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Pandorax stuff.


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Well folks, I'd like to know more about what really happens in the Pandorax novel and in the Apocalypse supplement. It'd be awesome to have more informations about the Black Legion, Abaddon, and the other traitor forces there.

Can somebody provide me/us with that kind of material ?

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The supplement's a fairly good fun wheeze; a very "old school" style narrative: Chaos invades, world descends into daemonic anarchy, hope unlooked for arrives; Chaos brought to task etc etc, but it is well presented and provides some nice detail on how both sides went about enacting their tactics. I was particularly taken by the fact that the followers of Chaos are never defeated by any oversight or stupidity on their part; merely bad fortune. In point of fact, there is a lieutenant of Abaddon's who coordinates the orbital fleets around Pandorax who is presented as being particularly cunning and capable. It's a well turned out piece of work: I wouldn't mind a go at some battles set on Pandorax at the height of the Chaos invasion: there's lots of scope for particularly gruesome terrain and battle conditions. Some nice daemon engines in the formations, too. Khorne gets all the love in this regard: nothing for Tzeentch or us Slaanesh boys, I'm afraid. Still, not a bad piece of work.

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In point of fact, there is a lieutenant of Abaddon's who coordinates the

orbital fleets around Pandorax who is presented as being particularly

cunning and capable.

You got to tell me more, buddy.
I don't mind this thread going all spoiltastic. I would even appreciate it, in fact.
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Is Huron in it? The GW website suggested he was.


Yes Huron in the novel - spolier due to part from the book.  So pretty much don't read the spolier if your not wanting it spolied



I only just got to the part where Huron show up.  Abaddon does not really like Huron, but will tolerate his help during the campign (sp?).  I do like the bit where Abaddon tell Huron that he not allowed on any of the Black Legion ship, then bait Huron in front of lieutenant Malgar Irongrasp (once a memeber of the White Consuls chapter) who in command of the fleet, asking Huron to kneel & swear oath to join the Black Legion 


Page 151

Until you take to your knee before me, you will not so much as set foot on one of my ships, let alone command one. Are you prepared to do that, pirate? Here & now.  Bend your knee & bow before me to pledge your allegiance & that of your band of renegades to the Black Legion? Willingly, & without query or rewards, make a gift to me of your spacecraft & engines of war?


I'm just on the part where the space battle has just started right now, page 174





I've enjoy reading the novel & it the first time I read a book by C.Z Dunn.  Like wise the Audio is really good as well, the one that deal with the Chapter Master of the Dark Angels & Khârn.



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Cool stuff, IP, thank you.

What finally happens to Malgar Irongrasp ?

How large is the Black Legion force there ? Are there any Red Corsairs around ?




Malgar Irongrasp – formerly Malgar Eringrisp, White Consuls Master of the Fleet lost a void battle and was captured somewhere in the Cadian system 600 years prior to the events in Pandorax, he bent his knee to Abbadon and swore eternal service to him, his new loyalty was soon rewarded when he slew Abaddon’s former admiral and ascended to command of the Black Legion’s primary fleet. 


His flagship was blasted apart by the nova-cannon of the Grey Knights Cruiser Steel Anvil and he was ended together with it.


I don't know how big the Black Legion force was, he never actually committed to battle. He was just there to get his hands on Zahariel.


There are plenty of Red Corsairs around, we even get to see former Scythes of the Emperor and an Imperial Fist in the Traitor Red of the Corsairs, Huron himself appears a couple of times and that little creature with him is immensely powerful imo

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Good stuff.


So the Black Legion don't really get many screen time. They don't battle at all ?

On the ship getting blasted, how is it happening ? Isn't it supposed to be part of the Black Fleet ? You mentionned "primary fleet", that means there are more ?

Any other Black Legion character ?

How is Abaddon ?

Cool stuff about the Black Legion ?


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Good stuff.


So the Black Legion don't really get many screen time. They don't battle at all ?

On the ship getting blasted, how is it happening ? Isn't it supposed to be part of the Black Fleet ? You mentionned "primary fleet", that means there are more ?

Any other Black Legion character ?

How is Abaddon ?

Cool stuff about the Black Legion ?


i copy pasted the part about primary so I guess there are more fleets.


have to go to work will post later today

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That guy who happens to get off the Rock?  He happens to be a <strike>rampaging psychopath</strike> Puckish Rogue who's in charge of a Red Corsair warband now.



Ah...upon further thought, that wouldn't work too good narratively.  I like the idea of having the Hydra Operative responsible for aiding that guys escape in my Warband more.

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The book is ok, It is a bit sad ,that the whole abadon thing didn't teach abadon much about sending stuff to bile. It real does make one think how huge the shipyards and gene stores BL must be . Because they must realy be huge . The ending is meh , even if we technicly win . I don't like chaos fluff which goes invasion =>good guys=>slaped around round 1 =>slaped around part 2 => hahaha I still win , because my master plan was based on my dudes being slaped around. And to be more precise it is not that I don't like action in a book drawn like that , but it is realy overdone for chaos . I read stories like that in the 90s [stupid black consul , you didn't knew that the rebels were actualy the loyalists , the alfa legion was there for smoke and mirrors and the INQ that is leads the whole thing is an alfa legion tzeench marked hidden operative << commance mustache twirling>> ] .


The Huron part was fun . The BL fleet master must either not know who huron is , or doesn't know how big his "pirate" force is or is on drugs. Good thing huron was in his sane state , when talking to him and not in the "dryad tells me to kill kill kill" one.

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All those dead dudes , all those blow up ships. We were always told that human factions chaos or not always try to reuse the hulls , destroyed ships etc because it is so hard to get replacment , sometimes it ain't even possible. Chaos loses ships and man [and by man I mean marines.] a lot.

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LOL . No but realy the number of marines going renegade must be huge and Bile must be using the RT breeding harems or something [cloning wouldn't work , too many clones and genetic material to damaged/changed] . Well there is of course magik did it as an anwser , but still.

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