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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Small update because I've been dealing with insurance companies after an oil recovery truck hit my car and all I've really been able to do is some small stuff.




Seargent Klinsmann leads the combined Tactical squad Reiher, a close combat specialist he wields the ancient battle axe Heron's Wrath. He bears the Kantaris honors on his artificed armour plate and the colors of Farbanti upon his long tabbard.

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Wow, great work everyone :) Sorry for not commenting more frequently, I'm still rather busy with things, but I'm trying to keep tabs on everyone's progress when I pop onto the forum and it's great to see you all posting and discussing frequently :)


Keep it up chaps!

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Start of seven plague marines












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The top guy looks like he's about to kick that helmet like a soccer ball Jasp!


On to my progress, I've nearly finished building Tactical Squad Gol'durn, should have some pics up tomorrow for them.


Can anyone pass on some tips for some light weathering/battle damage? I want to try it out on a few models before I decide on what to do with this squad.

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Have the 8th Brother of squad Tactical Lamda completed and reporting for duty.


Only 2 more to go. Sorry for the lack of fluff but I struggle to write any. Hopefully by the time I've finished all of them I will have something that passes for halfway decent fluff.

Old school Iron Hands looks so bad a$$

Whoops, a little bit behind from everyone else :P here is my November task to paint up my 5 man Vanguard Veteran Squad:



Brother Tancred

Great poses!

Small update because I've been dealing with insurance companies after an oil recovery truck hit my car and all I've really been able to do is some small stuff.http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag67/NovemberIX/A004CAEF-ED20-4FB7-BFB1-ED94F9B00FDA-465-0000014360A44690_zps598da953.jpg

Seargent Klinsmann leads the combined Tactical squad Reiher, a close combat specialist he wields the ancient battle axe Heron's Wrath. He bears the Kantaris honors on his artificed armour plate and the colors of Farbanti upon his long tabbard.

Great colors! Us bright Marines needs to stick together, lol!

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The top guy looks like he's about to kick that helmet like a soccer ball Jasp!


On to my progress, I've nearly finished building Tactical Squad Gol'durn, should have some pics up tomorrow for them.


Can anyone pass on some tips for some light weathering/battle damage? I want to try it out on a few models before I decide on what to do with this squad.



damn straight as hes based on 1000Heathens


guys a badass


introducing the next two








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@Geektom, they really do don't they? I like the solidness that marines seem to have when wearing mk2 and mk3 armour.


@Excubitor, I often find a really rough drybrush of a metallic over some of the armour plates tends to work nicely for me.


@Everyone, models are looking awesome folks, fluff is awesome too.  I really need to get going with my fluff writing.

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Start of seven plague marines












The one with the flamer looks like bad bloody news!


Also, thanks everyone for the kind words. Didn't manage to get paint on the other five Tac marines this weekend, but I should get time to work on them over the next few evenings.


Just found out that my best mate is buying me a box of Vanguard, Grey Knights, and a Storm Talon for Christmas. With my Chapter specialising in boarding actions and urban/hive warfare, I'm already planning out some interesting conversions of specialist elites/honour guard/I'm not entirely sure but they should be rad haha.


Don't want to get ahead of myself playing with new toys before I finish my thousand points though.

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@reaper man nice models there brother, love the retro look to them (ie HH era). black can be a pain to paint and make look good but you've done it justice and pulled it off. good use of poses in there too. 


@BBL when do you want us to decide what to paint next month? only asking so as i know when to put up WIP pics, and i'm itching to get my brushes wet again but don't wanna get ahead of myself. 

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I didn't want to leave town without *some* sort of update... My bases I ordered still have not arrived, so I made up some quickie ones to take these pictures. Highlighting/detailing is still not quite 100% done (and after these pictures, all I can see is mistakes >blush<)


More pictures posted on my WIP thread


Fai Lung Sai looked over the battlefield, the filters in his helmet working overtime. In his ear (in his mind? in his soul? did it matter?), Brother Wui reported in.


"Fang Brother Sai! I have the Ork Trukks in my sites... they are attempting a flanking move, as you predicted. Awaiting orders."


Fai Lung Sai surveyed the pocked and blasted landscape one last time, plotting the course of their battered but reliable transport in his mind. "Fire when ready, Brother Wui. Emperor guide your strike". Fang Brother Sai never raised his voice when giving orders; his whispered tones were enough for any member of the IVth to respond with alacrity.


Hot, glowing death streaked from Brother Wui's missile launcher, its payload striking the front Trukk exactly where it was needed: low, almost under the vehicle. Designed to break the axles, twist the wheels, and bring the entire lumbering column to a halt. Fire bloomed crimson and orange, a beautiful savage flower in the gray ruins. Distantly, his enhanced hearing could pick out the roars and screams of flaming, shredded Orks as they fled the burning Trukk. The other vehicles screamed and tore as they struggled to stop their ponderous weight and breakneck speed.


Reaching out his century-old powerfist, blessed many times over by battle, Fai Lung Sai stroked the outside of Rhino affectionately. 


"Brothers" he rasped into the comm. "We are the Storm... we are the death unseen, that strikes fast, and hot, and does not show mercy. We are the lightning strike!"


His helmet, his mind, his soul reverberated with their reply, "WE ARE THE LIGHTNING STRIKE!"


Opening the side doors of the Rhino, he whispered one last call before battle.


"Storm Brothers... we ride!"



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Jaspcat: Yes, but just because it's you :P And I like the look of that squad.


leinmann: Well, you can decide whenever you want/have the time to, but you can't start before the beginning of next month :)


geektom: They look terrific :tu: I like the fluff too, keep it up!

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looking good brother love how the schemes turned out ;)


now I've finished the poses for the first seven plague marines/renegades




Jasp, just curious- why 7? Is there a tactical advantage to taking more than the minimum 5, but not the whole 10? Or are Chaos different?


Looking great, btw- I really dig all the individual personalities you gave them!

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Reaperman that squad looks great!


Geektom that squad looks awesome. Not generally a fan of bright marines but they do look great.


Jaspcat that squad has got so much character in it! Really looking good.


As for me I am still on track to finish my assault squad but I have hit a bit of a dead end in regards to the decals. Does anyone know a good company in the Uk that could make some decal sheets?

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Reaperman that squad looks great!

Geektom that squad looks awesome. Not generally a fan of bright marines but they do look great.

Jaspcat that squad has got so much character in it! Really looking good.

As for me I am still on track to finish my assault squad but I have hit a bit of a dead end in regards to the decals. Does anyone know a good company in the Uk that could make some decal sheets?

Make them yourself- I found the instructions here on the PC&A boards

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