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went to Throne of Skulls this weekend, battle reports added!


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£165 big ones. Really shouldn't have. But oh well heh, seemed like a good idea at the time :D some paint jobs need touching up and a few things broke in transit, but not that much work.


2 old lords of change, daemon prince sized but on small bases

30 horrors

15 flamers

13 screamers

herald of tzeentch

converted blue scribes


soul grinder of Tzeentch

combined with my khorne stuff I've now got well over 2000 points of painted daemons. Which is nice.

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Glad you didn't post up one of the other pics. Seeing that in one place was more than enough ;)


And congrats on the 2nd.


That table you played on with JC looks amazing too.

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Good for you for taking Huron out for a spin... he's still my fave.  I like it that there were so many Chaos Marine players. (11?)


I guess 'allies' is the new gateway drug for hobbiests. I don't blame you for switching gears. I went through the exact same thing with World Eaters allied with Khorne daemons.

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Good for you for taking Huron out for a spin... he's still my fave.  I like it that there were so many Chaos Marine players. (11?)

The trick to winning at events like Throne of Skulls is to do better than than the other people with the same army.  So right off you have a better chance if you take an army most people can't win with.  It may sound odd but you actually do worse if you take a "faceroll" army. 


Think about it, if you take a daemon screamer list, odds are you will win each game ... just like everyone else that takes a screamerstar list.  To win the event you have to do better than the other screamerstars and none of them are going to do poorly.  What you want is to take an army that typically under performs and use them well -- or at least have a couple of lucky games.  You don't take CSM because you think you can beat a Tau/Eldar list.  You take them because you think you can do better than other CSM players against a Tau/Eldar list. 

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But its still random draws. I could have faced 5 tau/eldar lists while the other chaos players fought 11 year olds with their whole collection bumped up to reach 1500.


I took chaos cos I wanted to have fun and bring khorne daemons to throne of skulls :D

and infiltrating 20 bloodletters is just funny.

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should have played counts as sob. not many people bring counts as armies to more casual tournaments [well casual is probably the wrong word , but you know what I mean] and there are few players that own metal son armies.


PMs as sob, melta[ton of melta left over from 5th ed] for dominions . some sob minimax in rhinos[rhinos the bomb for pms in 5th , so more left overs]. Some cheap priest sprinkled around with any non pm looking chaos marine [or cultists ?] . choir cars as preds or vindicators [finaly a place to use vindicators] . Full sob army , few sob players good chance for high scores and even a possible best general and top of faction . +the trolling for wining best sob with a marine army would be priceless.

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Sounds... kinda dumb.  What, there's no white armored dark angel successor chaptors, now?


And while some of the conversions sound odd (converted land speeder as predator), some of the things they forced that player to use instead (dark angels big speeder variant as land raider) sound even more ridiculous.


Basically, dumb.  I wouldn't pay money to play at an event where the organizers had that kind of a bug up their rear.

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thing is, as I mentioned before, this is a GW tournament at GW HQ, of course they will be a bit stricter. I heard that a scribor heavy army won an award of something at a previous ToS, and that's probably what caused it. Considering marines have a new codex out this tournament is like the biggest gw shop to play in.


A friend of mine who was there uses 3rd party heads and weapons on dark elf/eldar bodies for his deathcult, that hasn't been brought up, though its not as obvious as some.


It's not for everyone, but I find it a mostly good natured tournament and have enjoyed it a lot, met loads of cool people there too :D

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Well I have special kind of feel for tournaments in run by GW . Bummer on the counts as. Also some of the option , were [The Rock face] .


Going with mali there on the bike army , actualy are white successors and white green succesors of DAs . What if someone made an eastern europe style army with those winged dudes etc?

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Well, colour isn't everything I guess. If markings and details clearly showed them as White Scars I guess it was an acceptable decision. I wouldn't have cared either way though if I faced them...

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Good for you for taking Huron out for a spin... he's still my fave.  I like it that there were so many Chaos Marine players. (11?)

The trick to winning at events like Throne of Skulls is to do better than than the other people with the same army.  So right off you have a better chance if you take an army most people can't win with.  It may sound odd but you actually do worse if you take a "faceroll" army. 


Think about it, if you take a daemon screamer list, odds are you will win each game ... just like everyone else that takes a screamerstar list.  To win the event you have to do better than the other screamerstars and none of them are going to do poorly.  What you want is to take an army that typically under performs and use them well -- or at least have a couple of lucky games.  You don't take CSM because you think you can beat a Tau/Eldar list.  You take them because you think you can do better than other CSM players against a Tau/Eldar list. 


I was at ToS with my Dark Eldar. I was bored at work so I worked out the results based on win %. Thought you guys might find it interesting.


Codex Players Win %

Chaos Daemons 4 85.00

Eldar 8 72.50

Necrons 5 64.00

Space Wolves 1 60.00

Dark Eldar 7 57.14

Tyranids 6 53.33

Sisters of Battle 5 52.00

Tau Empire 7 51.43

Grey Knights 8 50.00

Space Marines 12 45.00

Chaos Space Marines 11 34.55

Dark Angels 5 32.00

Orks 6 30.00

Blood Angels 5 28.00

Imperial Guard 6 20.00

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Nice report. Concise but informative.


I like the feel of ToS tournaments though they could make it even more fair by adding a Swiss style to the top armies at least. That way a poor smuck doesn't get smashed to pieces just because you randomly come up against dirty Tau every game.

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Bugger those decisions.  WYSIWYG should not, and for the freaking health of the hobby CANNOT be extended to include paint jobs and fluffy decoration on models.  You show up with a codex and you make sure that your models' equipment matches up with the codex and what your list contains.  Anyone calling foul because it's the 'wrong' color scheme or the decorative bits are too wolfy/lizardy/evil/whatever is being :cuss.  Because guess what, that was a DA successor chapter that's managed to gain the interest of the Inquisition due to their activities, so they've started using the colors and markings of other chapters in the hopes that the Inquisition won't stumble upon one of the Fallen they're chasing.


The Land Speeder Predator is kind of goofy though.  Probably not modeling for advantage since it's on a flying stand, but not sure how you manage to make it look even remotely substantial enough to have MBT armor.

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Looks like you had fun...


The one thing I noticed from your pics is the lack of decent LoS blocking terrain in the centre of the tables. Which isn't likely to help an assault oriented army like yours.


Also, I have to agree with the captain, a random draw isn't often the fairest of systems. It might be better if they organised the games at the start of the tournament according to a combo of "army score" and "player seeding", with the later rounds taking game results into account.


That way the earlier games are decided by player skill (and a certain amount of luck) as opposed to "who has the most OP list" with later rounds remaining competitive by taking results into account and scaling the "tournament scores" appropriately.


This would result in a winner that won through being the most skillful player. Which is surely the point of a tournament.


Finally, that decision on counts-as is utterly terrible. His army wasn't truly counts-as as he was using appropriate GW models, just painted in a different scheme. It would be easy to explain that he was using the DA codex, and I doubt anybody who attended would have found that confusing in any way.

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thing is, as I mentioned before, this is a GW tournament at GW HQ, of course they will be a bit stricter. I heard that a scribor heavy army won an award of something at a previous ToS, and that's probably what caused it. Considering marines have a new codex out this tournament is like the biggest gw shop to play in.

A friend of mine who was there uses 3rd party heads and weapons on dark elf/eldar bodies for his deathcult, that hasn't been brought up, though its not as obvious as some.

It's not for everyone, but I find it a mostly good natured tournament and have enjoyed it a lot, met loads of cool people there too biggrin.png

I've played both sides of the fence. The kind of tournament you were at has always been (imo) for the fun of the game which is great. I've been at tournaments which were super strict, and one where my opponent tried to use paper mache on a Daemon Prince and he was told to rip them off or get kicked out of the tournament. lol

I'm glad you had fun and hopefully you don't stray too far from CSM. I'm sure papa Nurgle will always take you back. ;)

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I wish they introduced swiss pairing or something like that. However this is gw at its most non competitive. People would walk past the top tables and have ill will to the 8 people doing well with their over powered armies.


the terrain could be better, but you can move stuff around if you and your opponent agree.


also multiple best army awards are sometimes better then winning a game. If player 1 has won 5 games and got no best player votes while player 2 wins 4 games and gets 3 votes player 2 will have more points then player 1.


thanks captain Idaho for the "praise", I find that style of reports easier to write and also read, a blow by blow account, while nice, is long. And doing it for 5 battles is even longer!

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Once again, thanks. I didn't take as many pictures as I could, due to getting caught up in the game and chatting to my opponent or having a look around at how other chaos players were doing :D


Currently might be going in march again with a few friends, but we shall see, with new nids and imperials rumoured to be coming out by then, and also possibly an ork codex, things could get interesting :D

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The Land Speeder Predator is kind of goofy though.  Probably not modeling for advantage since it's on a flying stand, but not sure how you manage to make it look even remotely substantial enough to have MBT armor.

Sammael's Land Speeder has AV14. Armour need not be limited to solid metal plates.
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