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Does Nurgle have sorcerers?


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The original Death Guard Legion did not (officially) have them due to Mortarion's hate for all witches, but it is known that Typyon (now Typhus) was a psyker who suppressed his powers and, like said above, there are psychic powers for Nurgle in both C:CSM and C:CD.

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Yep. Mortarion was originally a fairly vicious critic of sorcery and psykers, largely owing to his own experiences with the alien overlords of Barbarus, but it's clear that, since the Heresy, the Death Guard and Mortarion himself have come to value their sorcerers (the sorcerers of the Death Guard are the principle means by which new Plague Marines come into being). There are also any number of other psykers and sorcerers from other legions, warbands etc that have come under Nurgle's sway and been gifted with new powers by their foetid patron.

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As has been mentioned, there were psykers in the DG, but they either suppressed their powers or were destroyed at Isstvan due to Mortarion's mistrust of them.


Calas Typhon aka Typhus hid his power, whereas Necroisus was originally just an apothecary who later bargained with nurgle for his powers.

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