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went to Throne of Skulls this weekend, battle reports added!


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So my friends and I booked this Throne of skulls awhile ago, then I was trying to make an Iron warriors list but I just couldnt get it to work, which led to me feeling annoyed with the chaos codex (yes yes I know we all are).

Suddenly, throne of skulls was a few weeks away. so I came up with a whacky silly list. And got painting.

Huron 160

2x10 cultists, flamer 110

Maulerfiend 125

3 obiterators nurgle, votlw 237

forgefiend 175

heldrake 170

herald of khorne, bloodcrusher, 1 lesser 1 greater reward, wrath 155

20 bloodletters, 1 champ with lesser reward, 1 banner of blood 235

8 khorne hounds 128


I only put votlw on the oblits because I had the spare points. Could lose that and a greater reward from the herald for 2 extra hounds. But I'm awaiting some from eBay and the less I have to paint the better. If I manage to paint up enough I'll take 10 hounds :D

I've also only had 1 game with these guys so far, hopefully I will have it all painted by friday, so when we go down I can get as many games as possible. Tactics are rather obvious. Bloodletters infiltrate, while the hounds/herald scout forwards and the maulerfiend either supports them or goes after another tempting target. Cultists do what they do best while huron either joins a cultist squad or the oblits (or I can reserve the oblits, but I'd rarely do that due to my lack of long range firepower).

I thought I'd take Khorne daemons as its called throne of skulls, so hopefully they will at least get some skulls for Khorne!

Reason I have the forge is because I like it, even though it is over costed. I also dont have a second maulerfiend, having only recently gotten the hounds and planned around having them as allies. I do have some bikes to assemble, and am thinking of trying out a lord with axe of fury on a jugger, and getting some spawn too for a better more focused list, but this what I can throw together in my limited time.


Currently painting to an extreme deadline (getting the train there friday lunch time) so I've been aiming for minimum tabletop.


Here is Cerbi, the maulerfiend. I'm not happy with him, but I need to get everything done before I can go back and add detail.



Group shot, with flash so a bit brighter then they should be, in the background are the bloodletters and herald, which are next to be painted :D


Maybe worth swapping the lesser and greater reward on the herald for the grimoire of true names, to potentially boost the doggies to a 3+ invulnerable. Also maybe split the letters into 2 units of 10 to get that extra scoring unit. Not sure on the points but if you can drop the banner and champ from the letters for more doggies that might be good.


Good luck at throne of skulls, it's usually a good laugh at warhammer world.

I had considered grabbing the grimmore, but having used it before (on horrors to get a 2++ rerollable save combined with forewarning) I have found it rather gimicky, especially with no way to modify the roll. I plan to use fateweaver leading a force and include it there, as at least he can reroll the die :D


I had considered 2x10 bloodletters, but infiltrating 20 bloodletters is fun, especially as I have a habit of rolling a 1 on a d3 for Huron's master of deception.


I do quite enjoy warhammer world, and its a friend's birthday so its probably going to get messy. Having a laugh and getting drunk will hopefully be enough :D

great news, flesh hounds arrived today and require much less work then I thought they would. So I shall be taking a unit of 10 of them as the Jeske suggested.


I also got Kharnak with them, which was a surprise :D

Right its 2.30am and I've finally finished painting, mostly :D

Not exactly happy with the standard I have reached, but pleased that I'm not having to paint at warhammer world on friday.



Here is the force, minus my heldrake because I couldn't be bothered to unpack it. Here's hoping I can get as many practice games as possible with it and actually win a few games during the tournament!

Mainly going to have fun and get drunk to be honest, I've slightly given up with trying to get chaos to be competive. I am however looking forward to trying out a tzeentch daemon army I bought from eBay which arrived yesterday. So once throne of skulls is over I shall give them a whirl and see if I can get some enjoyment out of that :D

yeah demons , if you can live with the random it is ok . Math people will probably say that with fateweaver random doesn't happen anymore  . But God I hate them , they hate me too considering the stuff I roll on their table at main events.


But gaming asisde they are realy nice to paint and , being plastic and thin you can remodel , kitbash and resculpt them easily. Even if they get FAQed in to the ground or suddenly the INQ supplement kills them dead ,there is still a lot one can do with them .+ WFB luvs its nurgle demons .

I do try my best to do battle reports, we shall see biggrin.png
I'll also try and take pictures, but often end up getting caught up with playing and forget...

And yup, daemons being random and all, but I'm feeling so fed up with the chaos codex...

That is a nice looking army.  I mean, I wish there were more actual chaos marines in it, but that ain't your fault, and what's there looks great.  I'm looking forward to hearing how the campaign went, particularly as I recently started my own counts-as Huron conversion, and I'm interested in seeing what success others have had with running him.

That is a nice looking army. I mean, I wish there were more actual chaos marines in it, but that ain't your fault,

Welcome to competitive gaming with codex heldrakes, cultists and obliterators! ;)


Good luck though nurglez, represent the ruinous powers well!

Right so I'm finally back at home after a very tiring, fun and drunk weekend :D


Yes there were no chaos marines. I've tried and tried to make a marine army work, I've got quite a few marines and was in the process of sorting them out and updating them. But using them (10 man squad, 2 specials, rhino) they are almost as costly as plague marines, and not as good. Which depressed me :(

So I made this list and it felt fun, so I went with it, as I'm bored of plague marines for the moment. I also wanted to try out Huron, as I like the options master of deception can give.



I had 1 practice game vs the same gk list I played with this list (bringing my total games up to 2!), and I won We played on a 3rd of a lovely apocalypse board. I also played 3 turns vs RebG's ravenwing list, but had to finish early due to warhammer world closing :( though I was winning we just called it null as I still could have lost in the last few turns.






All lists are rough lists from memory :D

First game was 4 objective crusade, dawn of war vs space marines. Libby, 3 twin las missile dreads, 2x5 marines in twin las razorbacks, 5 sniper scouts, 2 storm talons with typhoon missiles and 2 thunder fire cannons and a stalker (the new double autocannon tank).


I rolled a 1 for master of deception, infiltrating the bloodletters.

He took first blood killing the forgefiend, then I took out his libby with a lascannon to the face. My herald and dogs made it to his lines slightly depleted but took out his scouts, one of his thunderfire cannons and a razorback, while my heldrake took care of his remaining scoring units, he also took out mine. From turn 5 I only had Huron left, but he survived, saving 11-15 invulnerable saves and he stripped 2 hp from one of his dreads in close combat. Earning me a draw at 1-1.





Second game was the emperors will, hammer and anvil vs a lovely farsight gundam wing list. Farsight, 2 suits with meltas and missile pods 1 with dual melta, 3 suits with dual plasma each and 2 gun drones, 2x2 suits with dual burst cannons and 2 gundrones. 2 riptides with ion and 1 riptide with heavy burst cannon + upgrade to reroll nova charges and 2 missile broadsides.. Everything had interceptor apart from the melta squad.




I rolled 2 for master of deception, infiltrating the oblits into the corner behind his 2 closest riptides in this picture and outflanking a cultist squad.

I deployed the forgefiend, maulerfiend and huron on my objective. He held back farsight and the meltas to deepstrike.

I basically ran towards him and died. he got first blood while I eventually managed to take out farsight with a vector strike from the drake. Had it ended on the 5th turn we would have drawn, but on the 6th turn one of his riptides finally made it to my objective and wiped out huron and the cultists on the objective :( My army was pretty ineffective, though his nova charge rolls made this game great. In the first 3 turns he failed 7 out of 9 (even with a reroll on one of them), and his dice rolling was below average. Loss 6-1


Third game was 4 objective Big guns never tire, vanguard strike vs someone I knew but had never played.

He had wraithwing, farseer, 2 wraithseers (or what ever they are called), 5 wraithguard with flamers in a waveserpent with brightlance, 5 wraithguard with cannons in a wave serpent, 2 wraithlords with swords and 3 brightlances between them and a wraithknight (his warlord) with the str 10 cannons.




I rolled a 6 for master of deception :D Infiltrating Huron attached to the oblits in the back left corner, and the bloodletters (vanguard strike so they gained a bit of range down the right flank).




Over the course of the game my oblits and huron deal with his farseer and flamer wraiths and a wave serpent, while my forgefiend takes out his other wave serpent. My herald and doggies get mauled at range, but make it into combat with 2 wraithlords... Herald with axe of khorne kills them both over 3-4 rounds of combat (axe of khorne baby) but then get wraith cannoned to death :( His wraithknight charges the bloodletters and is tied up 3-4 game turns, while I've wiped out everything else,I also have first blood and line breaker 10-1/2


Thus ended day 1, with a draw, a loss and a win. My first 2 games I got totally out classed by range, and I really missed having a shooting phase, but my Herald redeemed himself by killing 2 wraithlords (we rolled to see what would happen if I could have charged his wraithknight, and I would have instantly killed it thanks to the axe of khorne :D )


We then celebrated my friend's birthday, and got very very drunk.


Day 2 I showed up late, and 1 player had dropped out so I had to play the spare player (a GW staff member).


Game 4, purge the alien hammer and anvil. He had a lvl2 libby, 5 inner circle knights in a landraider crusader, dread with plasma cannon, 10 tacticals with plasmagun and plasma cannon, 10 tacticals with missile with flakk and a flamer, 3 bikes with an attack bike, a vindicator and a fighter (twin las, twin heavy bolter, 6 missiles).



I rolled a 3 for master of deception, infiltrating the letters and oblits (wanted to infiltrate the oblits behind his line, but Just couldnt fit).


I managed to grab first blood thanks to a daemon forged forgefiend vs his dread, while the dogs and herald slowly killed his inner circle terminators. Huron ran in and killed his libby, while everything else killed everything else. He had 1 tactical from 1 squad left and 4 from another, while all I had was huron, 10 cultists and the oblits 7-7 (8-7).


Writing this report I realise I actually won this game, but at the time I only counted killing his libby as 1 vp instead of 2, so I actually thought it was a draw, and reported it as such. I can only blame being very hung over for this, as the GW staff member wasn't that great at remembering rules (shockingly) and I ended up letting him off a few things.







game 5 was the relic, vanguard vs imperial guard. Command squad with lascannon, infantry command squad with 2 melta, 3 infantry squads with autocannons, vet squad with 3 plasma and harkar, vendetta, squadron of 2 leman russ, executioner with plasma sponsons and a squadron of 2 artillery tanks (str6 ap3 ignore cover pie plate).


I rolled a 3 for master of deception, infiltrating the oblits and bloodletters on the farside of the large brown building in his deployment zone (those tanks are his deadpile and the oblits have slowly walked through the building)



He deployed his exectioner right next to the brown building, on the left side I scouted forwards with the dogs and he stole initiative, killing 5 dogs, but then the herald and his escort took out the veterans, the 2 leman russ (the herald killed both of them with 3 penetrating hits in 1 combat), he then killed his commander and took out his remaining artillery tank (my forgefiend had taken out the other one). we called it on turn 4 as I had the herald on 1 wound, 6 bloodletters, heldrake, 3 oblits, Huron and 10 cultists with the relic and 7 cultists who had just ralied while he had a vendetta and 2x2 guard left. 6-0. He had lost all his games though, and was a really fun guy to play, so I gave him my favourite opponent vote.


The Eldar player I played 3rd won his 4 other games, and had he gotten 1 more favourite opponent vote he would have won best Eldar...


I had fun with this army, though it did feel lacking, especially vs armies with a lot of fire power. My bloodletters managed to get into combat in 2 games, not doing much at all, but they were a very big threat that let the rest of my army survive for a few extra turns.

Due to the scoring system you place vs other people using your codex, and the overall winner is the one who does best vs the average of their race, + sporting votes. I came joint 3rd with 1 other player, though had I counted my 4th game as the win it was I would have been second :(


I really enjoyed the herald, and am looking forward to trying out Pure daemons (tzeentch + khorne) and daemon primary chaos allies. Out of the 4 daemon players 3 of them won all 5 games.


Some quick stats :D

5 blood angels

4 chaos daemons

11 chaos marines

5 dark angels

7 dark eldar

8 eldar

8 GK

6 imperial guard

5 necrons

6 orks

5 sisters of battle

12 space marines

1 space wolves

7 tau

6 tyranids


Some random pictures of Warhammer World, well worth a trip one day if its not too far :D


Pub just a door away from the hall!






nurglez - What Throne of Skulls will yourself & everone else be attending next year?  I'm possible looking that ether March or May & then September with the Iron Warriors.



Congrats on your strong showing, and thanks for the great reports & pics.


The scoring system - based not on how many games you win, but how many games you win relative to others who used the same codex - sounds like an interesting model for competitive events in a game where inter-faction balance is less than ideal.

The scoring system is what makes it a fun filled tournament. it also encourages people to bring "lesser" armies, as if there are only 2 of your codex there, you are more likely to win :D


There are only plaques as prizes, apart from having the best painted army or winning best overal that is. Though at least 3 of the daemon armies were pretty filthy (fate weaver, herald, horrors, black legion DP of tzeentch gaining 2++ rerollable, cultists heldrake).


I shall be trying out pure daemon armies at first, then maybe heading to daemon with chaos allies, or seeing what sort of filthy chaos primary daemon secondary list I can make, but who knows, it depends on my experiences :D

There were quite a few double/triple dragon lists at throne of skulls, so for me to come second among them makes me pretty happy, considering I "only" had 1 heldrake :D

I shall be trying out pure daemon armies at first, then maybe heading to

daemon with chaos allies, or seeing what sort of filthy chaos primary

daemon secondary list I can make, but who knows, it depends on my

experiences biggrin.png

And .... he is gone .

3 helldrakes are kind of a bad anyway .

Maybe just the pics , but seems like there wasn't enough LoS blockers for a casual tournament .

Heh, well I do have a tzeentch daemon army I picked up from eBay to play around with :D



I also agree that 3 heldrakes is overkill, starting with that much not coming in until turn 2-4 isn't great in my opinion, and is almost totally useless vs terminators.


WW doesn't have that much los blocking scenery, it is very much a casual tournament and winning it, while nice, doesn't really mean anything. Random pairings, lack of a big prize and playing vs your codex means it is a very casual tournament, at least in my opinion, but thats what makes it fun. And playing at warhammer world is a joy, it really is.


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