannot hear them said and cannot read them. They are almost universally weak, malnourished things, often deaf and blind due to exposure to the barely restrained power of the plasma cores.


The Core-ites are the dregs of a vessel populated with millions of souls already considered the dregs of humanity, akin to something to be scraped from the boot of the Imperium at large. They exist in the territory of the Serendipity claimed by the Adeptus Mechanicus, serving alternately as unskilled, desperate labour and an annoyance to be crushed depending on the quotas to be met that cycle and the mood of the overseers.


In the thousands of years that the Tempest have recruited from amongst the population of the massive mobile arcology, fewer than a dozen denizens of the Cores have survived the initiation into the Chapter, with the battle-brother known only as Pale being the most recent, and arguably the most successful."


- from Serendipitous: a History of the Space Hulk Serendipity and Her Peoples, by Archivist Senioris Ank'rath of Dagmar IV.


"Unlike his predecessors, Brother Pale has adapted exceedingly well to life in our fraternity of warriors, and has required little in the way of ongoing surgical work to maintain proper function of his senses. Though unremarkable in terms of his combat abilities, he has proven his skill as a scout and infiltrator, able to unerringly navigate through unfamiliar environments and track the movement of opponents with such an uncanny degree of accuracy that I have referred him to the Librarium on more than one occasion for review.


Where Pale has shown his true value, however, is as a brother to his squadmates. He possesses a comradely, easygoing nature that belies his solitary, desperate upbringing, without falling into any of the traps of laxity or ill-discipline such terms may imply.


My Under-Sergeant has referred to Pale as the 'spiritual core' of the squad, and while a tad grandiose for my taste, I tend to broadly agree. The Tempest, though we are far removed from our forebears the Executioners in many ways, are often as fractious and quick to anger as our parent Chapter. Yet, whenever such difficulties have arisen, Pale has inevitably stepped in and smoothed the way before the Death Speakers have had to. It may be that young Brother Pale may yet rise to a position of leadership within our Chapter, although I would assume he would first require some form of surname in order to actually give his squad a designation.


Hmm, perhaps I should discuss this with him."


- from the audiologs of Veteran Sergeant Turrelik, assigned to the Frigate Cultrum Factio, 51 days before the call to crusade.



Illius 2

Oskar Illius



I carved the notch beneath the left eye of my helmet with my blade, the monomolecular-edged dagger carving the ceramite as neatly as a surgical laser. Agnis Ur Hantar took the knife from me and held it steady, hilt first. My serf's arms shook very slightly from the weight, but I knew she would not drop it.


She never did.

I daubed red paint into the notch with my finger, the potent mix staining my flesh the colour of blood, which was entirely appropriate.


After all, I was recording my kill tally.




I took the blade once more from Agnis, careful to not get paint on the hilt as I carved the next notch.   There would only be a pair of marks this day; the number of targets still living after the orbital bombardment had been paltry indeed, and of those only two had been worth recording for the tally. Even the Death Speakers had seemed disappointed, their task rendered almost meaningless by the ease of the battle.


Agnis took the blade  and sheathed it as I finished the work on my helm. I stood from the stool I had perched upon and replaced the helmet upon the armature holding my suit of plate armour.


As I stood in the centre of my cabin, my eyes were drawn inevitably toward the large skull hanging from a chain attached to one of several hooks hammered neatly into the bulkhead. The skull was old and yellowed, battered and chipped with death and the subsequent memories of a thousand different battlefields.


But the crimson markings I had carved across the forehead and eye sockets were as fresh as the day of the kill.


"Ah, Agnis," I said, dragging my fingers across the cool bone, my eyes closed. "I don't know if I'll ever kill his like again."


My serf said nothing as I stared into the empty, black pits of the Death Guard's eyes. I did not even notice her leave.


I was lost. Lost on a distant world in a time decades past.


Lost in a mountain range lit by fire and lightning, pelted by acid rain that stank even through the filters of my helm.


Lost to the sounds of bolter fire; the roar of chainswords; the rumble of tank engines.


Lost to blood and sweat and screams and death.


Lost to glory.



Viray 2

Under-Sergeant Antus Viray

Antus Viray is something of a rarity amongst the Tempest. A taciturn (some would say outright dour) warrior little given to displays of emotion outside of battle, the most interesting fact about Viray when compared to his battle-brothers is his piety.


Unlike most Space Marine Chapters, the Tempest allow initiates to maintain the beliefs held before their transformation of they so choose, subject to rigorous and ongoing checks of spiritual purity and fortitude by the Death Speakers. Most members hold to the typical Adeptus Astartes tradition of the Emperor being an exceptional man and their liege lord, but nothing more, but Viray still holds to the creed of the Emperor Astra (a form of star worship accepted by the Ecclesiarchy and common upon the Serendipity, especially amongst the gangs and clans of the Third Mast, from which area Viray originally hails) and is devoutly religious, an eccentricity that has not gone unmarked or unnoticed.


A level-headed, extremely capable warrior, Viray was tagged as a potential leader early in his time with the Tempest. Having served as an Under-Sergeant with several different squads in the reserve companies before his acceptance into the Fifth, it had been widely assumed that Viray would succeed Turrelik as leader of their Tactical squad.


Recently, however, Viray he has been seen more and more often in the company of the Death Speakers, spending large amounts of time praying in the Reclusiam, or preaching to the serfs, and his battle-brothers now suspect that Viray will soon be summoned away to an entirely different calling.



Am Daeran 2

Gurrac am Daeran


Brother Am Daeran slid across the deck on his knees, paint scraping from the ceramite with a painful squeal.


His bolter - a heavy, older pattern model retrieved and purified in a battle fought centuries ago - bucked in his hands, mass reactive shells slamming into the unarmoured humans and tearing them  apart, quivering chunks of bloody meat slapping against the steel flooring.


A dozen of them died in as many seconds, and Am Daeran had just begun to regret the lack of worthy foes when the weapon was torn from his hands with the heavy whip-crack of a detonating bolt.


A purple-armoured Space Marine stood in the hatchway, pistol held unwaveringly, chainsword whirring at his side. Iron-sheathed horns almost scraped the ceiling, lending a certain baroque grandeur to the otherwise hideously deformed traitor.


Excellent, thought Am Daeran. Worthy prey at last.


He smiled  as he slid his daggers from their sheaths, whisper-quiet.



Aedt 4

Hillian Aedt - 'the Lucky'


Aedt is a lucky man.


You would not think it to look at him: his hands are cybernetic in nature, the originals lost long ago. His body is covered with scars, but not the typical collection earned by an average Space Marine over the course of a long life spent in brutal warfare.


Aedt's face resembles a half-melted candle, his lips and nose all but gone, his eyes surgically carved slits where the Apothecaries restored his vision.


The black carapace peaks through multiples holes in the flesh of his torso, giving him a strangely mottled, black-and-white appearance when out of his armour.


Hillian Aedt is a lucky man, for few warriors - even the vaunted members of the Adeptus Astartes - could have survived the detonation of no less than seven plasma weapons over the course of two centuries of warfare.


The Techmarines of the Tempest have paid honour to Aedt's continued miraculous survival (and the consequential, repeated destruction of his armour and priceless relic weaponry) by awarding him the Battered Halo - the non-functional remnant of an Iron Halo worn by an unheralded Tempest Captain killed by a greenskin Shokk Attack Gun.


What Aedt thinks of this particular 'honour' is unknown.



Viray 4

Viray 3

Viray 2

Viray 1

Pale 4

Pale 3

Pale 2

Pale 1

Illius 4

Illius 3

Illius 2

Illius 1

Am Daeran 4

Am Daeran 3

Am Daeran 2

Am Daeran 1

Aedt 4

Aedt 3

Aedt 2

Aedt 1



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Way to go, Corsair! Applause!


You don't need to feel pressured to do that, just a sentence or two on the character/squad can be enough.


For example;

Brother ______ leading combat detachment alpha of squad one, Denzarr Sector Chapter detachment, during the clearing of the Hyperios Spaceport.

I can do that! Plus even a little more, I think- hoping my bases come soon so I can finish- thought I was ahead of schedule, now I am stressing a little...


Are we going by calendar month? Nov. 30th?

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