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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists - WIP project thread


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Reaperman that squad looks great!

Geektom that squad looks awesome. Not generally a fan of bright marines but they do look great.

Jaspcat that squad has got so much character in it! Really looking good.

As for me I am still on track to finish my assault squad but I have hit a bit of a dead end in regards to the decals. Does anyone know a good company in the Uk that could make some decal sheets?

Make them yourself- I found the instructions here on the PC&A boards
I tried. The problem is they are black and white but if I use white decal paper they are too intricate to cut or paint around.
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Reaperman that squad looks great!

Geektom that squad looks awesome. Not generally a fan of bright marines but they do look great.

Jaspcat that squad has got so much character in it! Really looking good.

As for me I am still on track to finish my assault squad but I have hit a bit of a dead end in regards to the decals. Does anyone know a good company in the Uk that could make some decal sheets?

Make them yourself- I found the instructions here on the PC&A boards
I tried. The problem is they are black and white but if I use white decal paper they are too intricate to cut or paint around.

hmmmm... what if you used the clear paper, painted white underneath where they will go, and then clean up around it after the decal is placed?


Would not be perfect, but would be more accurate that scratch-painting, and the clean up around the edges would actually help hide the decal edge.

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Reaperman that squad looks great!

Geektom that squad looks awesome. Not generally a fan of bright marines but they do look great.

Jaspcat that squad has got so much character in it! Really looking good.

As for me I am still on track to finish my assault squad but I have hit a bit of a dead end in regards to the decals. Does anyone know a good company in the Uk that could make some decal sheets?

Make them yourself- I found the instructions here on the PC&A boards
I tried. The problem is they are black and white but if I use white decal paper they are too intricate to cut or paint around.
hmmmm... what if you used the clear paper, painted white underneath where they will go, and then clean up around it after the decal is placed?


Would not be perfect, but would be more accurate that scratch-painting, and the clean up around the edges would actually help hide the decal edge.

Ahh this is a great idea! Cheers Geektom!
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Hmmm I think you mean Geektom brother ;)


Anyway I managed to make some progress




So guys criticise away, and BBL what's the end date of month 1?

I'm close to finishing the first 7.


And thanks guys for keeping me motivated some fluff to come soon

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My new tactical Squad Gol'durn, just finished being put together

2nd Battle Company 1st Tactical Squad: the Ghosts, under the command of Veteran Sergeant Gol'durn (formerly commanded by Jer'ra)


Veteran Sergeant Gol'durn, Storm Templar 2nd Battle Company

Gol'durn, with an ease and silence in stark contrast to the bulk of his Mk.VIII power armour, approached the traitor heavy weapons emplacement from within a flanking structure. The red running down the blade of his inactive power sword told of how he had managed to silence all the sentries on this flank without an alarm being raised. Pausing in the shadow of the ruined entranceway, he briefly accounted for all the members of the emplacement.

He nodded to himself in satisfaction and made a mental note to recommend Raz'kiel and his little resistance unit yet again - even with the extensive training and aid of the Storm Templar, few other units had performed with the same excellence. As usual, their intelligence was spot on. 2 Missile Launcher teams, a squad of defenders, 3 man command unit, and a mortar team around the corner. Standard composition and make-up for the traitors.

And just enough to make things interesting for him.

Abruptly charging from the cover of the entrance, he raised his bolt pistol and took out the vox operator, the other traitors freezing in shock and fear. Gol'durn snarled.

"His Will be Done!"

Brother In'fram


In'fram is noted for the sparsity of the use of his flamer. Among the Ghosts, whose creed is stealth, he is entrusted with the weapon for this very reason. He knows that to use it prematurely could mean the deaths of his brothers, and the failure of their mission.

However, once engaged, when the need for stealth is over, he wields his weapon with consummate skill and innovation, as often targeting enemy concentrations as using it to create smoke and fire, in order to further disrupt the enemy lines and allow his brothers to weave their deadly craft.

Brother Ar'uthe


Physically the most powerful of the squad, and responsible for the squads heavy bolter, Ar'uthe also has an uncanny knack of managing to find the perfect position to cover his brothers. Quite often requiring him to quietly dispose of snipers and observation teams who use that same vantage point for the enemy.

On another note, he is also noted for the strength and accuracy of his throwing arm - thus far, between the liberation of Concordia and the current Denzarr Sector conflict, a total of 16 armoured vehicles have been destroyed by a krak grenade lobbed through their open commanders hatch by Ar'uthe.

Brother Bej'loran


Bej'loran has many roles within the Ghosts. Hacker, Auspex operator, and in an emergency their driver/pilot, he has been noted for promotion to the armory and training as a techmarine...a promotion so far turned down in preference to staying with his brothers.

Brother Tel'nor


One of two new recruits added to the 2nd in the wake of their losses on Concordia, Tel'nor arrived with the Crusade fleet alongside the company-sized group of replacements for the 4 companies recovering from Concordia and operating behind the enemy lines in Denzarr.

Brother Ven'roe


Tel'nor's mentor in the methods of the Ghosts, Ven'roe is a noted marksman and known for his ability to spot booby-traps and ambushes, no matter how well hidden. Likely to be seconded to the Deathwatch and thus promoted to the vaunted Sentinel veteran squads.

Brother Cor'ven


Brother El'oke


Cor'ven and El'oke are an odd pair - one, a feral warrior from a deathworld, the other the son of a proud noble family. Frequently clashing throughout their training, they were assigned separate squads upon their ascension to full battle-brother. By the time they were both assigned to the Ghosts under the command of then-sergeant Jer'ra, their rivalry had cooled, and under Jer'ra's tutelage they became a deadly pair of silent hunters, quite capable of silencing sentries and disabling security, pacing the way for the rest of the Ghosts.

Brother Jul'thev


The second new recruit to the Ghosts, Jul'thev has the mixed fortune of being assigned Cor'ven and El'oke as his mentors - thus his frequent assignment of carrying the gear to cumbersome for them to sneak upon enemy outposts with.

Brother Raz'kiel


Raz'kiel is the second-in-command of the Ghosts, but rarely takes command of his brothers. Instead, he has a known ability to command non-augmented humans, increasing their effectiveness as a part of Storm Templar strategy. This has been noted again several times in the Denzarr Sector, with the resistance unit under his authority, commanded by local fighter Kendra Risselson, playing a key role in several pre-crusade arrival sabotage missions and post-crusade arrival infiltration missions. He has also quietly let Chapter command aware of several possible recruits among the resistance's younger members - several of his previous choices have already been noted as exceptional members of the Scout Company.

Though he does not know it, Captain Jer'ra and Chapter Master Ta'beis have him marked for secondment to the Scout Company - and one day, it's captaincy.

Honoured Master Har'ath


Just a better shot of my Master Harath Shen counts-as.

Also, working on my Captain Jer'ra (Pellas Mir'san) for this months submission - been too busy to do more unfortunately.

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First off, everyone is making such characterful models with great paintjobs, though I have to say Excubitor and Jaspcat have taken it to another level, Ironwithout and and reaper_man have done some awesome painting, geektom I LOVE the way your guys look especially. Grotsmasha I can't wait to see your take on a modern Spartan, it looks like it's gonna be awesome. Grey Paladin that is a great looking base, it makes me a little embarassed that in comparison my bases are fairly simple. Corsair and Leinmann you guys are are such great Loremasters, one again you're gonna make me have to up another part of my game! Brother Tancred I await to see your Vets done, BattleBrotherJohn your plague marines look vile, and I mean that in the best way possible. Demus Ragnarok I really wanna see that guy with the book all painted up, Colonel Sanguin and Superstealthyninjafo looking forward to seeing more of your models.


Now as for me, I've only gotten a tiny bit more done, it seems fate is against me this month, between getting hit by a truck and a break in at work a few days later I've not had much time. Still though I figure if I can buckle down I'll get these guys done right. The lesson I'm learning though is not to switch primers, I've been using Duplicolor for a few years and while it didn't always have the best coverage amount per can and it was a bit on the expensive side it went on thin enough not to disguise details, I've switched over to rustoleum which has great coverage, but goes on too thick per press, also ebay rescue models are sometimes more trouble than they are worth. At least  though I've gotten to start painting on the new tac marine kit, and I'm generally pretty happy with it. Anyway, enough stalling, here are the next 5 guys on the docket to get done.




In my head I can hear a slight singing of "One of these things is not like the others..."

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NovemberIX- Love that vibrant yellow!

Finished another 2 Veterans which leaves me with just the Sgt to paint to complete my month's commitment. :)

I'll get a group shot and hopefully a decent bit of fluff for next time I post.

For now though here are the two newest additions to my Crimsons Fists army.


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Nice brother ;)


Okay so I finally completed the sorcerer








And I want your opinions on the new shoulderpads colour



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NovemberIX- Love that vibrant yellow!

Finished another 2 Veterans which leaves me with just the Sgt to paint to complete my month's commitment. :)

I'll get a group shot and hopefully a decent bit of fluff for next time I post.

For now though here are the two newest additions to my Crimsons Fists army.


Love the skin tones and stubble on the head- very smooth and realistic!

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Archival Note: The following are the contents of a data-slate used by one Interrogator Kolar Salek, acolyte to Inquisitor Roth Savarin, Ordo Malleus Tempestus. Interrogator Salek was one of two survivors of Inquisitor Savarin's expedition to monitor Archenemy interference with the Geledos Crusade. Upon his return to Bakka, Interrogator Salek was procedurally mind-scrubbed to retain service utility. Unfortunately, a plasma-flow disruption to the Fortress' number-sixteen generator caused a temporary surge of power to the Medicae wings, and Interrogator Salek suffered a series of debilitating electrical shocks to his memory centers. Interrogator Salek was transitioned to servitor service and now accompanies Inquisitor Kara Syren.

My name is Kolar Salek, former Chastener Secundus of the Adeptus Arbites on Salar Quintus. At least, that is what my file says. I myself have no memory of my life before the Inquisition, no memory of the planet upon which I was born, nor of the family that I left behind. I can remember every interrogation I performed, true; every question asked, every implement applied, every pregnant silence and the screams, or sobs, or mewling pleas that followed, but I remember nothing of my life. It has been scrubbed from me to deny the Archenemy purchase within the castle of my mind. I am a man that knows but three things; killing, torture, and obedience. I learned quickly not to question the will of my betters, for they are the conduit through which the will of our Immortal God-Emperor flows. That I have always remembered.

I departed from the Inquisitorial Fortress on Bakka in the company of my master, Inquisitor Roth Savarin, and his retinue of twenty-two souls. My master is a modest man for one of such import and power, preferring to travel with a minimum of baggage and personnel, and completely forsaking all ostentatious ornamentation about his body and quarters. I have always admired his discipline in this regard. Perhaps that could be considered the Inquisition’s one failing with me – their inability to scrub out the rigid discipline that years in an Arbites Precinct-House drilled into me.

We took six staterooms aboard the Emperor-class battleship His Lordly Wrath, my master wishing to situate himself in proximity to the largest shuttle bays in the fleet for ease of repositioning, should that become necessary. I was bunked with Jorvis, Quartin, Legator, Gregory and Rubin, as was typical. The six of us were all former killers of some sort according to our files, and we preferred each other’s company to that of some of my master’s more esoteric retainers. My master took the largest room, directly across the hall, as his own, and also to serve as our command post and armory while we remained upon the Wrath.

We were two days into the immaterium by the ships’ chron when old Petrov lost his mind. Kara was lucky to be at dinner when it happened; as the only other warp-touched among my master’s retainers, she shared a stateroom with the old man. Quartin got the doors barred before the old man could get out, and I followed quickly after retrieving my shotcannon from the armory. I put six rounds through the heavy oak panels, hearing the familiar BOOMBZZZZTHWUMP of the heat-seeking executioner shells finding the old man in the dark. After the room had been quiet for a time, Quartin and I entered behind a pair of stun grenades and found Petrov on the floor, leaking from a dozen holes. That night, Kara moved her things into our room, and we hung a curtain about her corner to provide a bit of privacy. The rest of the jump was pleasantly uneventful, and we all gave thanks to the Emperor for that.

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Right after being gutted by work this month and looking after a sick GF in a display of charity quite unbecoming in a member of the Astartes, I'm finally pulling the proverbial finger out and making a beginning. This month's pledge will be Tactical Squad Burabius led by Sergeant-Bearer Burabius and his 6 men.


WIP photo is incoming along with a less blurry test model

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@novemberIX thank you for the compliment. if its any consolation i love doing campaigns and their background, so for you to say that its a real compliment. as a fellow gamer i'll remember that, thank you very much.

@jaspcat those nurgle marines and sorceror look like they need either purging or complimenting. after i consult the dark gods i'll let you know tongue.png nice models dude very ... putrid?

@excubitor what can i say? great mini poses and fluff accompanying them. aside from a wow i can't say anything else. look forward to your future models tbh.

@grey paladin that fluff is what i love about 40k - thought provoking, full of tension, makes me want to read more...you've done good there chap. looking forward to more.

@chaplainmikey those CFs are excellent, true sons of dorn right there. you have a great skill with the brush brother. i can only imagine you must spend a fair few hours on each model, and it certainly shows through.

if i've missed anyone out i'm sorry its just theres such a great selection in front of me i don't know where to start. i feel i need to add some fluff for Sgt. Greseth and his squad before i say i'm complete for this month, but thats just me. the models, fluff and WIPs are looking fantastic guys, makes me feel glad to be part of this.

ADDITIONAL VOW FOR THIS MONTH: Fluff for Tactical squad Greseth in action before 18:00 27/11/13. by the will of dorn, this will be done!

edit: added in praise to a fellow crimson fist player; changed date to one i can actually do (remind me not to declare something after i've had a tipple lol)

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I may have to change up what I paint for next month as I have not been able to get my hands on inexpensive bike models- is that still ok as long as I stick to around the same number of points? I am thinking I may do my rhinos or assault termies early since I have the models now.
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