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Ultramarines 40k and Heresy Army


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So I'm finally gonna give making a forum post a go, I've been seeing quite a lot and reading a lot of forums about the Ultramarines from back 2012 and decided to add my 2 cents of my interpretation of what the Boys in blue should looks like! Starting with the Sicarius model, I've collected ultramarines since I was 11 (I'm now 21) and have never like that model lol too static, too statue like. So I pain-in-the-back-sidedly converted him to look more like the Fall Of Damnos book cover!
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Welcome to B&C Brandonmon47!


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Thanks Captain! Probably doesn't help I'm using my phone currently, but tomorrow morning I will be straight onto photos! Sure thing Maerlen! I managed to take a couple of photos already when I started building him unfortunately not as I was cutting him up, I suppose that would've been handy. But I started building him last night finished just about everything today and tomorrow will do the final touches on his cape and tidy some pieces up, also tomorrow's agenda painting my centurions!!! Which have also been cut and hacked at to make them look less.... Hmm.... Static? Rigid maybe might be the word I'm looking for?

Okay So I started off with the standard Sicarius body.. Which was a bit bland yeah? So I looked around and had seen it only really converted by two different people, both which had sawed his left shoulder (the flashy one) off and the front of his torso. Regrettably this sacrifices everything else, cape, legs etc and was a bit nervous doing so but he turned out awesome so I'm glad I went ahead with it. Sorry I didn't take as many Photos as I would've liked :( but hope this helps anyone looking to do the same or similar!!!!


After much debate and going through several swords I finally came to a conclusion on the company champion sword. The sword he had on the model just seemed to be too short. AN expert swordsman should weild something a little emore impressive and Sicarius did do sometime for a while as Second Company Champion so why not let him use the company champion sword!!!!gallery_74270_9007_751917.jpg

The Sicarius kit comes with a pretty boring plasma pistol, let's be honest yet again. Those poor techmarines and artificers get made out to be pretty boring aesthetic wise so I needed to find something that looked a little more yet again "Fall-Of-Damnosy" cover art so I had looked at a few and thought of doing some giant conversion work cutting and gluing guns together but in the end I found a piece that seemed just right as long as I adjusted a few bits. The Horus Heresy Terminator Praetor Volkite Charger was that weapon. I thought the way it sits on his hand is perfect to the way it does on the cover of the book!!!!!!! gallery_74270_9007_1405288.jpg

Well after finding all the right bits and pieces it was time for the fun stuff, please don't judge too harshly on my green stuffing skills, I've still got a lot to learn but I first cut a piece of 0.04 plasticard to shape for the cape to glue to the models back to give me some green stuff cape making area to work on. I feel it went okayish but I honestly couldn't be happier. Sorry for the poor photo quality but heres the best I can do! Hope you guys like it!!! *fingers crossed


Wow, very nice Sicarius conversion! Much better than the vanilla one. A very hero-unit pose, and the weapons look much better than the regular stuff.


As for the GS, I don't know too much, but if I had to say anything, it might be that the cloak seems a bit curvy at the edges, but it doesn't matter much. I think he'll look good with some paint on him too.

Another W.I.P, have to fix up the paint job still quite a bit, thinking of changing the helmet to a red one with a white plume and keeping the intire shoulder pauldron rim Gold, the white seems to flat against the brightness of the gold, red and blue..


Undercoated Sicarius, thought I'd try a new technique I haven't used before, I believe it's called Zennith Under Coating? Correct me if I'm wrong though. The theory behind it being that, you under coat it black, then spray a white undercoat from the top and it "naturally" brings up all the highlights hat light would normally reach. Then when you paint your layers over the top, the theory works that it should give you different shades between the white and the black and all the greys in-betweengallery_74270_9007_823399.jpg..

Interesting (and bold) technique, brother. I'll be interested in seeing the results after the application of more paint.


(Also - is it just me, or does that mini look like it's been cut-and-pasted from a grainy black and white photo? ^_^)

Thanks brother, yes it is quite bold. I've never used it before but it's a technique I'm interested in seeing how it turns out myself. I'm not sure if brush painting will take full advantage of the technique like I think an airbrush might. I've started painting and the base and shades have toned the Zennith right down, but we'll see how it looks in the final result.


Hahaha, yes it does look a bit like that doesn't it!

About Sicarius


I mean yeah...if you like your guy looking badass and ready to pose for a wicked awesome album cover. Yeah I guess that works...


(I never would of thought of positioning the champion's sword like that, I gotta try that one day)


Also no Idea the two undercoat thing had a name. But yeah I know a guy that used to use it. But he said you gotta /gotta/ paint in those thin layers everyone and their mom says you gotta. Because you need the paint's transparency to amplify the effect. If you go on just a bit too thick then the effect is lessened. Perhaps use a flow enhancer or maybe a retarder to wipe things away if you notice it's going on not how you want it too. 

Natanael, yes you will see more pics, will post tonight after work!!

Kuchinawa, I hope that means you like the model lol also, yeah I'm not sure if that's what it's actually called or not. I painstakingly did apply the paints a little too thick, so I just went ahead and did my normal blue, but I didn't think to use paint retarder. Will give that a shot the next time!

Natanael, yes you will see more pics, will post tonight after work!!

Kuchinawa, I hope that means you like the model lol also, yeah I'm not sure if that's what it's actually called or not. I painstakingly did apply the paints a little too thick, so I just went ahead and did my normal blue, but I didn't think to use paint retarder. Will give that a shot the next time!

Oh man the model looks amazing! I love the pose. I mean you did more action-y and I thats why I like him so much. The GW pose Sicrus model is good, but I think you did a cool new feel on it! It actually reminds me of how much I like to an "alt" version of a character. 


And don't worry. I'm just learning how to work on the flow and retarder myself. Tricky to be sure! But a little practice and I've noticed it can help with getting colors where I want them. 


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